Tiergan Alenefar/Granite

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     One of the most possible elf here! I strongly believe Tiergan (aka Granite) is Sophie's BF! Please comment below if you are with me!  


     1. He is very caring towards Sophie.

     2. He came back to Foxfire to teach only because of Sophie.

    3. According to Mr. Forkle, the BM and BF do not know each other well. If Mr. Forkle was telling the truth, since Oralie and Tiergan are not close, there is a high possibility of Sophie's BF being Tiergan.

     4. Tiergan was willing to extend his stay as a mentor in Foxfire only when Sophie was to be his prodigy.

     5. He has blond hair like Sophie.

     6. And the most crucial part is here! In Book 1, this part acts as a great evidence: "'My real parents must've wanted to get rid of me,' Sophie whispered. Tiergan closed his eyes, and pain seeped into his features. 'Trust me, Sophie, no one 'got rid of' you. Don't you know how special you are?'"

     Areas that do not fit to be a BF:

     1. Sophie and Tiergan spent a lot of time together and it seems impossible for Tiergan to keep a huge secret from her.

Please comment below if you have any more evidences/areas that do not fit to be a BF. Thanks!

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