Chapter 15

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Sleeping in one bed together has been feeling more and more natural as the days were passing. Billy is giving me space and doesn't tease me anymore, which is really nice. I don't know what changed but it seemed like he is really trying his best to be a better man, and I was beyond grateful for that. His bad dreams hasn't really stopped yet, but the sleep talking has definitely gotten better, so much so that I could actually get a full night of sleep.

The next morning I was awoken by a penetrating sound that was blasting through my eardrums.
I groggily pulled the blanket off my head and slowly sat up, pressing the buttons on the alarm clock to turn the terrible ringing sound off.
"Damn..what time is it?"
I could hear Billy's raspy voice from behind me and glanced over at the clock.
"7:30. I have to go get ready now!"
I said, getting up and remembering that I have my first day at work today. Billy turned himself over, now facing me, and startled me a bit with his muscular, tanned chest, and sat himself up on the bed as well. See..thats the part I still haven't gotten used too..well that and being held captive I mean.
"You remember what the rules are yeah? Putting-"
"Putting my wig on and keeping my identity hidden, which btw," -
I quickly rushed over to my dresser and threw my black haired wig on.
„-let me introduce you to Roxana Hanks, a 20 year old girl, who not only grew up in England, Manchester, and had to move here, because her daddy got transferred duo to his military career, but also adapted a career path of her own as saleswoman, following her mother's footsteps, who owned a bookstore back in the UK herself, and is now in desperate need of a new job opportunity."
I proudly looked over at Billy who had an amused smirk sitting across his face.
"Huh. Seems like you got everything sorted then. I mean the only surprising news are the part where I'm apparently working in the military but-"
I laughed, grabbed a pillow and threw it in his face. He caught it and kept it beside himself, not giving a fuck. Without anymore discussions I went over to the bathroom, put my wig on, took a purple leggings, a big oversized green and orange striped sweater with me and wore it with my black converse. (It's the 80s right.. so we're not always choosing the greatest outfits.. :D).

"Okay Billy, I'm ready!"
I loudly announced and waited at the front door.
I felt the vibrations of his heavy footsteps walking into my direction. Billy grabbed the car keys from the kitchen counter, placed a cigarette behind his ear and walked towards me, suddenly hugging me. At first I was standing there motionless, surprised by the sudden affection of him, but shortly after hugging him right back.
"Be careful out there and try to keep the talking to a minimum, got it?",
Billy said concerned and hugged me even tighter.
I somehow felt like he thought of me like I was some kind of newborn baby, who's unable to survive, if left alone. I really didn't like that.
"Don't worry Billy. I'm gonna be alright..I'm cautious, you know that, don't you? I can look out for myself..",
emphasizing the last part a bit annoyed, breaking out of the hug and earning a disapproving look from Billy.
"Right, I must've forgotten how well you took care of yourself at that shitty ass party a few weeks ago..and honestly tho I'm sure you would've handle that drunk dickhead on your own just fine ..",
he said, the sarcasm dripping from his words. He was opening the door and motioning his arm out of the house for me to go out first. I scoffed, knowing he's right and walked off. The walk didn't even last ten minutes, and we already arrived at the shop. I was just about to go inside when Billy put his arm on my shoulder, making me turn around to face him.
"Listen I know you think you can handle all of this on your own, but if someone's getting onto your nerves or worse trying to flirt with you in the slightest bit, you call me. Got it?"
Billy handed me a pice of paper where he'd written his phone number on, and kissed my forehead.
"Yes I will."
I said, smiling at his protective gesture and saw him turning around, leaving me in front of the door.
"Okay. Stay calm Y/N. You fucking got this!"
I quickly whispered to myself.

Psychotic Love - Billy Hargrove FF (+21)Where stories live. Discover now