Chapter 13

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I woke up by my phone ringing. I groaned and opened my eyes.

Vin wasn't there.

Where is Vin?

I looked everywhere. Maybe he went outside. To do some of his stuff. Maybe.

My cramps were stopped. Thank god i didn't feel more pain like other girls. I didn't know what I would have done.

My phone ringed again.

I groaned and checked it was from Sar.

“Hey Babe!”

Don’t hey babe me. I am bored let’s go to the outside. Anywhere outside the house. Because I am getting so bored. And I think I might die if I stay in this house any more second.

Drama queen but oh shit. She is gonna be mad when she knows I am with Vin and can’t go with her.

I was about to say something but door opened and Vin came. He looked at me and show me chocolates.

Yes. I want that. I am craving it like crazy. I need chocolates.


I cleared my throat and said, “I can’t. I  with Vin.”

What? How? When?

“He just came here this morning without saying anything.” I looked at Vin and he was smirking at me.

So you aren’t going to come. God. I hate it when you are with him but also love it. But I miss my bestie right now. You better make it up later and bye.”

Then she hang up.

I frowned at my phone. I hated to see her upset like that.

He noticed my mood and said, “Did something happened?”

Before I say something, his phone rang and he picked up motioned me to wait.

He waited for the other person to say.

“Is it really needs my attention?”

His frown deepened and he said, “Okay. I’ll be there.” Then he hang up.

He looked at me and intervened our hands.

He was going again.

I tried not to show my disappointment.

Before he said, I whispered in low voice, “It’s okay. I know work is also important.”

But I am also important.

He looked apologetically at me and said, “Sometimes I hate it. I haven’t got proper time to talk to you and now look. I have to go. There is a important meeting and they needs me there. Without my presence, they won’t start it.”

I nodded.

He kissed my forehead and hugged me.

I hugged him back and smelled him as much I could.

Then he said, “Come on. I will drop you off home.”


No I don’t want to go there now.

“Just drop me off to Sara’s place.”


He left me to Sar's home then went to Italy.

I called Sar and said I was outside her house. She was asking how I was here but I said I’ll tell later.

And due to my fucking periods, my mood swings from happy to angry to sad to frustrated to again happy.

Now I was feeling sad because of him.

Fuck. I was not like this and I don’t wanna be like this.

I am my own person. I can do my own things. I don’t need one to change me. I have to boost my previous self. I can’t fully dependent on him. He has a life there and so I have.

I have to stay strong and I am fucking strong.

Be strong Issie baby. You are one hella strong person i know. Do not let anyone walk over you.

Before Sar came I did my pep talk and now I am feeling more energetic.

See this is how my fucking mood change.

Sar came towards me with her car. I get in then she drove towards I didn’t know where.

Sar cleared her throat and said, “So?”

I was in a better mood due to my pep talk.

I looked outside the window and said, “He has to go due to his big deal meeting.”

She frowned at my response and before she say something I said, “I know I know. It’s not a excuse. But he is busy lately. You know being owner of multiple companies. But still. I don’t wanna talk about it.”

She was still frowning and getting angry at him.

“So where are we going?” I changed topic quickly before she outburst like a volcano.

Her entire mood changed and happily said, “To Mik's house. I called him after you said no. And his parents are on a vacation this weekend, so the house is ours to do anything.”

I cleared my throat and said, “Mik and you? You both are talking with each other. And I don’t know about that bitch.”

She had a sheepish smile on her face and said, “I am sorry. I was so engrossed in work that I forgot to tell you. But I swear I only talked to him like two or three times since get together.”

I nonetheless smile at her because I couldn’t be mad at her very long.

“And where is our other idiot? Is he going to come?” I said thinking about Jeh. I miss him.

“He said he has a family time. So laters baby.” She mocked in his tone then laughed.

I shook my head at her and laughed with her.

We reached to Mik’s house.

I wonder if Nick will be there. I didn’t think he will waste his time with us instead of with some of his fuck buddies.

We reached door. Before Sar knock it, door was opened. By none other than Nick. It was looking like he was going outside.

With dressed nicely. Totally bad boy aura.

He looked at Sar and nodded at her. Sar quickly went inside leaving me with him alone.

He was about to go and I was to go inside. If he wanted to ignore me them who am I to deny.

He stopped and looked at me.

Eyes wide but quickly said, “I didn’t know you are coming.”

I shrugged and said, “Plan changed, I guess.”

Then went inside but he came behind me. Maybe he forget to get something.

I saw Mik and quickly runned towards him and hugged him.

He laughed and picked me up while moving in circular motion. I laughed along with him.

Then he put me down and said, “I didn’t know you are coming.”

I pout and with fake sad face said, “You don’t want me here then I will go. Bye.” And tried to leave.

But he and Nick quickly said.

Mik, “No”

Nick, “No”

Then Sar and I laughed at their reaction.

Sar said, “She was kidding guys. Don’t you know her. Come on now, pick some movie and drinks and popcorns.”

Mik shook his head and tried to put serious face but failed miserably. I laughed again and stuck my tongue out at him. Then he went to theatre room behind Sar.

Before they go I said, “I’ll bring popcorn and drinks.”

They both nodded and went.

“You have a beautiful laugh. You should laugh more. It suits you better babygirl.” Nick said behind me.

I didn’t know he was still here. Didn’t he going outside?

I shrugged again and went to kitchen.

I opened last cabinet and yes, there was so chocolates. I fucking knew it. Mik loved chocolates too. And he always hide it here. He thought I didn’t know. But I being a expert thief always stole it whenever I was here.

I took it and opened. My mouth watered just by seeing it. I put it in my mouth. I closed my eyes and moaned by it’s fucking amazing taste.

Someone cleared throat at my moaning. I quickly opened my eyes and said in my mind, please let it be other person than Mik. Please god.

Then turned around slowly and see,

It was fucking Nick.

Then I calmed down my heart.

I thought he was gone.

“I thought you went outside. Because it’s looks like.” Then looked at his attire.

Damn. He looked good in every outfit.

He shrugged and said, “I was going but now I don’t.”

I didn't ask more and it was futile because if he didn't want you to know, you do not know. So I left it.

“Okay.” then open other cabinet for popcorns.

He came and picked up vintage wine and four glasses.

So he is going to watch movie with us.

Why sudden change?

Then I went to theatre room where Mik and Sar was.

I opened the door and looked, they were fucking fighting like a rabbit on movie.

God, they are so childish.

I put popcorns on table and select moana.

I fucking love this movie.

But Nick came and said, “Not this movie babygirl. We have watched it like a 100 times.”

Oh hell no.

“This movie is best and it’s better than to watch your favourite. Last time we had watched and Mik and I were slept half of the movie.” I said putting my hands on my hips.

“This one no. Select any other one but not this one. I fucking hate it.” He pleaded.

Oh how I love to torture you.

I smirked at him.

He knew what I am about to do so I quickly runned and yelled, “Who wanna watch moana?”

Sar and Mik stopped their fighting and yelled with me, “We are watching it.”

Then I looked at Nick. He was smiling at me while shaking his head. This movie was favourite of us. Mik and I watched it so many times and so did I watched with Sar. So it’s win win situation.

We all sat on couch. First Mik, his left Sar, then me and my left Nick.

We poured ourselves glass of wine. Then started watching moana.

I fucking love that movie.

I was pouring glass after glass. Actually I was not only but all of us.

I was starting to feel tipsy. Movie was still on.

I looked at my right to see that both Sar and Mik were sleeping. Then looked at my left to see Nick was already starting at me.

His was very dark. I could feel goosebumps starting to feel on my body.

And I forgot to tell you that I am horny in my periods. I don’t know that logic how and why. But I am so fucking horny right now and to sit besides Nick is dangerous the way he is looking at me.

I tried to stood up but failing. He was watching me closely.

Somehow I stood up and went to my room where I sleep whenever I was here.

My vision was blur. And didn’t see anything clear. I didn’t know Nick was behind me until he said, “Careful babygirl.”

Jesus why I am feeling delightful hearing him say me Babygirl.

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