Sick Day

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"I'm fine- achoo!" I sneeze, rubbing my nose and sniffing.
"A likely story." Mum huffs, once again resting her hand on my forehead. Concern floods her face. "You're burning up, babe."

This is the last thing I need! I was going to sneak out again tonight to meet Double Trouble... but I guess they'll be guarding me 24/7. Ugh.

"Ha, you're not going anywh- any- chu!" Catra stares at Mum in horror. "No. No no no no no no nonononono-"
"Yes, Catra. Get under the blanket."
"Don't treat me like a-" But Mum's already throwing a fluffy blanket over her. She squeals in reply, but nothing she can do will change Mum's mind.
"Stay." She calls as she swiftly leaves the room.

"I guess it's just you and me, Kid." Catra sighs, snuggling into the blanket. "You wanna watch a movie?"
"Sure." My voice is croaky and my nose is stuffed, so I don't have to think too hard about how horrible I must sound.

"BAAAAAAABBBEEEEE!!!!" She screams. I cover my ears from her demonic screeching. There's no reply. She once again screams, but to no avail. 

"MUM!!!" I shout hoarsely, my throat becoming increasingly sorer. Without hesitation, we hear footsteps run towards the door.
"Are you okay Finn?!" She exclaims, out of breath and leaning on the doorframe. Catra stares at her in utter disbelief and disappointment. In my head I laugh, but I don't have the courage, or the energy, to laugh out loud.
"Could we have some snacks please? And could you- cough - bring up the DVD's?" I then begin to have a coughing fit. Mum's eyes tell me that, despite her calm appearance, she's definitely panicking inside.
"Sure, babe. Anything else you need? A drink maybe? Extra blankets???" She sounds desperate. I ask for some water, and Catra asks for a glass of milk.
"I'll get that for you now."  Before she leaves, she kisses me on the forehead and does the same with Catra. She purrs, which rarely happens, and I have to admit it makes me happy to see them happy together. But it's still gross.

When she's gone, Catra sighs, and without warning, pulls me into a hug. I squeak at the embrace and try to fidget out of it. Catra's grip is strong, however, and I soon run out of energy.
"I'm cold." She shivers squeezing me tighter.
"I'll ask Mum for some extra blankets-"
"No. You're warm. Also you're my kid so you should always want to hug me."
"I don't think that's how it works..."
Mum crashes through the door, holding two large glasses. She hands the milk to Catra and gives me my water. She then hands us bag of popcorn and some chocolate. Finally, she rests the DVD box on the small wooden table in front of us.
"Let me know if there's anything else you need. Get well soon, I love you both." With a smile she leaves us alone once again.

"Let's have a look then." Catra leans over to reach the box, and with minor injuries due to her dropping it on her foot, puts it on her lap.
"Any ideas?"
I search the DVD names, finding movies I thought I'd never see again.
After a while, we decide on a movie I've never watched before. I don't even give myself chance to look at the cover, I just pick it up and hand it to Catra. She sticks it in the DVD player, turning the volume up as she does this. Sitting back down, she presses the play button and the movie begins.

After about half an hour, Mum rushes in, her eyes wide in what seems to be shock.
"We were supposed to meet with the other princesses earlier..." she breathes heavily. Her hands shake a little.
"Oh god I forgot!" Catra jumps up; the blanket lands back on me.
"Can we still make it???" She rushes.
"It was three hours ago, babe..."

With Mum snuggled in one one side of me, and Catra on the other, we snack on the toffee popcorn and chocolate that Mum gave us earlier, watching the screen with deep interest.

The credits roll. Mum stands up wearily. Catra does the same, but Mum pushes her back down.
"You two need rest still." She smiles kindly at me. She's right: we're both tired beyond belief. I yawn, and lean on Catra's shoulder. Before I drift into sleep, I feel Catra's embrace tighten. I smile.

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