Chapter 10

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"What do you want me to do.."
He asked seductively.
I was so emberessed I blushed uncontrollably.
I hated Billy with all of my heart.
He managed to hurt me like no ones ever done before..
but..something is making me feel bad for him.
I liked him before he went crazy.
He could be so nice, decent and caring, and that little part of him made my knees weak.
And maybe he is right.
What if I actually do feel something for him?
Or was he simply telling me that until I start to actually believe it ?
I was glued to his eyes as if I'm getting hypnotized.
"I .. I don't know ..I ..I have to use the bathroom!"
I exclaimed and smoothly slit under him.
I was almost at the bathroom door when I quickly glance back at him and saw how he still remained in his previous hovering position.
He then let his head lazily hang down and snickered to himself.
"I won't let you back out next time sunshine. You're lucky I'm exhausted from all the driving"
he said.
I closed the door behind me and decided to take a ice cold shower to get his body out of my head.

15 min later I stepped out of the shower only to instantly, mentally slap myself.
I forgot my fresh clothes back in the room and was left only with the towel I had wrapped around my  naked body.
"Fuck..what do I do now?!"
I scream-whispered more to myself than anyone else.
Maybe he is getting food from somewhere ..which I hardly doubt giving the fact that he won't let me be alone for even more than 30 min.
After contemplating with myself for a little more I decided to just look the devil in the eye and as quietly as possible open the door.
I looked around the room and spotted a passed out Billy, resting only in his underwear on the bed.
I tried shielding my eyes with my head and as slow and noiseless as I could headed over to my bag-pack that was on the other side of the bed.
I quickly got a hold of my oversized t-shirt and swiftly got into bed as well.
Have I mentioned that Billy booked us a room with only one bed? Well now you know.
Carefully I set one foot in front of the other,
tip toeing with my bare feet into the bed,
while slightly pushing the blanket completely to Billy's side.
I didn't mind sleeping without a blanket as long as it would keep a slight barrier between us, after what happened on this bed before.
I slowly let my back hit the old mattress and turned my back towards Billy making the range as wide as humanly possible.
Then I closed my eyes.
I wanted to sleep but instead focused on the leaking faucet of the rusty bathroom next door. Police sirens roaring from outside. Billy's deep breathing as he was already fast asleep.
But eventually my lack of sleep came over me.

What time was it? I groggily opened my eyes.
I looked at the alarm clock that was placed onto the bedside table. It read 3:54 am.
I wondered what the reason was for my sudden awaking, when I noticed Billy heavily panting besides me.
"Pls stop. Don't! - Don't take her away from me!"
He shouted in his sleep.
I watched him turn his head left to right, while dripping in sweat.
I hesitantly turned over to him and lightly shook his shoulder.
"It's just a dream Billy. Wake up.."
I whispered. He didn't woke up like I hoped he would but instead talked to me in his sleep.
"Y/N..please don't go with them.." 
he sleepily pleaded.
"I'm not going anywhere..I'm right here.."
i said and lightly placed my hand onto his.
I could instantly feel him calm down and his breath going back to normal.
I was just about to turn back around when, out of nowhere, he pulled me towards him.
Now that he trapped me not only under the blanket but also kept me beneath his heavy arm, I had no other choice than to lay with my head onto his chest, now getting a rapid heartbeat myself.
But what could I do?
So I did what was most rational and tried to get myself a couple more hours of sleep, and drifted back into r.e.m-state.
The next day I woke up to the sunlight hitting my face and an empty bed.
I was confused but quickly got up, to dress myself into a black flowy skirt and a baby pink top,
with a black cropped cardigan over it.
When I was done I packed my bag and sat back down onto the bed.
Minutes went by and there was no sign of Billy, except for his clothes that were laying all over the floor from the night before.
I glanced at the door.
He wouldn't dare to forget to lock it, right?
Stop it Y/N! Your dumb ass will only get caught.
So what's the use.
After 30 minutes of another no show and me, busy ready the booklet of the motel, the front door opened.
"Good Morning sunshine! Damn you're an early bird, seems like you had a good night huh?"
He mysteriously chuckled and threw a brown bag at me.
I got a bit startled and looked inside.
To my great surprise I found a juicy looking sandwich in there with a bottle of Dr.Pepper and a small bowl of strawberries.
I couldn't hide my happiness after almost 16 hours of not eating.
I smiled and said a quick,
"thank you"
but this time it was genuine.
"Anything for ya."
He said and lovingly nooded his head.
"Well I'd say you eat up and then we're off on the road again. It's only another four hours from there." He announced and started packing his own things up.
Initially I wanted to dig into that nice looking sandwich right away, but my curiosity got the best of me.
"Billy..where do you plan on taking me.."
I said almost in a whisper, in fear of triggering him.
He sighed annoyed and fixated his eyes at the ground.
"Somewhere safe..Somewhere I grew up myself. It's a nice place where hopefully no one will find us.."
I listened and suddenly lost my appetite.
When Billy got done packing he seemed to notice that I still hadn't touched my food and absently caught in my own thoughts.
"I wish we would've known each other at other circumstances, you know. I'm sorry that it has to be this way. I truly am."
He said apologetically and reached out to my backpack to carry it as well.
"It never had to be this way Billy. Who knows what could've happened back then. With the decision you made you've destroyed everything."
I said in a monotone voice.
"Oh yeah ? Then let me be a little more clear. Nothing would've happened. I'm fucked in the head if you didn't already noticed. I couldn't wait forever until something happened, you know. I bet you didn't even notice all the perverts you served in your old job, mouthwatering waiting for you to turn around to get their food from the opposite counter. Or all the guys from the basketball court right around your house, patiently waiting for you to come back home late, betting who will get some first!"
He said bitterly not hiding his disgust.
My body started to tremble and I felt horrible.
I wanted to melt into nothingness and hide away from the world.
"I-I didn't kn-"
I said with my head low.
"Of course you didn't fucking know! You're the most naive girl I've ever came across! But if you think I feel bad for keeping you safe with me, I'm not! You belong to me. Nobody will ever touch you or look at you with any malicious intend ever again."
He said and got close to my face.
I was quiet.
"Put your wig back on and let's head out. You have five minutes."

AN: Hey guys if you have any ideas or suggestions of  things you want me to include into the next chapters feel free to comment anything you want! Thank you for choosing my book, it means the world. :)

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