Friends BJYX💕

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I am sorry first of all for late update and secondly, im gonna upload the chapters and upcoming stories but not with pictures anymore☹....

Actually during the pause, i went to my grandma's home and they don't have internet in their house as they barely shifted.

But when i came back home after 2 days, the wattpad suddenly stopped working...

It was saying ;

      Unable to establish connection secure.

I tried each n every way...send help to the app team and many more things...

At the end, i was crying and couldn't figure out anything so i was juat about to give up and thought of deleting it nd downlaoding Wattpad again..

But then suddely my eyes landed on my brother and i began to think something....then an idea came and i got a hope as my brother is bery gppt with computer stuff.

I asked help from him and he told me about the app after asking me what is this app for??.....i told him and he said This App is an Canadian app.

He downlaoded VPN and now it is helping me...i was so releifed but still the little problem was that i can't uplaod pictures during the story writing ( which is sad ) but as long as i got the app open and can upload the story....Im not worried...

So please do appreaciate my stories and I was crying as i thought about u guys too...not want to loose u BJYX and my hardwork..


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