Chapter 1

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You woke to the sound of your alarm. You had thought today you had school, but really you just had forgotten to turn off the alarm the night before.

'What a relief' you thought. The last few days of school had been hell. Luckily, you were out for Halloween.

In fact, today was the day before Halloween. Halloween was probably the best time of year. Candy, Wild parties, costumes, and epic hangovers. Of course, you'd never truly experienced a hangover. Your friend Stu sure had though, and epic is what he called them. You'd had a few drinks before, but nothing to get you hungover.

You decided to get out of bed, seeing it was 5AM, you felt tired, but it's not like you'd be able to go back to sleep. That never works. You exit your room and scamper down stairs to get breakfast. You pour some Cinnamon Toast Crunch and milk into your bowl and waddle back up the stairs ever so carefully.

You sit on your bed an turn on the TV. Since it's almost Halloween, you might as well watch Halloween for the 1000 time. Before you turn it on though, your phone starts ringing. Really, really loud, compared to the dead silent house.

'Fuck' you think. You pick it up and angrily whisper, "Hello?!". You're met with heavy breathing. "This isn't fucking funny. Its 5 in the morning. The fuck do you want?!". You're met with a deep, ear-piercing chuckle that makes you jerk the phone away from your ear.

"Hello, Y/n" the voice says.

You're shocked by how deep and eery the voice is, but after a second of shock, you muster, "W-who is this??".

Its silent for a second, and your heart is racing, but the voice speaks in a clear, crisp voice: "Your worst fucking nightmare" before a burst of laughter starts ringing in your ear, and you know, you've just been pranked by Randy fucking Meeks, your best friend.

"Fuck, Randy! You scared me you bastard!" Randy continues to laugh for a whole nother minute before you start to get annoyed. "Fuck you, Meeks". You hang up, only for your phone to start ringing again, 1 minute later. You pick it up and hold up your ear, still hearing almost-silent chuckles from Randy.

"Y/n I'm really sorry" you hear another voice say as Randy breaks into another laughing fit.

"Stu?", you ask, surprised to hear his voice.

"Yep, its me". You still hear Randy's small suppressed laughs in the background.

"Why are you and Meeks hanging out? You never do". You hear what you guess to be Stu smacking Randy and cussing at him before he returns.

"We just thought we'd decorate for the big halloween party I'm having, but Meeks got the great idea to prank call you soooo....but it was pretty funny, until he wouldn't stop. Fucking. Laughing." You chuckle a bit. You love these two. They've been your best friends for years. You there have been so many times where they've just pranked you for no apparent reason.

"Okay, well, I'm gonna go now, me, Tatum, and Sidney are going to get stuff for the party today." You say.

"Sounds good. See you then". You hang up and look down at your now, soggy cereal. Whatever, fuck it.

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