Chapter 6

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I shoot up from the bed and ran to the door, quietly turning the doorknob around.
And just like that..there it was, my escape, laughing into my face. Barefoot, I swiftly made my way through a gloomy hallway, towards what I assumed was the front door.
I sprinted down a dirty staircase but apruptly stopped after passing by a window where I spotted Billy's Camero, still parked in the driveway.
My breath started to hitch again and I panicked.
Where was he?
Just then I listen to some key rustling in front of me where the entrance door of the building was located and I quickly jumped behind a big stroller, seemingly belonging to another family who must live here.
Do they know with which type of monster they're sharing a living?

I heard someone whistling and walking right pass me, quickly going up the stairs. After I was alone again I bolted out of the door, past Billy's empty car and straight up a long road. I didn't know where I was cause nothing really seemed familiar around me.
Right then I could hear someone scream in an full on animalistic tone but I just didn't had time to care and only looked forward.
I passed some small convenience stores and received some horrified glances from people walking around the street.
"Help me please! I was kidnapped! Please call the police!"
Nobody seemed to move or take any kind of helping matter in their hands so I continued running while hardly sobbing. I finally reached a small police department building and ran inside totally out of breath, and looked into a police woman's concerned eyes.
"Please, help me."
After that all hidden strength left my body, I collapsed onto the floor.

Billy's POV
The moment I stepped into my car to get some new clothes for Y/N I realized I forgot my pack of cigarettes upstairs and was in desperate need of one after her giving me the cold shoulder again. I just tried to love her and she just wouldn't bulge to meet me half way.
Anyways, I got out of the car and jogged my way up to the front door again. When I arrived at my apartment door, I saw that it was standing wide open. Did my stupid ass leave it open again?
With panic I rushed towards Y/N's room and when I busted in there was-

Not a trace of my baby.

I felt my body tremble inside and my teeth starting to clench over each other.
I screamed with every power in my body. I fell backwards, letting my back hit the wall and slowly sinking down. I rubbed my hands over my face and tried to figure out what to do next. I was sure that she couldn't be far away yet, and wherever she was I would get her back. And one thing I knew for sure. This time I wouldn't let her off so easy.

I woke up in a white room. They must've transferred me to a hospital after I broke down at the police station.
I was alone and hooked onto a beeping machine.
I tried sitting up but my cycle failed on me and I needed to lay back down for a moment to prevent seeing only back in front of my eyes again.
LwvqA little while later a pretty locking nurse stepped into the room and shoot my a smile.
„Hello Ms.Y/L/N, how are you feeling today?"
I unintentionally frowned.
"U-um today? How long was I sleeping?"
She put a little pice of paper out of her pocket which I guessed had to be the patient info
"Not long, one day to be exact."
I nooded but my eyes widernd again
"D-does he knows where I am?"
The nurse looked at me surprised
"Who Miss?"
I dragged myself out of the hospital bed while ripping the sticked on cords off my body.
"B-Billy Hargrove. I need the police now! Please he is insane and probably already looking for me."
I think she saw the horror in my eyes and just understood right away that my matter was very serious.
"Please wait here Miss Y/L/N. I'll go call the police department and tell them you're ready to be interviewed"
I nooded and tried to get my breathing back to normal. After she left the room I pushed the white blinds above the window to the side and almost chocked on my own spit. There was a deep blue Camero, parked on the other side of the hospital entrance.
He found me only after one day?!
That can't be true, a lot of people own a car like that right?
I started sweating again and needed to come up with a master plan real quick.

I snooped all around the room through diffrent types of cabinets to find some pice of clothing I could wear other than the paper thin hospital gown, that was almost see-through.
I finally grabbed a blue bathrobe hanging off a bathroom door along with some white slippers.
When I got dressed I could hear some voices talking right outside my door.
I peeked though a little Glas window, that was built into the door and was relived to see that it were just a doctor and a nurse going though their usual check up rounds.
I continued to open the door and walked past them not glancing up once.
I saw the elevator at the end of the hallway and tried not to make it super obvious that I wanted to get out of here as fast as possible, and avoid getting caught here with my stalker.
I nearly reached the elevator door and pressed the button, when I felt a hot breath touch the back of my neck and a voice behind me that made my blood freeze.
"Hey sunshine."
I didn't turn around to look at him but ran forward entering the elevator and pressing the lowest button where the parking lot was located.
I still faced the wall and didn't turn around, even tho the doors were already shut and when I arrived downstairs I could already hear his heavy footsteps sprinting down the stairwell.
"Don't even try to hide from me, I'll get you anyways!"
I heard him shout from upstairs.
I quickly ran forward through all kinds of cars and tried to find a good hiding spot.
Finally I spotted a big green van and decided to hide under it.
I crawled down, the narrow gap and tried to be as still as possible. And then there he was.
Tap.. Tap.. Tap..
He was in the back, and I could see him look through the windows of the other cars.
He was mad.
Not only mad but furious and I knew when he'd get me things would get really bad for me.
He slowly came closer making me uncontrollably shiver.
"This is your last chance sweetheart. If you don't come out now daddy's gonna hurt you real bad." Tap..
He stood right by my car looking trough all the windows.
He slowly crept around it and quickly stopped after finding the back spot also empty.
He went along the other cars.
I was relieved and started to breathe a bit more relaxed again.
But I wasn't careful enough when I accidentally leaned on some type of sharp rock, to which I made a slight sound slip out of my mouth.
I held my mouth shut and was surprised not to see him come back for me.
I noticed another thing tho.
I couldn't hear his tapping footsteps anymore.
The next thing I knew is I was yanked from under the car, running my skin open under the rough concrete.
he flipped me over to the ground and sat himself on top of me.
"Oh now you got me real mad baby!"
He said and proceeded to carry me to his car.
I screamed for dear life while crying, but I was sure the security footage of the parking lot would show Billy's face clear enough so they could get him.
He opened the slender looking trunk and threw me in it.
I hit my head on the metal inside the car and started to feel warm liquid trickle down my forehead down on my face.
The last thing I saw was Billy grinning down on me, loud sirens in the background and lastly the oh so familiar the familiar blackness surrounding me again.

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