Chapter 12

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It was early in the morning and Billy was nowhere to be found. I don't know if that made me happy or simply nervous after what went down yesterday.
I will try and ignore any further tension that may or may not built up between us, I thought to myself.
I can't let him in, that would mean he won.
But in all honesty..I can't deny that he somehow made me feel some type of way..

My tummy made funny noises and I noticed how hungry I actually was. Do we even have grocery's here?
Was I allowed to step out of this room without him? Well ..I guess I'll find out soon enough.

I stepped out of the bed, my bare feet hitting the cool wooden floor while I threw on a white shirt that was way to big for me, and seemed to belong to Billy.
I paused for a moment and took his scent in which was still strongly lingering on the fabric. A mixture of cigarette smoke, aftershave and mint.
I caught myself standing around and smiling like an idiot, which made me abruptly let the pice of cloth fall and quickly continued my way to the kitchen.

I searched the cabinets and indeed it looked rather ...not so good. In the end I managed to whip up a mixture out of the few Ingredients left and created something similar like pancakes. I noticed a small radio sitting in the counter and turned it on.
Blasting out of it came Hot Blooded by Foreigner.
I got excited and while frying the pancakes I danced around the small space behind the stove, not noticing the sound of the door closing from the back.
Cold blue eyes piercing my body up and down from the back, taking the whole scene in.
~ "Come, baby, do you do more than dance? I'm hot-blooded - hot-blooded!" ~
"That I can see you are."
I let out a loud scream and jumped in the air.
I was met with Billys amused face, a big smirk plastered across his face.
"Couldn't you make yourself known in another way, that making me shit my pants?"
I asked annoyed, turning the music off.
"And loose the view of your sexy ass, shaking your hips for me? In my clothes? Hell no."
He said and grabbing a "pancake" from a plate I prepared for myself.
I turned the pan off and angrily walked up to him.
"I wasn't dancing for you, got it?! And Those-"
I took the half eating pancake out of his hand,
"-are mine asshole."
And with that I sat myself across from him and started eating.
"Damn, someone's in a good mood."
He said and took his pack of cigs out of his little shirt pocket and lit himself one.
"How should I supposed to be in a good mood when I'm not even allowed outside?"
I said annoyed with a hint of disappointment.
Billy must've caught onto it because he took my free hand and held it secure between his two, making me slightly look up at him.
„Listen...I know things are pretty shitty rn but I'm just not gonna risk the possibility of somebody taking you away from here, you know that."
I rolled my eyes and continued eating, unsatisfied with the answer he gave me.
„I wasn't done talking asswipe."
I glanced up at him.
„I thought about things and the way you kept your pretty little mouth shut, back at the hotel, made me decide that we could take a trip to the know just..lay in the sun..maybe take a dip into the water..?"
He struggled a bit but his effort made my smile a little bit.
„Yes. That would be great."
I said. He smiled back, finished his cigarette and let go of my hand.

A few hours later we arrived at a big glowing beach.
I was grinning from ear to ear, after all I've never been to a place like this.
„Alright. Let's go then"
Billy took his shirt off and threw on a pair of sunglasses, while placing a single cigarette behind his ear and was about to walk off, when I stopped him and held his shoulder. He turned around and we shared intense eye contact.
„Um..I-I don't have ..something to swim in.."
I said embarrassed.
„Oh shit my bad. There is a swim supply store, just around the corner let's go in there real quick."
He said and walked in front of me.
Now listen..I aware that Billy is uncommonly attractive but I've never knew that the people around us were sharing this same given thought about him. Wherever we went and who ever we passed people passed looks over his body and turned their heads trying to be sneaky. Girls silently pleading they would earn his attention and Guys all over wanting to be like him. He was intimidating, and apparently not only to me.
I smiled a little to myself when we got to the store and I could see all those jealous looks belonging to girls all around us, as he opened the door for me while motioning his hand out exaggerating, pretending I was some kind of princess.
"After you."
He said shooting me a slick grin with his pearly white teeth.
"Thank you." I said.
Inside I took a look around and put my attention onto tons of colorful bathing suits.
I picked out a black one with an open back and showed it to Billy, who was paying close attention to me and our surroundings.
"That's the one you want" He asked.
"Yup." I said confidently.
Billy nodded and payed for my stuff while I was standing behind him.
We were just about to exit the store when I ran into something hard and fell to the ground like an idiot.
"Oh fuck sorry, let me help ya."
I looked up and saw a friendly looking guy smiling down on me. He had long curly hair and almost looked like a rockstar off duty with his black pants, numerous rings and shirt that had some kind of devil face printed on it.
"I'm so sorry I wasn't paying's my fault.." I said taking his hand and earning a warm smile from him.
"Ah well I should've noticed a pretty girl like you miles before, stepping out of the way."
He said smiling.
"Hi, I'm Eddie." He said.
I was in trance and was about to answer when I felt a strong grip pulling at my arm.
"And she's taken dip-shit, keep walking."
Billy's fuming voice threatened.
Eddie and Billy shared a few intense glances before he was called back, by a friend of his.
"Eddie, Mike and Lucas ditched us!
Those son's of bitches can suck it, let's go back home."
A smaller boy with short curly hair and a few missing front teeth huffed, annoyance written all over his face.
"Well I think that's my cue to go. Real' nice meeting you and your .. little body guard."
Eddie winked at me one last time and as quickly as he was coming into the store, the quicker he was out of it. What a nice guy.
I smiled at him but was brought back to reality, when Billy continued pulling me with him, outside of the store and didn't let go until we arrived in the changing rooms.
He harshly pushed the door open and forcefully made me sit down onto the little small wooded benches, between some sets of lockers.
"What the hell do you think you're doing huh?"
He asked with anger spitting out of his mouth.
"Jeez calm down Billy, I just said sorry for running into him. It was my fault."
I said looking down.
"Fuck yeah it was. If you keep on being so fucking clumsy maybe it's better to keep you locked up in the house all day!" He said sternly.
"I was just being nice.."
I exclaimed my voice starting to shake, my fists curling together to keep my composure.
"Oh really?! I'm nice to ugly bitches all the time but usually I'll end up fucking them the same day. So was that your plan as well? Seems to me you in need of the same treatment.
He grabbed the collar of my shirt and held me close to his chest.
"I saw the way you looked at him! You like him better now, or what?..".
He whispered the last part into my ear and lightly pushed me against the locker.
"I-I never said that."
I whispered, looking everywhere but his eyes.
"You can't even look at me when I'm talking to're so nervous when I'm close to you"
He took my cheek into his hand and started lightly caressing it.
"I know you want me to touch you there...",
he whispered while trailing kisses from my neck onto my collar bones.
I whimpered and fought for my life to keep my cool. I tried pushing him away by his shoulders, but he easily took my hands and pinned the over my head, with a grip, so strong I had no chance escaping.
"Don't fight it baby. Let me make you feel good and I promise, you won't waste another thought about that pice of shit."
He slowly let one hand slide down to my waist, then continued further down onto my ass and harshly grabbed it.
"Billy I-"
I was breathing uncontrollably while he placed my hands around his shoulder so I could hold onto him.
"Just say yes and I will take care of the rest..",
he said kissing right above my left boob.
I couldn't think straight, he was making me go crazy. I knew this is against all natural human behavior in a situation like this but I wanted this.

Psychotic Love - Billy Hargrove FF (+21)Where stories live. Discover now