Chapter 13

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Billy and I followed up with our previous plan, and saved ourselves some lounge chairs in the back of the beach to stay a little hidden from the big crowds, overlooking all the people around us, lazily tanning and swimming in the sun. It was great and I just felt way more energetic from the sudden burst of vitamin D my body was receiving. I was still in the process of realizing that I let Billy fucking Hargrove not only see, but also touch my body in ways no one in a situation like mine should ever even think about. Reality was hitting me and I found myself caught up in my thoughts once again. I was stuck somewhere in god damn California. What was I even doing here? I should try my luck and maybe get out of here, and run to the next police station...but there is something that turns my guts upside down (haha no pun intended) when thinking about leaving Billy.

„Have you brought sunscreen ?"
I asked quietly, waking Billy out of his daze, who was busy scanning our surroundings.
„Um..hello is that even a question? Do you realize how fucking intense the sun her actually is? Ofc I fucking brought sunscreen.." ,
he replied rather offended and threw it over to me.
„Um..sorry I didn't know you'd care so much about skin damage.." ,
I mumbled, eyebrows raised and started rubbing my legs and arms with the sunscreen.
„Fuck yeah I am. I gotta do everything in my power to keep this sexy face lookin' as young as possible for as long as possible.",
he replied and leaned back into the lounger, resting one arm behind his head, almost like he was posing for a magazine. I was about to lay down when I had to try holding in a chuckle.
„What's so funny shitbird?" ,
he asked annoyed, pulling his sunglasses on top of his head.
„Nothing it's just..I think you forgot to properly rub in your sunscreen.." I giggled and pointing at my own nose.
„Ah fuck me..",
Billy rolled his eyes and rather aggressively rubbed his face with both hands, and looked back up at me.
„And? What about now?",
he got up and sat on the edge of the chair opposite to me.
I never noticed how vibrant the blue of his eyes actually was... even his jaw line looked like it could cut someone ..I wonder if he used to get into fights when he went to Highschool..not even talking about his-
„Can you stop eye fucking me for once Y/N? I thought you had enough in the locker room?
You're almost worse than me.."
he stated and shook his head in amusement.
I snapped back into reality again and looked the other way in embarrassment.
„Uh sorry..yeah I eh - your fine I mean"
„Eh don't worry about it Sunshine. Sometimes I can't stop lookin' at myself either.." ,
he said proudly, laying back down.
What a fucking ass hat man..not even looks can make up for his hypocrisy sometimes. It's like he has some split personality disorder. One day he's the sweetest guy and suddenly he turns into the most arrogant highschool cliché ever existing..
„Oh Please. I wasn't looking at you. I was actually admiring the skills of the basketball dudes behind you. Not everything revolves around you, you know."
He was quiet. Wow have I actually shut him up.
Satisfied with my answer I also leaned back down, closing my eyes,trying to soak up as much of the sun as I could.
After a while I could hear some shuffling besides me. Slowly I opened my eyes again to see fucking Billy jog over to the large group of sweaty basketball guys. The boys and him exchanged a few laughs and seemed to get along great and just like that he was part of their game. He was split into the team that already walked around shirtless ..which I didn't mind. ;) During the time on the court he shot me a few slick grins, and totally showed off with a few tricks when throwing the ball into the hoop, and y'all it worked on me.. I was actually impressed by his play, but ofc I wasn't the only one. Suddenly 80% of the younger audiences on the beach joined and cheered him on. Well fast forward he brought the win for the team and reached a total of six layups.

When he was done with the game I rested on my side with my head leaning on my hand, watching him as the sweat dripped off the end of his cute curly hair strains. I was expecting him to sit down next to me but to my surprise he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, running towards the water.
„Billy wtf! Let me down I don't wanna go into the water!!!" ,
I shrieked and pounded onto his back with my fists.
„I don't give a fuck that's your punishment for looking at other dudes, twice today!"
He slapped my ass hard and chuckled to himself.
„Ow! You asshole! Wait- Billy - NO!"
I screamed one last time but their was no use.
He threw me in. I felt the freezing water on my once warm skin consuming me, and quickly swam back up.
„Damn Baby I'm getting hard just looking at you all wet n' shit" ,
he said laughing and swimming in front of me.
„Fuck you"
I splashed his face with a huge amount of water.
I saw Billy's expression change from surprised too annoyed and quickly swam further away from him into the ocean.
„You better work those pretty legs shitbird, cause I'm coming for your ass!"
He shouted over to me, not wasting anymore time and swimming after me. I screamed excitedly and did my best to be as fast as possible but there was no use. Billy reached me in under 5 seconds and wrapped his arms around me, making it impossible to escape.
„Got ya."
he said so close to my ear I could feel his breath and for a split seconds I was brought back to the incident in the hospital where he said those same exact words. But it felt different now. Not scary but warm even.
„Hey that's not fair! Apparently I'm the only one who didn't get the memo that you're a pro-athlete.."
I said fake upset. He turned me around and I automatically wrapped my legs around him, holding onto him.
„I'm not an athlete but I always liked working out.. I like a good competition" ,
he said and pulled me even closer and slowly swam back near the shore, so he could sat down onto the sand with me, without getting drowned by the waves.
„Oh really..seems nothing like you.."
I said with heavy sarcasm in my voice, which made us both chuckle.
„I actually started joining the basketball team when I was still living here, going to my old school. I was about 13 I think. And after my family moved to Hawkins I applied as a lifeguard at the local swimming that's that."
He said playing with a few strains of hair that had fall into his face. We locked eyes again.
"I bet you didn't apply to rescue old granny's right..?",
I said with a small laugh.
"No .. I didn't. But I also didn't do it for whatever you think..even tho it's quite nice seeing a ton of girls in bikinis practically begging to talk to me..",
he said.
I don't know why I sounded a bit sad..disappointed even..
"None of them are even nearly as beautiful as you are.."
he smirk over to me, resulting in me hiding my blushing cheeks.
"Anyways..the actual reason was that I missed my old home, this beach for instance, where I would spend my time when things where still good. Different. Before everything went to shit.
This place is special to me you know and who knows..maybe someday you like it here too.",
He said taking my hand in his.
"That's really great Billy."
I couldn't help but smile at him.
He lightly caressed my cheek.
"I really like it when you say my name. Not full of disgust and all that you know."
Amused he looked into the distance.
I studied his face for a while.
"I was never really disgusted with you..I was afraid.
I still am."
I said letting my fingertips wander over my huge scar. He put his hand away from my face and it was silent.
"You almost got away. Do you understand that, if I'll loose you I can't keep on living anymore. I'm not talking about getting locked up or something...I mean I can't physically and mentally live without you not near me. I mean it."
I was quiet and admired the pretty little waves that collided onto my legs.
"I had to punish you. You need to obey or else things don't work out! -"
He started to get a little upset.
"-Now tell me You didn't had fun today? What else do you need? I know you feel something for me too."
He questions with a tensed expression turning slightly to face me.
"I had fun..but I don't want to be guarded around like a dog..that's not how.. how I want any relationship to be, platonic or not."
Billy stood up and took a big sigh.
"You can't be serious, right? I can be fucking right next you, and some bitch ass still tries to flirt with you and be all over you! Imagine what type of shit would go down if I'd let you walk around here on your own, huh?!"
He got loud, his breathing fastening.
"All over me?! Are you joking? He was saying sorry cause I was running into him!"
I hastily defended myself, now also standing up.
"Whatever Y/N I've seen enough losers like him, trying to jump into your pants, first chance they get!"
He was screaming now a few people starting to watch the scene developing in front of them.
"You know what Billy I'd take that over a regular punch from you, any day."
I said tears starting to from in my eyes.
He got dangerously close to me and forcefully grabbed my neck from behind, pushing me close to his face.
"And if you don't keep your dirty mouth shut, another one follows. Got it."
He threatened, whispered into my ear.
I was quiet trying to control my emotions.
"Let's go back home."
He ordered and put his arm around my waist.
To the outside he was once more, making it seem like we're a couple, but in reality, he was squeezing me hard so I could not escape his grip and receive pain for the choice of my words.

Back at the car I shoved his arm off of me and angrily pushed him away.
"Get off of me!" ,
I scream-whispered. I heard him snicker to himself and opening the door for me.
"Get in."
He said coldly but grabbed my arm before I could sit down and whispered in my ear.
"I would be so careful about your next move cause you fucked up bad today, sunshine."
He harshly pushed me inside my seat and closed my door, getting in himself.
Inside he lit himself a cigarette trying to cool off, while putting his white muscle shirt on that he left in the car before.
"You will be inside the house for a very long time, thanks to your bratty behavior. I'm just telling you if you keep on being such a bitch I will do things to you..-" ,
he leaned over to me and slid his hand over my upper thigh almost gracing my panties, making me gasp.
"-you won't be able to walk or think straight for a whole week. Understand."
I nodded angrily.
"Say it Y/N..."
he said it in a melodic way and took a drag out of his cigarette, blowing it away from my face.
"I u-understand."
He smile and kissed my cheek while having my neck in a choke hold.
"That's my girl.."

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