Chapter 16

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"You came in my life like a fairy and cast magic of your love on my soul forever..."-- Wang Yibo.


3rd Person Pov
Huang Mansion
Same day when Wang Yibo left after cutting off his relation with his Aunt.

Shela Huang and James Huang were sitting in their bedroom for past half an hour. No one is said anything. There is a pin drop silence. When James huang decided to break the silence.

"Now will you speak? Or are you planning to stay mute for half hour more??" James Huang asked in annoyance.

"I... I did what i felt best for him." Shela Huang replied while stuttering.


Shela Huang jumped slightly from her place due to the sudden slam on the coffee table. James Huang looks furiously at her.

"How dare you?! How can you even think about taking such filthy step??" James Huang said.

"I only did what was best for him as the only relative of Wang Yibo... and with that street prostitute how will he face the world?? How will he have heirs with a boy??" Shela Huang said as she looked at her husband.

"We shouldn't care!... Whether he have children or not!... That's his problem to be solved... You have no right to interfere in his life!... To him, we are only someone who should be happy with whatever he loves and chooses. So for God sake stop interfering in his life and let that boy be happy. I beg you." James Huang said with joined hands and left the room.

Shela Huang sat there quietly with her husband's words roaming in her head.


06:10 am ( Morning )

Morning sun rised and it's rays filled the room of a luxurious room. A body is layed on the bed with a warm blanket sheet covering the body. While a man stood on the balcony enjoy or fresh breeze of the morning.

Xiao Zhan's eyes opens and he looked beside him. The place where with the man he spent the night should be, was nowhere. He slowly got up and looked around the room, when his eyes glanced at the bare back of a person standing on the balcony.

Xiao Zhan smiled with a red hue on his cheeks and stood up from the bed slowly. A hiss escaped from his mouth from the soreness in his legs. Xiao Zhan also noticed a white shirt on his body which belonged to Wang Yibo.

Xiao Zhan slowly walked towards the balcony while gripping his waist. As he reached there, he slipped his arms around the bare waist of his boyfriend.

Wang Yibo looked down at the hands that hugged him sneekily and holds them in his one huge hand. He looked over his shoulder and smiled slightly.

"You are up?" Wang Yibo said.

Xiao Zhan had his head placed on Wang Yibo's back.

"Hmm... And when did yo-" Xiao Zhan stopped his sentence when he smelled an awful air.

*Sniff* *Sniff*

"Yibo... Where is this gross smell of smoke coming from??" Xiao Zhan said with a cute expression of disgust ness.

Xiao Zhan moved his head around the balcony in search of the producer of the awful smell. Wang Yibo panicked and about to throw the producer of the smell, when a hand caught his wrist.

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