Mr. Forkle/Magnate Leto/Sir Astin

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     Before I start, I would like to say a big thank you to Queen_Marella for the very first comments!

     And moving on to the theory. Just to let you know, I'm talking about the both Mr. Forkles here and not just the one who is currently alive.


     1. Although Mr. Forkle said he is not Sophie's BF, we can easily find a loophole in his words. He might have meant that although he is not Sophie's BF, his twin is. Because in this way, he is technically not lying.

     2. He has an impenetrable mind like Sophie.

     3. When Sophie was kidnapped, he was planning to rescue Sophie first then rescue Dex. This may mean that he cared for Sophie more than Dex.

     Areas that do not fit to be a BF:

     1. Mr. Forkle often refuses to give information to Sophie or even if he does agree, he is normally reluctant to do so. If he was Sophie's BF, he should be more willing to share information. This is not a concrete evidence though because he might have just feared for Sophie's safety.

Please comment below if you have any more evidences/areas that do not fit to be a BF. Thanks!

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