Chapter 8

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I slowly opened my eyes while enjoying the few rays of sunlight that were lightly shining onto my puffy face.
I sat myself up and noticed that the bed was empty with only me in it.
I was relieved but felt a slight rush of curiosity where Billy disappeared to.
I could hear some faint voices behind the locked door that was keeping me away from the outside world. I figured out pretty quickly that it must've been a TV running.
After listening to a few more minutes behind the door I went inside the bathroom to brush my teeth. I was about to put the toothbrush in my mouth, when I noticed the thick bandage wrapped around my upper arm. I wanted to see what damage he had done and carefully started unwrapping it without causing anymore irritation to it. When the last pice of bleed thru cloth was fallen off I was left speechless once again.
Last night when Billy cut my arm he engraved his initials into it, intending a deep scar to form.
This time I didn't cry. I don't know why but even tho I was beyond shaken up I wasn't really surprised.
He couldn't control his anger ..and he told me before that he would do something bad to me if I'd go, so it's partly my fault I guess.
When I was done and wanted to lay back in bed I noticed some neatly folded hoodies and sweats laying on my bed side table.
How long have they been there?
I didn't care I just put them on without thinking and sat besides the door,
leaning with my back onto the wall.
I was listening to the faint tv report once more.
Breaking news! On Monday this past week, a 19 year old teenage girl has been kidnapped from her own home. A close witness and friend of the apparent victim, Barbara Jones, came forward after discovering that the alleged goodbye note, she received from the missing Y/F/N, has been faked and does not match up with her usual writing style.
Police has been working non stop and might've just discovered ground breaking evidence inside the victim's apartment, where she seemed to notice danger approaching fairly quickly and saved a bone-chilling written note, that was stuck on her door just days before disappearing.
The Hawkins police department also discovered some disturbing CCTV footage of a hospital parking lot, were the victim has been caught by her stalker once again. If you or someone you know have any information on the disappearance of  Y/F/L/N  please get in touch with your local police department.
These informations were brought to you by Melissa Rodrigo, reporting live on news channel 8"
What the actual fuck?!
I knew Barb would get suspicious, I'm so fucking excited to finally get back home.
I jumped upwards from my previous ducking position,
and let myself fall onto the bed again like a starfish. „It's just a matter of time now until they'll get back to you, Y/N. You got this.",
I pep talked to myself.

I could hear the door handle rustle and Billy stepping inside, clearly distressed with sweat pearls all over his face.
„I gotta talk to you sunshine, now.-„
He continued to sit down besides me on the bed.
„You and me we'll have to go on another trip soon. Bad people are trying to take you away from me.. again, even tho .. I just wanted to keep you safe."
He carefully took my hand and for an unknown reason I just let it happen.
Initially I wanted to laugh in his stupid looking face and tell him a pice of mind but seeing him so shaken up somehow convinced my brain to take a more gentle approach.
"They are not bad people, they try to take me back home, back to Barb where I was living my normal and uneventful life. It would be best if you'd stop running away and just turn yourself in..don't you think? I mean if you love me so deeply, wouldn't you want for me to be free?"
I tried convincing him with hopeful eyes, turning to my side and got a little closer to his face.
He closed his eyes and started to chuckle.
Then, out of nowhere I felt him wrap his big hands around my bruised throat, increasingly cocking me tighter, making him feel my pulse on the inside of his hand.
"What do you think you're doing here sunshine, hmh..?-"
he slowly got even more closer to my face.
"- trying to manipulate me now eh? Who knew you'd be so naughty after reviving my nice punishment last night."
He said with an intense voice while a droplet of sweat made its way around his left eye.
My vision flickered in front of my eyes as I felt myself getting weaker by the second.
Tears naturally started to fall from my eyes as I held desperate eye contact with him.
"God..the things I'd like to do to you."
He said, slowly letting go of my throat allowing new air to float in.
While I was occupied with trying to get my normal breathing back he still sat there and watched me closely with an admiring look.
"You and I will go somewhere outta state understood? Otherwise I don't mind paying your little Barbara a visit..who knows maybe she like me more than you do!"
He chuckled while intensely eyeing me.
I managed to signal my head "yes" when he carefully wiped my tears away and lazily brushed my hair behind my ear, with his hand.
"I want to keep you close to me, so no one else can hurt or touch you. That's how you know I love you."
Then he turned around to leave without saying another thing to me.
When the door closed I broke down.
My mind was racing again and I was torn.
I wanted to resist and wait for the police,
but I most definitely didn't want something bad happen to Barb.
She already helped the police so much with the investigation.
"Maybe it's best for everyone if I just comply and stop pulling shit that keeps getting me in trouble.."
I lectured myself while my face was still changing it's color back to normal, from the oxygen that entered my lungs.


Psychotic Love - Billy Hargrove FF (+21)Where stories live. Discover now