Chapter 4

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I desperately tried to search for a smart way to outrun him but it was useless.
As soon as Billy was near enough, he snatched me by my arm and ripped me close to him, leaving barley any inches apart us, until our noses would touch.
  "Don't be so stubborn sunshine. Just do what your told and nothing will happen to you okay?"
He said with a firm voice.
I tried to get free from his grip but he'd simply hold me tighter, causing my arm to cut out all blood circulation in it.
"Please Billy, let me go. I won't tell anyone..just please let's be reasonable here!"
I begged him with tears streaming down my face. The insanity in his eyes vanished slightly and was replaced with a warmer and more soft look.
He started to caress my cheek with one hand while still trapping me tightly with the other.
"I can't do that beautiful. You belong to me. And I just got to have you."
Right then and there I realized that this was way more than a simple act of evil abduction.
I was his obsession.
And because of that I did the only reasonable thing to do in a situation like this:
Scream for my fucking life!
Billy laughed at me and only a few seconds later, covered my mouth with his hand.
But I wasn't gonna make it that easy for him, so I bit into his hand so hard that I felt his blood dripping down my chin.
"Ah god damn it! You Stupid bitch! You think you can just get away from me like that"
He punched me in the face, making me fall onto the ground.
He grinned down at me while I was coughing up blood but he wasn't done.
He positioned himself over my fragil body and pulled a knife right by my throat. But not just some random knife. It was the one I kept hidden under my pillow. 
"If you ever think you can escape me again the punishments will simply get worse. So think about your decisions before you want to pull through with them eh?"
I felt him pressing the sharp blade onto my skin and cutting it just enough to make me wince out in pain.
"I think that's enough cat and mouse for today.
Let's go home now.",
was the last thing I heard after he pushed a white cloth onto my face covering my nose and mouth.
It was a sweet kind of smell that made me feel utterly tired, and I couldn't help but follow the urge to close my eyes.

I woke up in a dark room again.
My head was buzzing and I felt very weak right away.
I carefully sat myself up in a more straight position and noticed an Advil package and a glass of water,
placed on a bedside table to my right. On it was a note attached to it.
"Good Morning sunshine. Take these if you still feel dizzy. I'll be back soon. -Billy"
I gasped when I read his name.
All the events from last night started to come back up by the second.
It wasn't a dream.
He really took me with him.
My body started trembling and I quickly got up and examined the room. I rushed to a white door, which I made out to be the entrance door. Sadly it was locked.
Then I rushed towards a little window right above the bed I was just laying in, but to my luck it was also covered with a fence in front of it.
"Oh god. Please no."
I was silently crying again. Slowly I sank down to the ground when I uncovered another narrow white door.
I opened it and behind it was a small bathroom.
I walked inside and spotted a lock that was attached to the door, giving me a little hope of safety and privacy.
I was sure to be in here and don't even bother coming out when he came back.
I proceeded to shut the door and face the opposite wall aka shower side.
I walked a few steps forward, stopping in front of a mirror and slightly jumped after seeing my reflection in it.
I barley recognized myself anymore.
My eye was completely blue and swollen and my lip was also covered in dried blood. I slowly let my jacket fall to the ground and painfully stared at my brusied up body, covered in marks and handprints all over my arms and neck.
Out of nowhere Billy's furious eyes flashed in front of me the moment he finally caught me a few hours ago.
"What have you done."
I whispered to myself.
"Hey Sunshine I see you're already up!"
I jumped at the sudden voice and hid behind the shower curtain. I started to hear knocking on the other side of the door.
"What are you doing in there? Don't you wanna talk a bit?", he asked amused.
I was silently sobbing again.

"Please g-go a-away."
I said with a shaking voice.
"Aw come on Y/N baby, I promise I won't hurt you if you come outside right now, deal?"
He said and I heard him walk over and sit down somewhere away from the door.
I don't know why I believed him but I figured either way no one knew where I was so why not cooperate to maybe get a chance to escape his madness, by earning his trust.
I slowly turned the lock around and opened the door, locking eyes with Billy, who was already waiting for me by the bed. He smiled at me and smoked a cigarette.
I didn't change my expression towards him and just blankly sat down by a chair the opposite site of the bed. He scoffed.
"Still afraid of me?"
I frowned and look at him in disbelief.
"We'll I'm sorry but it didn't happen very often that I get drugged and beat up by scary stalkers, so this is all kinda new for me."
I don't know why I was so confident but I didn't want to seem just too weak. I was a fighter after all and this isn't the first time I was stuck in an seemingly 'no escape' situation.
"Come here I will take care of your wounds."
Billy ordered.
I asked him unsure not moving an inch.
"I won't say it again Y/N. So get your ass over here!" He said surprisingly loud, making me jump in fear. He was like a ticking time bomb and if you test his patience too long he will go off.
Considering that, I hurried over to him and sat down at the other end of the bed as far away from him as I could.
He rolled his eyes at my and pulled me over to him while grabbing my upper arm which made me flinch in pain again.
"See if you just listen to me, everything will be alright and you won't get hurt."
He said unsettling calm. I was silent and looked down to my knees when he carefully lifted my chin back up and examined my face. He lightly brushed over my eye making me yelp in pain.
"Im sorry. But you left me no choice."
He said and opened a first aid kit that he positioned on the bed earlier.
While he cleaned my wounds and bandaged them all up I blankly stared to the ground and zoned out, while thinking about home.
As soon he was done he looked into my eyes.
"I didn't wanted to take you. I was hoping you would maybe come by yourself but after I heard that you and Barb considered calling the cops I just had to do something."
He said a pulled out a pack of cigarettes and lighting himself another one.
"All that you did was make me hate you Billy. You are fucking crazy for thinking you'll get through with this!"
I yelled at him while crying. His expression got dark again and his jaw clenched up again.
"We'll I guess I'll just have to force you to love me then! And besides, who do you think is looking for you? Your parents left you all alone, not giving a fuck about you. You don't have any siblings, your rent is payed several months up front, keeping your douche of a landlord quiet and Barb the only person who might look for you is left with a sad goodbye note signed by you."
I was in shock.
"H-how did you-"
He stood up, took a big drag of smoke and threw his Jean jacket on. He put his cigarette between his teeth, holding it.
"Easy, after you were passed out in bed I went over to your apartment and stuck a note onto your door. Sounds familiar doesn't it?" He chuckled.
"Why me? What do you want from me?!"
I desperately asked.
„What a stupid question..I saw right away that you're diffrent than anyone I've ever met here in Hawkins before ..and it's strange cause I messed with so many girls before, that I was convinced I knew all types of them. The depressed ones, the rich ones, Athletes, the goody two shoes and even the loners.. but then I saw you. You were just getting the keys to your apartment when I first spotted you and I had this feeling ...this strong urge to just have you by my side all the time. I couldn't sleep I was so desperate to touch your body and feel your skin against mine. I've never wanted anything so bad in my life."
I tensed up and backed away until my back collided with the bed frame behind me.
"Don't worry sunshine, I won't touch you unless you want me to..which I really fucking hope you do."
He said and shoot me a satisfied wink while taking antother big drag of smoke.
"I'll kill myself before ever letting you lay a finger on me.",
I said quietly not letting my gaze off of him.
He playfully shook his head and grabbed his keys. "Ah well we'll see about that sweet cheeks. I gotta go now but will be back later today so if you need anything..I guess it'll have to wait"
He laughed and closed the door behind him. I heard the lock fall back shut and sat alone in the gloomy room. I was helpless and didn't know what to do.
I hugged myself, thinking about everything and looking at the wall.
After sometime I fell asleep on my own, because of how weak my body felt and tried to think about a plan to escape his dirty hands.

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