Chapter 18

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He opened his car door for me to get in. I climbed in and he put seatbelts on, then closed the door. And get in the driver seat. He always put seatbelts on me like it was his job to do. But I liked it when he did it.

There was so much about Nick that I don't know. Actually I don't know anything about him. I just know that he is a asshole but nothing else. But in the last few days, I got to know him. More closely actually. He is very hard to read. He rarely slips anything about him. If he don't want us to know, he don't tell us anything.

I got one thing clear that he is very strict and very punctual man. He doesn't let anyone disrespect him. Everyone respects him for his work and personality. He carry himself with so much confidence and authority. People admire him for that. Whenever he go anywhere, everyone's attention turned towards him. Like he is some sort of god. But indeed a greek god. A perfectly sculpted. It is like god took his time to made him. Sometimes I hate him for that.

I don't know how we came this close to each other. If you would have told me that I am gonna like him, I would have laughed at you very hard. But now tables have turned. I was seating besides him. He was driving. Taking me somewhere to eat. I know he care for me. His actions speaks louder than words.

He doesn't talk much but with me he talk. Not so much but still talk. But with other, he just grunt, nod like this. He is changing for me. He wants me in his life.

And what am I doing? Playing with two men. Not exactly playing but still what I am doing is not right. But I can't choose one of them. Is it make me crazy if I say I want both of them? Maybe yes. Maybe not.

In this last few days, I am becoming addicted to Nick. Like on the verge of addiction. We have a special, crazy bond. And the sexual tension is so high. I don't know how he control himself without jumping on me. I give him a credit for his self control. It's perfect for a perfect man.

He was driving car in between looking at me. I said, "I don't think there will be any place which open at this time."

He said without looking at me, "I know one place." He looked in a better mood. We all were after hearing uncle's good news. "And you will like it."

I nodded at him because I didn't feel like talking but internally I was just going on talking and talking.

We both were silent in whole drive. He also didn't know what to say. But the silence was not uncomfortable.

Nick respect his dad so much. So Mik but Mik is more like Momma's boy than Nick. Mik and his mom share close bonding while Nick and his dad share close bonding. It would have hard for him to see his dad like this. Doctors said his mom was not so injured but his dad was.

I don't know how he is handling this situation where as I am crying like a baby. He indeed is a mystery man. What secrets he has locked inside him?

I wanna be like a men. They all know how to mask their emotions, it's like they are ace in this. They handle situations like this very calmly but look at me, I am like emotional mess. Whenver I see my closed ones get hurt, I can't control myself. I become a...

"We are here." Nick voice came.

I looked at my surrounding. Nice place. Cozy. Not so fancy. Beautiful.

"You don't like fancy places so..." He said while looking at me.

Wow. He remembered it. He remember every single details of me and about me. Is he really like me that much?

I appreciated and said, "Thank you."

He get out and opened my door.

Suddenly cold wind touched me and I shivered. He noticed and said, "Let's go inside before you catch cold."

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