Chapter 16

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Then I went inside because I need my best friends help.

Where the fuck is Sara?

I searched everywhere. So I went to ask Mik where is she. But before I reached Mik’s room, someone grabbed me from behind and I was about to scream but that someone put his hand on my mouth. Then grabbed me backwards till we reached certain room while I was thrashing him weirdly.

We entered the room and he closed it behind me then backed me up against the door then I saw him.

Fucking Nick the asshole.

I was fuming and I said, “What the fuck is your problem shithead? You need to stop doing that because I almost had a heart attack. Fucking pri…”

And my voice was shut by his mouth on me. Kissing feverishly. I am sure he was bruising my mouth the way he was kissing me.

I grabbed his hair and pulled it from it’s root. He winced at this and I smirked. I thought he will stop it but no. He picked me up and grabbed my ass to steady me. I quickly put my hands on his shoulder for support.

In the mean while I hadn’t kiss him back and opened my mouth.

He grunted and said, “Kiss me back.”

Oh hell no. I am not doing that. Because I already did so much in 24 hours. I don’t wanna add something.

I smirked at him because I know he won’t like it.

He slapped my ass and I squealed.

Then he got a chance to enter his tongue in my mouth. At this time he was smirking at me.

I still didn’t kiss him back. Much was going on right now.

And I can not handle Nick. What about Vin? That's why I have to talk to Sara.

I pulled his hair hard and removed his mouth from me.

He had a deep frowned on his face.

I said seriously, “Nick please. There is much going on right now. We will talk later.”

He said in his hoarse voice, “Babygirl you look very sexy when you are angry and it’s turns me on. See?”

Then thrusted me. I moaned but quickly shut my mouth. Indeed he was hard as fuck.

He said in his serious, “I told you to come after your call. Why didn’t…”

I cut him and said, “Did it really necessary to add more drama? While I was on call with Vin. Why did you do that despite you know he hates your guts.”

He smirked, “Just to annoy your play boy. Nothing else.”

I shook my head. Of course. What should I expect from him.

Then he grabbed my jaw and said in threateningly, “And do not cut off again. Am I clear?”

Ohh. How much I love to tease him.

I grabbed his throat and said in low whisper, “And do not pull that stunt again. Am I clear Mr. Stevens.”

I looked at his eyes. Instead of anger, they were full of lust. To ravish me.

He was in his own daze.

I put pressure on his throat while looking at him.

He smirked and nodded his head and pecked my lips then put me down.

What’s gotten into him? No objection. That’s nice.

I quickly opened his door and went to search Sar.

Then I went towards Mik's door and opened without knocking. Because I always did this. Not only his room but everyones. I had that habit. Very bad habit.

I gasped loudly at the scene in front of me.


It is a nice scene to watch.

Mik and Sara both were kissing more like dry humping.

What in the hell is going on here?

Must be I hallucinating. I closed my eyes then opened again to see they both are still kissing.

“Are you fucking kidding me right now?” I said loudly to both of them to hear.

“What the hell?” Nick said behind me. I didn’t know when he was came.

They both started by our voice and quickly stayed away from each other like they both were unknown.

I folded my hands in front of me and waited for their explanation.

I thought Sar like girls. When did she like guys?

Nick was still behind me and said, “I thought she like girls.”

Sar cleared her throat still looking anywhere but me and said, “Yeah, and I still like girls but I didn’t know that I like guys too until I met him. I swear I hated guys back then and still I do but except him.” Then she blushed.

I looked at Mik to say something.

Then he noticed my glare and said, “You are doing that again.”

I frowned and said, “What?”

He said in his puppy eyes, “Stop looking at me like that. Like today you both were looking at me. It’s creepy and send shivers down my spine every time you guys do that.”

Nick was laughing furiously at him and said, “Thank you for reminding me today’s incident. I almost forgot it.” Then looked at me.

I shook my head and said, “Not before he gives me some explanation.”

Mik pouted at me and said, “Issie I will tell you everything but please save me from him.”

I looked at Nick then to Mik and said, “I will decide later.”

Then he told us that she quickly catched his eyes because of her sassing and feisty attitude. And about looking she was every men's catcher. He said this was first time happened anything between them. Before then, they were just talking nothing else.

I quickly ran towards them and hugged them both at the same time and happily said, “I am so happy for both of you and you both better treat each other best otherwise I won’t hesitate to chop off Mik'd dick and then feed it to you Sar.”

They both “Eww” at my reaction.

They I removed hug and said to Sar, “So I think you don’t want to come home right now.”

She shook her head while blushing. Mik was surely bringing new side of her. Because the Sara I know she can’t blush by dirty comment. I can't wait to tell Jeh about this.

Nick said, “I’ll drop her.”

But Sar said in confusion, “Is that a hickey?”



He gave me hickey.

I widened my eyes at her outburst.

Mik widened his eyes and screamed, “Where?”

Sar took a closer look towards me and tilted my head right. Then she said to Mik, “Here.”

Oh my god.

I am gonna kill him.

That motherfucker knew it and he didn’t dare to tell me.

How kind of him?

I am sure that asshole has a pleasant smile on his face.

I quickly said, “No no. It’s not a hickey. Last night some mosquito bite me. There were so many mosquitoes in my room last night.”

That was a worst lie ever no one gonna believe.

Mik said while inspecting my neck, “Right and we are all idiot.”


I was thinking to say something but Nick came behind me and said, “Yes. You two are idiots. It looks like you two have bigger hickey than her.”

What? I haven’t seen it.

I looked closely at Mik first. Sure he has a two hickeys on neck. The looked at Sar, she has bigger than Mik.

Wow. They are wild.

They both were blushing and not looking at us.

Nick continued, “Continue your dry humping. We are going.”

I widened my eyes at his blunt response and looked at the two idiots in front of me who were reddened at this point.

Then grabbed my hand and pulled me along with him.

I said while panting with his long strides, “Do you have to be that blunt?”

He realised my panting then slowed down and shrugged.

We reached garage and then stopped at looked at me while smirking, “By the way you look sexy in my hickeys and the dress I bought you.”

I frowned and said, “You bought this for me?”

He shrugged and said, “I know it’s hard to believe but I bought it a couple of days ago actually.”

I said still unware of his intentions, “And why you bought for me?”

He said cockily, “I wanted to.”

Yeah. He wanted to.

Nice answer.

He quickly opened the car door for me before I reached it then I looked at him weirdly.

He said frowning, “Last time you gave me hard time remember?”

Oh how much I loved that time.

I smirked at his frown and said, “If you keep frowning like that you will look much older than now.”

He widened his eyes at my comment and said, “I am not that much older than you think I am. I am just few more years younger than you. That’s it.” While seating behind the wheels.

I dramatically gasped and said, “Few more years means totally 6 year older than me.”

He said cockily, “Still younger than your play boy.”

Now he got me.

He started his car and said while smirking, “Cat got your tongue babygirl?”

I groaned and said too sweetly, “Actually not cat but Vin got my tongue in his mouth.” Then smirked at him.

He stopped his car harshly and grabbed my throat as pulling me towards him, then said, “Do not talk about him in front of me.” Then kissed me angrily.

Then leave me breathless.

Then he continued to drive like nothing happened.

After calming down, I said, “So you like me huh?”

Then smiled at him.

He looked and said nothing.

I said again, “So you don’t like me.”

Then pout.

He grunted and said, “I know you are not going to let me get off that easily. And stop with that pout if you don’t want me to fuck your mouth right here right now.”

That shut me up quickly.

God. How is he so blunt about everything?

And you like his bluntness Issie. Oh stop it. Okay maybe.

He said, “I know my actions are not so good at our childhood towards you. I fought with you every time because honestly I wanted your attention and I don’t know how to get it without fighting you. You were always with my brother and I hated that. I thought it was just temporary attraction and it will go in time. But no. It increased more and more, I get older. I just didn’t know that how to tell you this. I was afraid that you will reject me.”

Oh. That’s a lot to take in.

I said, “But if you wanted answers, then you would had talk to me. Maybe I would had said yes.”

He quickly looked at me. Happiness in his eyes then said, “So if I say now, you will say yes?”

I cleared my throat and closed my eyes as I said, “Nick the situations are different right now.”

He said in unhappy tone, “Right.”

Then it was silence for a while.

He said, “We are going to launch new project in Italy next week. And for that we are going this Friday.”

Did he say Italy?

Oh my fucking god.

Vin is there too.

I am going to meet him.

I will surprise him.

Yeah that’s fantastic idea.

I think my happiness was rolling in waves from me because he said, “Don’t be too surprised when you catch your play boy with someone else’s arm.”

Did he not just say that?

Or did he?

I glared at him and said, “Vin is not like that. He genuinely likes me and makes me happy. Don’t be too jealous when he is not what you think he is.”

Then smirked at him as he jaw clenched.

We reached my house. I quickly get out before he said anything.

I walked ahead without looking back to him.

I opened door and quickly went to my room to check hickey the shithead gave me.

Oh my god. It was so red but not so big.

How dare he did this to me?


I quickly took compact and hide it. Thank god mom didn’t see it otherwise she will ask lot of questions.

And my door opened to reveal my sweet mama.

“Isa, you okay? I heard that Vincent have to go to Italy.” She sat besides me while soothing my hair.

Of course she knew. Sar don’t know her to shut her mouth sometimes.

I needed my mom more than anything. I needed her warmth. Her love. I always share everything with her. Even my first kiss. She was more exciting than I was.

I placed my head on her thigh while she massaged my head. I closed my eyes and said, “Mommy, I have done a horrible mistake last night.”

She is a good listener and best advisor.

She said lovingly, “We all do mistakes but it is important to teach us lessons. This mistake feel you guilty?”

I said, “Unfortunately no. Is this makes me bad mom?”

She chuckled and said, “No honey. This is not makes you bad. If this mistake doesn’t feel you guilty then it must be good thing. I know my daughter, she doesn’t hurt a fly.”

“Mom, last night I slept with Nick.” I mumbled and opened my eyes to see her reaction. She looked calm but in a good way.

She smirked and said, “About time that happened.”

I quickly sat up and said, “What?”

She chuckled and pinched my cheeks, “That boy is all over you. I have known him since his childhood. The way looked at you, secretly watching you, smiled at you when you smiled. I have seen it all. He is a good guy Isa and well behaved too. Whoever going to marry him will be very lucky to have him as husband. And do not forget the day of get together, you two were talking secretly. I noticed all sweetheart. I am you mother and…”

“Mother knows everything.” I end it while smiling at her.

I couldn’t believe it. Mom noticed everything. But what about Vin?

She said, “If you are thinking about Vincent then don’t be. You two aren’t official yet.”

I smiled softly and said, “This is what Nick also said to me.”

Mom smiled and said, “But you know I like both of this man. They are so ho…”


She laughed at me and said, “Okay okay. I know I have your father but a woman can imagine especially when there is…”

“There is?” Dad said to mom.

I laughed at mom’s horrified reaction after dad said.

“Yes mom. You where telling?” I smirked at mom.

Mom made puppy eyes at us then dad being dad said, “You better not think of any man if you have sexy husband.”

I widened at dad’s comment and said, “Oh my god. Don’t start here now.” While mom was blushing.

This two sometimes acts like a horny teenager.

Then dad said to mom, “Let’s go sweetheart. We have important work to do.”

I face plamed myself and said, “Right. A very important indeed. Go mom.”

They laughed at me and went to their room to do IMPORTANT work.

My ass important work.

I forgot to call Jeh to give him earth shattering news.

I called him quickly and he picked up on third ring.

Hi baby.”

“Hello Jerry. Wanna hear something?”

I am always ready. You know it but where is Sar?”

“That’s what I am gonna tell you.”

Oh and about?

“Sar is getting fucked by Mik in his house.”

He was silent for few seconds then said, “Excuse me but I think I heard you said Sar is getting fucked by Mik in his house.”

“That’s what I said dumbass.”

Whatttttttt?” He screamed.

I could hear background noise, “Are you fucking kidding me Jerimiah Lockdown. The kids are just slept and you are screaming like someone died. I swear to god if kids woke up now, you are going to handle them all day.” His mom was such a nice lady but when get angry, stay away from her. She might be scary.

He quickly mumbled, “I am sorry ma.”

Then he walked and shut door behind him. Maybe his room.

And said, “Are you fucking serious Issie?

“Of fucking course I am. Why the hell I will lie?”

Tell me everything.”

Typical Jeh.

I told him from last nights to this morning. He was still shocked about this.

I still can’t believe this. How the hell this happened?

“I was too but I guess this is good for her. She looked so happy. I haven’t seen her this happy Jeh. She deserves it.”

Yeah. But if that asscheek hurt my girl then I am gonna…

“Chop his dick then feed it to dogs.” I finished it for him.

Fucking yes.”

“She got someone now and I wish to get you someone too because you deserves it too.”

He coughed and said, “About that babe. I am seeing someone.”

What the hell? And he didn’t even care to tell me. I swear to god if Sar knows about this, I am gonna kill him. I don’t care about his family because I will take their responsibility.

I am sorry. I know that’s not excuse but really I am sorry. It’s just that we are still thinking and it’s complicated.”

“Who is he?” I said in somewhat calm tone. I get it. Everyone has life and they get busy. It’s not his fault. He said he was still thinking and it’s complicated.

The guy at the concert who was asking you to stay after concert…

“The one that smiles so much. Don’t tell me he is the one”

I crossed my fingers. He was weird and so bubbly like a girl.

He cleared his throat and said, “Actually he is.

“Oh my god Jeh. Of all boys, you got him. Like seriously. He was so bubbly and always smiling like an idiot.”

Yeah and that’s what attracted me. He is so cute Issie. I am sure when you are gonna meet him, you will like him.”

I laughed at him and said, “Hope so Jeh. I am glad you told me soon otherwise you wouldn’t live another day to see sun.”


“Oh shush drama queen. But I am really really happy for both of you guys.”

Thanks babe but first tell me about your two hot sexy monster men.”

“Jesus Christ.”

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