Quinlin Sonden

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     And here comes the next candidate: QUINLIN! He's not a very important character in the KOTLC series as you know, so there will be fewer evidences. But still, we need to consider him too as he is a Telepath.


     1. He is a powerful Telepath like Sophie as he is the Keeper.

     2. When he and Alden tried to perform the memory break on Prentice, Quinlin had some doubts about the memory break. This might be because he knew Prentice was hiding Sophie.

     3. He decided to look after Amy when she stayed in the Lost Cities and this could be because Amy was Sophie's sister.

     4. He and Alden searched for Sophie in the Forbidden Cities. 

     Areas that do not fit to be a BF:

     None as of now.

Please comment below if you have any more evidences/areas that do not fit to be a BF. Thanks!

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