Chapter 4

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As the week ended, I praised each of my classes on a great start to the term. I had real high hopes for some of them. And as long as the ones who weren't quite as gifted at least enjoyed their lessons, then that would suit me fine.

I was getting on well with most of the other staff and felt much more comfortable around them. I'd gotten over my embarrassment of the whole 'Mr Iero' situation and could see now that I'd clearly overreacted with how humiliating it was. Frank was clearly only messing about with me. I could see that now.

Frank and Lindsey were probably my closest colleagues, possibly because we all worked along the same corridor and had similar interests, i.e., art, music and movies. Lindsey was pretty funny and very good looking. Frank convinced himself that we were the three favourite teachers in the school. Frank obviously was, with his banter with the kids and his 'no fucks given' attitude. It somehow earned him more respect than all of the older stuffy teachers put together.

He had been to my classroom earlier to remind me that it was Friday night drinks and told me he'd wait for me in the car park after school. Earlier in the week I'd been trying to come up with excuses for not going, but now I was actually ok with it.

As the class left, I finished up a bit of last minute work, before loosening my tie and brushing my hands through my hair. With a spritz of body spray and a piece of gum in my mouth, I was ready to go.

I found Frank leaning against his car with a smoke hanging from his mouth as he waved over to me. Damn he looked good.

"You ready?" he smiled as I approached him.

I nodded and he loosely draped an arm across my shoulders, guiding me towards his car.

I left my car there and would come back for it in the morning. I climbed into the passenger seat of Frank's car and inhaled the intoxicating smell of leather mixed with tobacco. It made me crave a cigarette, so I pulled one from my pack and lit up.

"Didn't take you for a smoker Gerard" Frank stated.

"Yeah" I replied. "Can't seem to kick the habit."

"Well it suits you" he smiled, again winking.

'What the fuck is with the winking?' I thought to myself. I tried to picture whether he was like that with everyone but couldn't remember. I was probably over analysing everything as usual.

Everyone was already at the bar when we arrived, and all waved us over enthusiastically. Getting drinks, we then headed over to them. I was stood round a tall table, mainly talking to Lindsey and Frank, but occasionally chatting to others too. As the night went on, Lindsey became more and more flirty with me. She kept leaning against me or wrapping her arms around me. I convinced myself it was the drink, but she was saying some really suggestive stuff and at one point even squeezed my ass.

"Okay Linds!" Frank scolded. "I think you've made your point now."

"What do you mean?" she slurred in reply.

"Lindsey" he said quietly, clearly hoping only she would hear. "You're making him uncomfortable. Just fucking back off."

"Fuck off Frank" she snapped back. "I'm only teasing. You don't mind do you Gerard?"

"No it's fine" I fake laughed, causing Lindsey to laugh along too.

Frank just looked at me and rolled his eyes. "Whatever" he snarled, before walking away to talk to someone else.

Lindsey continued her relentless flirtation and I couldn't really shake her off, especially as I was now alone with her. She ran her fingers through my hair and played with my tie. I tried to back away and catch Frank's eye, but he just carried on talking to someone else.

In order to cope with Lindsey, I found myself drinking far more than I usually would have, and before I knew it, I was laughing along and flirting back with her. I suddenly realised that she had her hands wrapped around my neck and was leaning very close. I also noticed that my arms were around her waist holding her in place. She closed the gap between us and drunkenly shoved her lips against mine. I think I kissed back for a split second, before pulling away. As I did, I clocked Frank looking over from behind Lindsey, before quickly averting his eyes as he realised I'd noticed him. I recoiled from Lindsey and excused myself to the bathroom.

When I returned, I purposely avoided Lindsey and instead looked around the room for Frank. I couldn't see him anywhere, and when I asked Casey where he'd gone, she told me he'd headed home.

I didn't hang around much longer myself and soon found myself stumbling through my front door and collapsing onto the sofa, the image of Frank burrowing its way into my head.

I woke the following morning with an insatiable thirst and a pounding head. Once fully awake, I recalled the events of the night before and what had happened with Lindsey.

'Oh shit' I thought to myself. How the hell was I going to face everyone in work on Monday?

I crawled back into bed and did very little for the rest of the weekend.

Sheepishly walking into school on Monday, I just went straight to my classroom and avoided the staff room at all costs. Passing the music room, I could here faint strumming. Peering through the little window I noticed Frank sat playing. No students, just him, playing and occasionally jotting something down on a scrap of paper. I was tempted to knock. I really wanted to in fact. But Friday night's antics had put me off facing anybody.

I scurried away and instead immersed myself in my work for the rest of the day, staying at my desk for lunch.

As the week progressed, I relented and made my way into the staff room. Nobody said anything, and as usual I seemed to have overthought the matter. Frank wasn't his usual jovial self but was pleasant all the same. Still, he didn't call into my classroom as he did the week before for a chat or anything. He was probably busy.

I avoided Lindsey as much as possible, but by Wednesday afternoon she was sat in my classroom, seemingly picking up the flirting from the week before. I have to admit, it was kind of flattering, but my mind was on Frank, and wanting to talk to him instead.

As Friday came around, I was again invited for drinks. I politely refused, saying I already had plans.

That wasn't necessarily a lie. I did have plans. I just didn't know how the fuck I'd ended up with them, and as I sat in a restaurant opposite Lindsey, I cursed myself for being so weak. Why the fuck couldn't I just say no when she'd asked me out?

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