Chapter 6

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I woke up early to prepare for my first day.

Mik texted me last night about the details. I had to go there at 9. Last day I told Sar and Jeh about my job. They were so happy and told me that now I will know how life becomes when you have job. Idiots.

Mom, dad, Sam and Dan also were happy for me and made a small celebration at home with my favourite tiramisu.

Let me tell you, I was not a early bird.

But I knew in time I get used to it.

I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. Applied lotion all over my body. Dried my hair which smelled heavenly.

Yeah, I did love to smell my hair. It was satisfying.

I picked Blue dress which came mid thigh. It had square neckline and back was covered. It was simple but I loved it. It was so comfortable. And my body fitted well in that dress. My boobies looked nice too.

You should always wear a dress which is comfortable.

I matched it with my sneakers because it was also so comfortable than heels.

Who cares about what others say.

It's my own body. I'll wear whatever the fuck I want.

My hair turned into ponytail and some liner and lip gloss.

I liked liner too much.

And then I was ready.

I checked time and it was 8:15 at morning.

I rushed to downstairs to eat breakfast after collecting my things.

I kissed dad's cheek and said, "Good morning dad."

Then same to mom, "Good morning mom."

They were already eating their breakfast. It was their usual time. I did not matter whether he have work or not.

And it was the first time I was joining them.

Mrs.Culin brought my breakfast.

"Thank you Mrs.Culin." She smiled and nodded at me.

She is sweet lady in her late fifties and make best food.

Dad said, "Good morning sweetheart. Did you sleep well?"

I nodded and said, "Yes dad."

As mom said, "Good morning Isa. It's so good that you are joining us."

I smiled at her as I ate my breakfast.

Dad had to go to work at 10 while I had to at 9. Sam and Dan also at 10 like dad. Mom sometimes went to dad's office to do some office work as well. I did tell you, she is expert in everything. She is great mom and wife.

I quickly ate my breakfast and checked time, it was 8:28.

Couldn't believe time went so fast while chatting with my parents.

Indeed, you don't understand the time when you are with your family.

I said both of them bye with their best luck for my first day. I started my car and within 25 minutes I reached towards my destination.

I entered and said, "Good morning Mrs. Dean."

She smiled at me and said, "Good morning Ms.Taylor. Good to see you again."

I smiled and said, "Same here." And went towards the elevator.

Once reached, I saw yesterday's girl looking something in her laptop.

Jezz. Was she always work?

She noticed elevator pinged sound and looked from her laptop and said, "Hi, I am Shannon Grey. Sorry for the yesterday. Mr.Stevens was absent and I had to report him everything on his schedule."

Mr.Stevens? As in Mik or Nick.

But Mik was with me so it meant none other than Nick.

I waved at her and said, "It's okay. I know how he is. And I am Isabella Taylor, nice to meet you."

She smiled and said, "Come let me show you your table."

We went towards the end of hallway and sure there was a small office. It was small but cute nonetheless. I liked it.

She gestured towards the table and said, "This is your desk from now on. And this is Mr. Michael Stevens office."

I wondered where Nick's office was.

Then she said, "Mr.N Stevens office was on 16th floor. He likes his space."

Oh. That was nice. So I wouldn't get a chance to see him at all.

That was fucking amazing.

I nodded and, "Thanks Ms.Grey."

I quickly said, "Oh, drop that formalities. Call me Shannon. And I will tell you what you have to do."

I said, "Yeah, Shannon."

After she told me about my work, she went to do her work.

She was Mik's secretary but due to Nick's secretary absent at yesterday. She was managing his schedule as well as Mik's. That's why she was so busy last day. I got it.

It was not that hard. I just had to design. And I loved to design. It was my favourite thing to do.

I checked time and it was 9:45.

She said boss will come at 10:00. And she had to prepare his coffee for him.

She said that it was easy to become Mik's secretary than Nick's because Nick was so hard on his secretary. He wanted everything according to him. And also he fired his so many secretaries just because they did a small mistakes.

What an asshole he was!

Thank god. I was not anyone's secretary. They had to go everywhere and do so much work like scheduling his meetings, picking calls, clear schedule and all.

That was not me.

I had laptop, sketch book, so much pencil's which were of different colors on my table.

Today's work for me was to design a mansion with 50 bedrooms, 50 bathrooms, living room, kitchen and dinning room, study room, library, game room, Home theatre, swimming pool....and list goes on.

That was so big.

But I didn't mind it.

I started designing. I was so much into designing that I hadn't realise it was lunch time until Shannon came and said, "Hey Isa, it's lunch break. Don't you want to eat something?" motioning towards her belly.

I laughed and about to say something but got interrupted by Mick, "You go Ms.Grey. She will have lunch with me." Then smiled at me.

I did small apologetic smile to Shannon but she just smiled at me and went to eat.

I was closing all my designs because it was scattered everywhere. Mik came and saw one of design. He was deep in thought. Today he wore just plane shirt and pants but looked handsome as always.

I said, "That is not a final design. I am still designing Mik."

He waved at the design on his hands and said, "But it was beautiful Issie. I always knew you are great at designing the way you designed in our old days."

"Thanks Mik and let's go. I am hungry."

He nodded and we went towards the elevator to go for lunch.

We returned in 30 minutes and went to do our work.

I busied myself in my design.

I was tired at the end by sitting in one chair for so long. My bum was aching and I thought it left liveliness because I touched it but damn I didn't feel anything. It was like it was frozen. Damn this chair. It did this to my sweet ass.

I stretched my legs and hands.

Shit. It was a long day.

I checked time and it left 5 minutes for 5. Thank god. It was my time to leave. I couldn't wait to go home and take a long shower to soothe my aching muscles.

I packed all my things and even some sheets and pencil's for designing. I would do that in my room while I would eat, listen music and sometimes lay on my bed.

I went towards Mik office and knock it. After his come in I opened the door and said, "Mik I am going home."

His hair was messy and so was his shirt. He looked tired as well.

He looked up form his file and said, "It was 5. Damn, I too want to go home but I have to complete it today. You go Issie and drive safe."

I nodded and closed his office door.

Then I saw Shannon also going home. I said, "Going home?"

She didn't see me coming towards her and she jumped as her hands on her heart.

I quickly surrendered my hands and said, "I am so sorry Shan. I thought you knew I was here. I am truly sorry."

She calmed down from her jumping state and said, "No problem. It just that I am always jumpy. It's not your fault that I am always jumpy." As she smiled.

I nodded and she grabbed her things as we went to end today's busy day.

We walked towards the garage as I saw someone was going as well to home and in a rush.

Shan also saw the car and said, "That's Mr.N Stevens car."

I just, "Ohh."

So he was going home too. I didn't get a chance to see his face because he was in car and the car was going outside.

Then we said our goodbyes and went home.

Next day went like a normal day and still I hadn't encountered with Nick.

Thank god. I was sure that he was same as he was in his childhood. And I didn't have any interest to see him. But why the hell did I thought about so much. Fucking hell.

I was so much busy in my new job that I forgot to check on my man. He was busy also with his practice and all. I couldn't wait to meet him. God.

Today was the day of get together. Everyone was busy doing something except me actually. I was walking around here and there to keep me occupied.

Mom wanted everything to be perfect. She selected everything own her personal. Dinner menu's, decoration, color, flowers, everything. She loved to do it.

On the other hand I was just too lazy to do anything. Even Sam and Dan also doing everything to look everything perfect.

For get together, we invited -
1.Uncle Fero's family which included Uncle Fero, Aunt Laura, Miky and Nick.
2.My best friends, Sar and Jeh.

That was it. It was small get-together.

I was seeing one of the flower decoration, suddenly someone bumped hard into me which caused me lost my balance and I fall with that person.

I was about to curse that person but saw it was none other than my best friends.

I muttered lowly seeing any sites of mom, "Fucking hell. Is this really necessary to it?" Feared to be caught by mom to cursing me.

They both laughed and said lowly, "Shh, Do not curse girl otherwise your mom going to beat all our asses for corrupted you and this was our way to say that we missed you so fucking much babe."

I just shook my head at their method.

Really, they were fucking child with 24 years old body.

We then moved towards my room. Both of them laid on my bed like it was theirs room. I didn't mind it. I had done same thing in their house. Maybe even worse.

"You got a job bitch." Jeh said.

"And in the best designing company." Sar said.

I laid between them and said, "Yeah. It was good to see Mik though. He was so happy to me again and I too. The happiness was looking in his eyes and face. I am happy to finally meet him and I can't wait to meet him to you guys."

Sar angrily said to me, "It's better you do not forget about us. Otherwise we both make your life a living hell."

Jeh agreed with her and suddenly said, "What about his other brother? Didn't he meet you? What's his name? N something?"

I said, "Nick is his name and no I didn't meet him. Thank god he was on the site."

Then we engaged about our days.

Then picked up white dress because today's theme was white.

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