Sneaking Out

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The wind sends a chill through my bones, and as it does, I immediately regret not bringing a jacket. The shadows of the castle give me the perfect hiding spot. They'd kill me if they knew I had been sneaking out at night, but I'm already here, so there's no going back. Besides, I've done this plenty of times, and no one's even noticed I'm gone!

Apprehension takes control of me, and for a moment, I almost walk back to the castle, back to my warm bed. But then apprehension turns to excitement, and I gain more confidence. I quickly make my escape, the grass tickling my feet as I go.

As I arrive to the huge cliff edge, I see a shadow sitting on the ledge.
"H-hey, I'm h-here!" I shiver, the wind picking up noticeably more.
"Ah, there you are kid. Been expecting ya." The figure stands up, and from the shadows, a huge, muscular woman appears, her silver hair tied in a messy ponytail. I smile at the sight of her.
"Sorry if I'm late, Mum and Catra double checked I was in bed tonight." I roll my eyes as I speak.
"They sound pretty protective, huh?" She remarks, beckoning me over to the cliff edge. I gently perch on the edge, staring out at the humongous castle, its lights causing the small body of water around it to gleam. I sigh at the view and turn back to Huntara.
"They're just trying to make sure I'm okay."
"But, y'know, when they were younger, they were going on all sorts of deadly missions without a second thought!"
I pause as I take in her words. They never told me about their past, and I never asked them about it. It was a sort of mutual agreement that we would avoid the topic. And every time we did bring it up, they'd tell me 'that's a story for another day'. But now, I might get a chance to hear all about them, and why they never want to talk about it.
"Tell me about them. What were they like when they were younger?"

"Your Mum, Adora, she was a warrior. With her sword, she could beat up an entire Horde army! She was also not the brightest girl. She had spirit, I'll tell ya that, but a little too much spirit. She would just run into the enemy base, unaware and not caring what lay inside. That's how she ended up having continuous fights with the Queen, Glimmer."
"But," I interject. "I thought Mum and Glimmer were best friends?"
"Oh, you see, uh, Glimmer's Mum died saving the universe; there was this whole thing about portals and such, and Angella, the old Queen, closed the portal, trapping herself inside. That's when Glimmer became the Queen. Mind you, I wasn't acquainted with those guys yet, no. I was in the Crimson Waste, doing... criminal stuff. I was told this stuff by Adora and Glimmer after The Horde was well and truly gone."

We sit in silence for a moment, looking up at the stars above. I wonderwhat it'd feel like to live among them in the void of space?

"So after that," she continues. "Glimmer became stricter, and obviously, Adora didn't like that. The only reason they made up is because Glimmer got kidnapped by Horde Prime. But I'm sure they've told you about Horde Prime already."
" Who's Horde Prime? And when does Catra come in?"
Huntara sighs. "We've got a lot to discuss, kid."
And so, she tells me about how Adora left Catra back in the Horde, and how they became mortal enemies.
"They really hated each other after that. That's how it seemed, anyway. But after that, when Horde Prime came along, everything changed. Etheria was at risk of being completely destroyed! But all of a sudden, when all hope was lost, your parents saved the day! No one else was in the room where they stopped the mass extinction, but they were very lovey dovey towards each other after that. I say they must have confessed. And it was about time, too!"
I make a fake gagging sound at the confessing bit, because that meant they had kissed. It's gross seeing my parents kiss, yet I see it almost every single day. It's nice that they love each other, I'll admit, but they don't have to shove it in my face!!!

"Would you look at the time, it's almost 3 in the morning! I said I'd let you go at 12, and I know Catra wakes up at the crack of dawn. You better get going now, kid, before anyone notices you've been gone." I give her a sad sigh and a final wave, and slowly make my way back through the cold grass, the moonlight shining the way home.

My bed, as expected, is cold. Having successfully snuck back through the castle, I lay my head in the soft pillow, and let sleep take over.

I'm woken up by blinding sun; I stumble out of bed to shut the curtains, but to my surprise, Catra is stood with a firm grip on them.
"Good morning Catra.." I yawn. She looks at me, unamused.
"Heard you sneaking out last night..." she whispers. My eyes open wide. Surely I was quiet enough to sneak around?
"Why didn't you take me with you?" She sulks, folding her arms on her chest. I giggle at her pettiness, and in return, she mimics my laughter.
"Yeah yeah, mock your own mother why don't you!" I can tell she means this in a lighthearted way.
"I'll take you next time Catra."
"Sure, I promise." She seems satisfied with my answer.
"Alright kiddo, Adora's making breakfast so get the fire extinguisher ready."
I cringe at her weird nickname. "Kiddo? When have you ever called me that?"
"Just ignore me, alright? Come on I'm hungry." She storms out of my room, dropping the curtain she was holding as she does so. I laugh at her, and follow her down the hall.

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