Chapter 13

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"I wanted to love you... Becuz i never wanted to see you hurt."--Xiao Zhan.


3rd Person Pov
Wang mansion

3rd Person Pov°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°Wang mansion°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°

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08:10 am ( Morning )

It's early morning. The mansion is in a peaceful silence with just birds chirping.

In the bedroom of a mansion is a huge bed. A muscular man is laying there. Wang Yibo moves his hands at the side of bed. When he feels that there is no presence, he opens his eyes with a jerk.

Sitting on a bed, he rubs his face with his big hands. Wang Yibo looks around the house and found no one in the bed room. His brows furrows and he walks out of the bed.

Coming outside of the room, he looks here and there on the second floor but still finds no one. Wang Yibo walks down the stairs and checks the living room. He then searches in the dinning hall as well but finds no one.

Finally, at last he decides to check the kitchen. Before he enters, his nose gets an aroma of mouth watering dishes. As he walks in the kitchen, the sight catche his eyes.

Xiao Zhan, was pouring the tea from kettle into the cups for two and humming a song in his sweet voice. Wang Yibo smiles and walks towards him from behind.

While mixing the tea, Xiao Zhan feels two arms wrapping around his small waiste. He looks down and smiles. Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan both look at each other for a moment and kiss each other good morning. It was a beautiful morning peck on lips.

"Good Morning, love." Xiao Zhan said.

"Good Morning, wifey." Wang Yibo said.

Xiao Zhan turns his focus back on his work and Wang Yibo peeks from his shoulder.

"When did you woke up?" Xiao Zhan Asked.

"Like... 10 minutes ago. And you?" Wang Yibo asked back.

"I woke up 20 minutes before you... Well i was thinking of bringing the breakfast in our room. But you are already up... So let's just eat it here." Xiao Zhan said with a smile.

"Hmm.." Wang Yibo replied.

Xiao Zhan didn't notice Wang Yibo's way of replying as he was busy in preparing breakfast. Suddenly, his body shudders when he feels his neck being kiss and sucked.

Xiao Zhan lowers his head alittle and turns to face Wang Yibo.

"Yibo... Not now. It's early morning." Xiao Zhan said in low voice.

"I can't you look so tempting honey.." Wang Yibo replied in deep whisper.

Wang Yibo indeed can't resist. Xiao Zhan was in his white n british style night dress. His right shoulder was showing off because the sleeve was loose. It made him look too sweet for his boyfriend.

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