Chapter 15

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"I love you Wang Yibo... I really do."--Xiao Zhan.



3rd Person Pov
Huang Mansion

Downstairs, Wang Yibo was looking talking to someone, when he noticed that Xiao Zhan has still not come.

'What could have made him talk so much time??... He's never been this late. And where is that waitress?? Did something happened?' Wang Yibo thought.

He was thinking all this and about to go there when Wang Zi Xuan walks to him.

"Hey Yibo... What are you doing? The music is about to start.. Come and dance with me." Wang Zi Xuan said.

She slides her hand on his elbow.

Wang Yibo looks at her with raised eyebrow.

"Leave my hand." Wang Yibo said with dominant voice.

Wang Zi Xuan trembles but didn't remove even after Wang Yibo's warning. But the turth is she felt creeps on her body.

Wang Yibo was about to remove her hand but Shela Huang interferes.

"Hurry... Go kids and dance.. All of the people are watching you guys.. What will they say huh? Come on.. Go and enjoy your time." Shela Huang said with sweet smile.

Before Wang Yibo can say anything, Shela Huang and Lily Wang pushes them both on the dance floor.

The hall suddenly becomes dim with blue and pink light and only a single golden light that is on the centre of all lights.

A slow soft romantic music starts and all the couples begin to dance intimately.

Wang Zi Xuan hold Wang Yibo's hands and place them on her waiste. While she place her hands on his broad shoulders. She begins to move with Wang Yibo slowly and initmately.

But Wang Yibo's attention was never in the dance. His eyes were continuesly roaming in the crowd to find his only Love.

From above, Xiao Zhan sees everything. His eyes become watery after seeing another person intimately close to his man.

'Yibo...' Xiao Zhan thought.

Ha Peng tries to open his frok's zip from behind when Xiao Zhan sees a glass bottle. He reache his hand to take it and make a move to smash it on Ha Peng's head. But Ha Peng was fast and grab his hand.

Ha Peng push his hand harshly on the wall making the bottle to break into half. Xiao Zhan take that half bottle and slithe it on Ha Peng's stomach making bloody cut.

Xiao Zhan becomes terrified after seeing his own action. His tears began to fall. Ha Peng groans in pain and bent down holding the cut.

Seeing the chance, Xiao Zhan runs to the window and sees outside.

Down in the hall, Wang Yibo becomes restless. Shela Huang and Lily Wang enjoy their couple dance together. And Wang Zi Xuan enjoys being close to Wang Yibo.

'Hmm... You are finally mine Wang Yibo... I love you my hero.' Wang Zi Xuan thought with a smile.

Wang Zi Xuan's head was on Wang Yibo's chest. He didn't bother because he was busy finding Xiao Zhan.

Suddenly, he saw the waitress passing by. He immediately stop her buy calling.

"Hey! You!" Wang Yibo shouted.

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