Alden Vacker

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     Well another unlikely person to be the BF of Sophie: Alden. Sorry that I am introducing those who are unlikely to be a BF first but those who I think are possible to be Sophie's BF are coming up soon so stay tuned!


     1. Like Fitz, he is very caring towards Sophie and Sophie trusts him like her own father.

     2. Alden was determined to find Sophie when she lived in the Forbidden Cities, possibly because he knew Sophie was his daughter.

     3. He wanted to adopt Sophie when she first came to the Lost Cities and when Grady and Edaline had canceled her adoption. 

     4. When his mind broke, Sophie spotted some fragments of memories portraying her, together with Alden's family. This might be because Sophie was Alden's daughter and considered her as part of his family.

     5. Alden fully opposed the decision of Sophie wearing an Ability Restrictor. However, this is not enough to support the possibility of Alden being Sophie's BF as all of Sophie's friends and family did not support this decision.

     Areas that do not fit to be a BF:

     1. Sophie and Alden spent a lot of time together and it would have been quite impossible for Alden to keep this huge secret from her for such a long time.

     2. A father would not have given up his search for his daughter so easily like what Alden did with Sophie when she was kidnapped. 

Please comment below if you have any more evidences/areas that do not fit to be a BF. Thanks!

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