General Theory

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Please read the Introduction before this. Thanks!     

     As all of you know, Councillor Oralie turned out to be Sophie's biological mother (I will shorten this to BM). And since then onwards, I had this strong feeling that the biological father (Also shortening this to BF) would be a Telepath. And I came to this conclusion because Sophie's enhancing is the strongest with Telepaths and Empaths. So I think since Oralie is an Empath, Sophie's BF would be a Telepath. This way, it makes the most sense to me.

     I know some theories were rejected by Mr. Forkle but it's possible that he was lying. So I am going to include those I think are possible BF of Sophie, even if they were proven to be wrong by Mr. Forkle.

     So in this book, I will introduce some Telepaths to you, together with the reasons why I think they are possible. Of course, I will include some reasons why they might not  be possible too just so that you can consider them in different perspectives. 

     Hope you enjoy this book!

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