Chapter 2

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I went over to Barbara's and planned on staying the night. It took me a while to finally explain what had happened because I was just so petrified, but after she didn't stop digging I told her the whole story, starting from the footsteps over to the scary message on my window. Understandingly she freaked out just as much as I did.
As for today I decided to take a day off to figure out what to do. I planned on going to the mall, and use my free time to take care of grocery's and any other errands I needed to run.
"I can come with you okay Y/N? It's no big deal.
I don't want you walking around town all alone, while you might get chased by some creepy stalker" Barbara said while blow drying her hair.
„Thats really thoughtful of you, but I don't want you to get in trouble for missing you shift at Danny's, just because of the shit I have to deal with.It's too much."
I said while brushing my teeth besides her.
She turned the blow dryer off and clicked her tongue at me.
"Girl can you stop being such a cliché horror character for once and let me look out for you ??!!"
I shrugged while grabbing my backpack and smoothly throwing it over my shoulder.
I already wanting to head outside to my car when I heard Barb calling after me.
"Oh wait, I remember I wanted to ask you if you wanted to join me to come to this pool party of an old friend of mine. I've known her since pre-school, and I bet you guys would get along great. And there is like...a pretty high chance we'll encounter some cute college guys. What do you think?"
Barb asked me with hopeful eyes.
To be completely honest, going to a totally packed pool party, with dozen of weird strangers didn't seem like the best idea, after receiving a message like I did just a day ago. I was about to decline, when Barbara quickly added,
"Oh come on, hunny! Just think about the new people you will get to know?! You always complain to me about not having any friends, even after already being here for so long? So please come along with me and let me help you change that."
She had a point.
How many times did I lay in bed every single night of the week, dreading for something slightly entertaining to finally happen.
I rolled my eyes at her.
"Oh my god fine! But only under one condition gotta help me find a cute dress to wear."
I could hear her giggle with pride.
"Ha, you can bet on that babe!"
It was a nice warm day out when we arrived at the mall, and right away I had so much fun with Barbara that I almost forgot the crazy things that happened to me at home.

At some point we came across a fancy clothing store, with stunningly sown, handmade dresses displayed in it's window.
"Wow look at this one Barb!"
I said completely overwhelmed as I noticed a short deep green dress with rhinestone straps and matching slit on the bottom of the lower skirt.
It was prefect and I was more than willing to spend a good amount of my hard earned money on it.
"Woah, I mean if you really decide to show up in this, I can't promise you that you're not the only one, resting in your bed tonight.."
She seductively wiggled her eyebrows to which I playfully pushed her away from me.

From there on we carried on shopping for a few more hours while enjoying each others company. Towards the late afternoon I dropped Barbara off at her house and carried on to head home myself.
I opened my trunk to get my incredibly heavy shopping bags out and wobbled towards my door.
As if it was a the starting sign for an incoming bad night, one of the bags suddenly ripped.
I squinted my eyes together in annoyance while deeply exhaling because of the unnecessary problem I had to deal with.
"Cheap ass bag.."
I angrily tried picking up the fallen clothing pieces when another hand already snachted all of them away from me.
I looked up and immediately my pupils dialated double their regular size.
"Oh I-it's you again. What a coincidence.."
I fumbled with the strings of the other bags while looking at the blond haired man in front of me.
He was shirtless, only in shorts and covered in sweat.
I tried to play off my discomfort by suddenly taking a crazy interest in the street sign that was located behind of him. He shot me a playful smile, while running his hand through his sweaty hair.
"Yeah that's what I thought. Actually I was just attempting my usual jog around the block and there you were."
"Oh really? So you live around here right?" I asked out of curiosity.
Billy pulled a pack of cigs out of his shorts and light one for himself to smoke.
"Eh I mean ...not like actually around..around here but also not crazy far away either, if you know what I mean?"
I chuckled at his sudden distress and pushed some strains of hair behind my ear.
"I think I do.."
He held eye contact with me while exhaling some smoke, and slightly licked his lips.
Well I think I gotta get inside now and-"
"Let me help you with those bags sunshine."
Before I could protest anymore Billy grabbed all of the bags out of my hands and made his way inside, following the stairwell upstairs and waited in front of my apartment door.
I followed him but stood a few steps down the hall, watching him casually lean against my front door frame.
"Hey, um why do you know where I live? I don't think I even told you my name yet?"
I suspiciously kept my distance and fiddled with my keys in hand to, in the worst case scenario, defend myself.
He slowly turned his head towards my direction and smiled warmly at me.
"Oh Y/N but you already did. Have you seriously forgotten? You know mine too don't you?"
I thought about his words ...maybe he did told me his name before, and my head was just messing with me, still processing all the weird shit that happened last night.
"I-I guess I really forgot then. I'm sorry its been a long night."
I said and opened the door, now walking in front of him.
"Don't worry about it sweet cheeks. I'll make sure you won't forget it anytime soon again haha."
He chuckled mysteriously and put the bags on my kitchen table.
I ignored his odd comment and simply thanked him for his help.
When I walked him to the door his eyes met mine again and I had the needing urge to defend my unusual behavior.
"Listen um..I'm sorry if I'm being so distant the whole time.. it's just a really strange time for me.
I'm still trying to figure things out, being new in town and all that jazz."
I said trying to sound reasonable and nervously pressed my hands close together.
He then took my chin in his hand and made me look at him.
"Hey Y/N, I said don't worry about it. Now that you know me things will change and I'll make sure nothing will happened to you okay?"
I smiled gratefully and planted a quick peek onto his cheek.
"Thats very sweet of you Billy. Thank you for being so kind to me, even tho we just met."
"It's funny you know. It feels like I've known you for a long time already.."
He nodded and walked outside again.
I stood a moment behind the door, still thinking about him standing there.
In my mind I thought that he, in every way, was way to much for me to handle, but in my heart all I wanted to do was spend some more time with him.
I mean I can see why he held a playboy title back in high school.
He was definitely a flirt and he knew it. But I think that's what made him so intriguing to me.

Later that night I got ready and waited for Barb to finally pick me up to go to the announced party.
I took a last glance into the mirror and smiled at myself.
I really looked like a badass.
I had my beautiful dress on and some black sandal heels with a little black bag on my side and on top painted my nails with a shiny black nail color.
I took a glanced at the clock and made my way downstairs where Barb already waited for me in the car.
"There you are I though you never manage to come downstairs."
I got in and was hit with way to loud music tapes blasting in my ears.

In a matter of minutes we made it into the driveway of her friend and you could already hear the music playing from inside and groups of people talking outside.
"Stay calm Y/N, we will have a blast!"
She excitedly screamed making me laugh out loud.
We intertwined our arms together and walked up a couple of stairs leading to the front door.
As we walked by some crowds of people I noticed some boys turn they're heads to my direction and some girls talking to one another when they saw me, while scanning me from top to bottom.
"Barbara..I-I think the people here already talk shit about me .." I whispered.
"Honey I would be jealous too if I looked like trash and a stunning bitch like you walked inside...
but I don't so we're good"
I laughed at her comment and tried my best to ignore them.
Inside it looked like someone dropped a bomb.
Beer cans and cigarette buds covering the majority of the house, drinking contests that made people almost pass out, couples eating each other's faces off and sweaty frat boys violently pushing the remaining  people around, all throughout the dancefloor.
"Barbara baby! You're finally here!"
A girl with two high ponytails and a cheerleading uniform yelled and embraced Barb in a tight hug. "Hey Lindsey! Thanks for the invitation again, it looks fucking insane!"
Barb said and lit herself a cigarette.
"I know right got a bit out of hand but nothing my daddy can't fix" She said grinning.
Ugh I hated girls like that.
Unappreciative of their parents support, and spoiled like a newborn throughout their complete lifetime. "This is my friend Y/N by the way. She moved to Hawkins a few months ago and is in desperate need of a fresh set of new friends!" Barb yelled,
making me wish I could melt into the ground beneath my feet.
"Thanks Barb. Real smooth."
I said while rolling my eyes at her and shooting Lindsey a good old fake smile.
"You are funny Y/N. Feel free to use any room of this house too have sex or do some coke ..EXCEPT my own of course."
Lindsey smiled brightly and took Barb with her leaving me all alone.
"Thanks.." I said more to myself.
If I'd have known that Barbara would leave me the second we stepped foot inside this house I'd never would've come in the first place.
I decided to look around the house until I could catch back to her and Lindsey and tell them I would head back home but for now I'd have to be in here on my own.
I tried to push past a bunch of people on the dance area, and shyly walked through a back door that was leading me outside to which I guessed only could be Lindsey's garden.
It was simply massiv and I was wondering if it still counted as a "garden", considering she had three jacuzzis with an attached pool area, a fancy fire pit and a full on seating lounge with the newest television system screwed onto the wall.
Many people were already inside the water, doing whatever kind of nasty shit.  And many were seated on random hammocks around the area.
Trying not to disturb anyone's business I tried to search for an empty spot on one of the big garden chairs, mentally praying for the night to finally be over.
Suddenly two guys appeared from behind me, seemingly drunk a good bit because they didn't quite manage to walk without tripping over their own feet. While walking past me one of the boys glanced down on me, taking another big chug of a beer in his hand. He abruptly stopped in his tracks, slowly swerved down and finally falling onto his butt sitting right beside me. 
"Hello there. What makes you sit here all alone?"
He sloppily put his arm around me making me tense up immediately.
I could smell his disgusting breath for miles and tried scooting futher away from him.
"Um..I-I'm here with my boyfriend a-actually."
He got closer to my face and suddenly tried to pull me nearer to him while holding my waist.
"Really? 'Cause I don't see anybody trying to stop me from taking you with me?"
I wanted to respond to him when out of nowhere a big fist collided with his jaw, making him fall over and completely knocked him out on the ground.
I was panting in fear and didn't move an inch.
I looked up and to my surprise I saw an angry looking Billy, standing in front of me.
"You see me now shit face?"
He said while pulling me behind him.
I instinctively grabbed his hand in mine to feel more protected again to which he turned around to face me.
"Are you okay Sunshine?"
Tears started to form in my eyes and I quickly embraced him into a tight, almost desperate hug.
"I'm so glad that you're here."
I said while burying my face into his chest.
I felt him stroke my hair with his hand and whispering into my ear.
"I told you, I'll take care of you."

Psychotic Love - Billy Hargrove FF (+21)Where stories live. Discover now