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Tinuke and Emmanuel were both sitting opposite the principal in her office.

"Emmanuel" she began removing her glasses. "Emmanuel, I know all about the parties you have been throwing since JSS3, the only reason I never talked about it was because I believed you were mature enough to avoid situations like this" she stopped looking at Emmanuel who knew exactly where she was going.

"Dayo has a bruised cheek and you are telling me he fell??" she asked leaning onto her table.

"Just tell me the truth Emmanuel. Did Dayo fight or not?" she asked making Emmanuel let out a heavy sigh.

"He did" he said looking down.

"Why?" she asked like she already knew.

"He was defending chika from a guy" Emmanuel explained shortly.

"Now Emmanuel my point is; what if Dayo wasn't there and chika was hurt worst case, raped?" she asked making Emmanuel sigh again.


"Think carefully Emmanuel, because you are wiriting a letter to chika and Dayo apologizing to them both" she instructed

"Ma, about what?" he asked dumbly.

"I believe you aren't stupid, excuse me now" she ordered, Emmanuel stood up before a second thought or look and walked out of the office.

"Sorry about that" the principal said turning her focus to Tinuke.

"You wanted to see me, ma?" Tinuke asked sitting up.

"My secretary said you came earlier and dropped this off" the principal said dropping a black nylon on her desk.

"Ma, last term, you asked me what my plans for the school were and I was unable to give a reasonable answer and you also said if my GCE is good enough you would grant me one wish for the school. I had a talk with the best fashion designer here in lekki and she was beyond excited" Tiny paused looking at the attentive principal who just nodded.

"Ma, I want to add blazer into the school uniform" Tinuke said smiling making the principal give a smile of approval.

"Ma in that black nylon is the blazer sample and her number in it" Tinuke said. The principal immediately opened it and stretched out the blazer.

"Whose measurement?"

"Mine ma" Tinuke said and the principal gave it to her.

"Wear it" the principal requested and tinuke immediately put it on.

"It is lovely" The principal commented.

"I will definitely call her"

"Thank you so very much ma!" tinuke thanked returning the blazer and walked out of the office.

She walked out and jumped in excitement when she was far enough.

She walked past the rowdy juniors into SS3 block and walked to class. as expected no one was there except chidinma who was in her phone.

"Hey boo" Tinuke said taking her seat inform of chidinma.

"How did it go?" chidinma asked.

"We are getting our blazerss!" Tinuke screamed making chidinma scream too. Victor walked in on the girls screaming and joined them with a high pitch scream.

"Why we screaming?"

"Tinuke here convinced the principal into giving us blazers!" Chidinma said praising her friend.

"Ouu!" Victor said smiling giving her a high five.

"That's actually great!" he said sitting on her desk.

Dayo on the other hand was in the library with Pelumi arranging the books.

"I dont understand why people take things and dont return them!" Pelumi lamented.

"Like it's a machine doing the work!" she added hissing.

"Is it shuking you like this?" he asked laughing. She stopped what she was doing and turned around at him she folded her arms and moved her hip to the side angrily.

"Its not even funny Dayo" she said strictly.

"Oya sorry" Dayo said not looking at her. He could see she didnt move from the corner of his eyes so he turned his head to her.

"Sorry na" he said more like she should just take it and stop being angry.

"Pelumi Bankole, sorry your honor" he repeated making her laugh and place the book on the shelf.

"That's what you want" Dayo said before rolling his eyes.

"That's not what I want" she said to her self very low, but due to the fact that they were the only ones in the library he heard her clearly.

"What do you na want?" he asked placing a book beside her.

"Answer na" he repeated placing another book above her.

He looked down at her but she already had her eyes on him.

"Cat got your tongue?" he asked leaning down to her level.

"Stop oppressing us with your height" she said.

"No" he said looking at her taking in all her facial features.

"What do you want honorable Pelumi?" he asked picking her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

"Nothing" she eventually replied looking at his lips.

"Hmm, okay then" he said before placing her on the ground and walking away. Her eyes nearly fell out of her eye socket as she just watched him go to the next shelf.

"Ask and it shall be given, baby!" he yelled making her laugh a little.

Chika's POV.

I have been missing my opportunity to thank Dayo for what he did for me at Emmanuel's party. Everytime I tried Pelumi pops out of no where.

Why is she even in the picture? Dayo was all on me on the second day! what changed!?

Everybody knows Dayo and I never got along, but I thought we had a "thing". The problem is Pelumi even a dumb person knows that Dayo doesn't truly like Pelumi.

I was walking to the corridor holding the bell in my hand, I'm not the one to do this but our all mighty Kamal is too busy.

Dayo walked out of SSS2 as i rang the bell causing a whole commotion and noise outbreak.

"Hey Dayo!" I greeted out with a bright smile, but he just walked past me like I was a piece of trash laying by the road side. he didn't acknowledge my presence nor my greeting.

What just happened?

I frowned my eye brows in confusion, looking round the corridor filled with juniors who just snickered at what just happened?!

They whispered amongst them selves and stared at me. some laughed while some just stared

Do they think I was one of them!? like I was chasing Dayo!?
I wasn't! ! I don't care about Dayo nor his silly looks, I just wanted to to thank him.

I was about to scream into their faces to get out but I didn't rather I walked out with "shame" written all over my face.

Turning into SSS3 block I saw as Dayo laughed happily with Pelumi who had her left hand on his shoulder.

oh, that's how it is, huh?

She is definitely going to pay for all these disgrace.

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