Deception, Failiure, And A Messy Kitchen

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"MUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMM!" I yell. Silence. I observe the marble wall, knives neatly ordered along it. The ever-darkening sky is reflected on these knives, every individual star gleaming along the surfaces.

I sigh, knowing full well I won't get a reply from either of them. I consider leaving, but I'm already here, so why not do what I'm here to do?

With a CLANG, the contents of the cupboard I just opened spills onto the floor like a raging ocean. The noise echoes throughout the room, and all I can do is hold my breath and pray no one heard.

About a minute passes, and I don't hear anyone outside. As I begin to resume my task, however, the door slams open, and someone rushes in and stops behind me. I look up, disturbed by the sudden presence.

"Bow?" I ask, taking in the concern which is painted all over his face.
"ARE YOU OKAY FINN?!" He screams, holding me in his arms. "Me and Glimmer heard a noise, and we didn't know what it was. I decided to come over and check."
"I'm good, it's alright. Nothing to be worried about!" Even I can hear the guilt creeping into my voice. I mean, I did almost just get battered with a frying pan, but that's besides the point.
"Are you sure you're not hurt???"
"I'm fiiiiinnneeee!"
He pauses for a moment, blatantly not believing me. He folds his arms and stands up from where he was kneeling.
"Anyway, what are you even doing in here?"
"Ummm... we'll I-I was...."
"You don't need to hide anything from me. If you've done something wrong, I'll help hide the bod-"
"I DIDN'T KILL ANYONE!" I'm shocked that he'd even suggest that! I guess I can be troublesome at times, but I'm not a murderer!
"If you insist on knowing," I sigh. "I was planning on making dinner for Mum and Catra..."
"Awww that's so sweet!" Bow's eyes glimmer in the starlight.
"I'm not sweet!" I insist, folding my arms and scowling at him.
"I can see where you got your feistiness from, kid."
"I get told that a lot." I remark. An uncomfortable silence passes between us, and I try not to make eye contact.
"So, what do you say we get cooking?" Bow smiles.
"Sure." I smile back.

First, Bow carefully stacks the pots and pans that had clattered into the floor back into the cupboard. While he does this, I take the opportunity to scavenge the fridge. I groan at the singular carrot that sits solemnly on the shelf.
"We have nothing in." He glances over at me. I can tell his mind is in a completely different universe as he absentmindedly opens and closes the fridge door.
"Hmmm..." he scratches his head. "Why don't I ask Glimmer?"
"No." I say sternly. "I don't want anyone else to know. If they knew that I had been nice..."
"Why don't you want to seem nice?"
I freeze. I never really gave a second thought about it. But maybe it's just something I got from Catra. I simply shrug. That's when realisation hits me like a brick to the head.
"I may have an idea on where to get some ingredients-" I run out the door, Bow chasing after me, calling my name and essentially alerting the entire castle of our presence.

"Keep it down!" I hiss at him as we take a sharp turn down towards my room. It seems to click in Bow's mind about why we're here. As I throw open the door, the moon's rays shine bright in my eyes, and I hiss, running to close the curtains as fast as I possibly can. As soon as I do this, Bow slams the door behind us.
"I won't tell-" he whispers, winking at me. I give him a sly grin as I pull out a selection of colourful boxes from under my mattress. He stares in awe at the delectable foods on the front of the boxes, and begins to read the names.
"Mac and Cheese, instant noodles..." I avert my gaze to the floor, feeling my cheeks begin to burn guiltily. Bow sighs and rests his hand upon my shoulder. The contact makes me flinch a little, but his warm touch somehow comforts me.
"Don't worry, I used to hide things from my parents," he smiles guiltily at, most likely, a fond memory. "I never told them I was an archer, that I was with the Rebellion. I'm sure your parents have told you all about that! Anyway, that seems a lot worse than sneaking a few snacks." As he finishes speaking, I can feel myself feeling a little lighter. To be truthful, I feel bad about stealing.
"So what do you say we whip up some Mac and Cheese?" He smirks, his eyes seeming brighter than a few moments ago.
"Yeah, let's go!"

"Why the actual heck do you need to add extra ingredients??? Surely it should come with everything?" I scowl at the now torn to shreds box, crumpling up the cardboard even more in my hands.
"It's okay, no need to stress!" Bow exclaims, clearly stressing. He eventually found some milk, but he managed to puncture the side of the carton. His next mission is to find the butter, but so far, it's been an absolute nightmare.
"I GOT-" plod "" I turn around slowly, and see a yellow puddle in the middle of the room. The butter looks like it melted five years ago, and it smells that old too. I scrunch my nose as the stench roams the air, causing me to gag. Bow looks equally mortified, staying completely frozen and looking at the disaster that sits in front of him.
"Why is it so hard to make Mac and Cheese???" He cries, physical tears forming in his eyes. I, too, am covered in weeks old milk and suspicious coloured butter. I sigh, taking in the crime-scene-esque surroundings.

"You know what," I begin, defeat creeping through my monotone voice. "Let's get Glimmer."

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