Snow Day

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A chill sends shivers down my spine as I rub my eyes.
"It's colder than yesterday." I shiver quietly to myself. I swiftly draw the curtains open; I stare out at the landscape ahead of me.
"SNOW!!!" I yell, sprinting out of my room and down the hall. I burst through the door of my parent's room. Catra screams and Mum shouts "WHO'S THERE?!" Into the darkness.
"SNOW! IT SNOWED!!!!" I cry with joy, throwing their curtains wide revealing the scenery ahead which has been blanketed in a soft white. Catra's eyes light up and Mum looks around, still confused.
"Babe, wake up!" Catra smiles.
"I-I'm awake... what's going on?"
I run towards their bed and drag them both out, taking them towards the front doors of the Castle.

"Woah there, kid! We gotta get into warmer clothes than this," Catra indicates to her thin pj's. "We'll get dressed."
"And so will you." Mum gives me a stern look and I sigh dramatically.
"Ugh, fiiiiiiineeee!" As I say this, they're both already halfway down the corridor.

I sprint as fast as possible up to my room where I slip on some thick trousers and my fluffiest jumper. I also remember to put on my thickest socks. I'll get my boots later.

As fast as I possibly can, I run back down to Catra and Mum who, are standing next to the door in huge coats. They hand me a scarf, hat and gloves, along with an extremely puffy coat. I groan as they give me it; it means I have to spend even longer inside and away from the snow. As soon as I slip on my gloves, I throw open the door and run outside.

I'm immediately blinded by the bright white that completely covers the ground. A rush of cold wind sends a shiver down my spine. I try to ignore the ice-like coldness that courses through me as I jump head first into the snow.

"I don't know about this," Catra mumbles, worriedly glancing at the snow. "You know snow is just... cold water, right?"
Mum giggles and smirks at her. "I thought you were "super excited" about this snow thing?"
"Well..." Catra tries to defend herself, completely failing to do so. Me and Mum laugh at her as her anger rises and rises.
"Come on!" I yell from the pile of snow that I've landed myself in. "It's not that bad! You've been through worse! May I remind you of the time Mermista-"
"Okay kid that's enough." She sighs, admitting defeat. She looks nervously at the white blanket that covers every inch of the ground.
"That's it babe! You got it!" Mum shouts encouragingly. Catra seems to grow a newfound confidence, and takes a tentative step forward.
"AAAAAAA!" She yelps. "S-SO C-C-COLD." She shivers violently, and Mum has to drag her back inside and into the warmth of the castle, beside the fireplace.
"Come back out when you're warm enough. See you later Babe, love you."

"Sorry about that!" Mum calls out to me as I begin working on a snow angel. She jumps into the snow and begins to make some sort of wall between me and her. Without hesitation, she fires a ball of snow right in my face. I slowly bring my hand up to wipe the water off, and I stare at her, my piercing eyes staring into her soul. Her face immediately turns from laughing to concerned.
"Oh... sorry-"
As she says this, I land a snowball right in her eyes.
I giggle. "Now we're even."
"I'll show you even! Get back here!!!" She begins to run after me, pelting snowballs at my head. I laugh hysterically as I fire back, landing one on her exposed neck. I know I'll get into trouble for that later, but who cares!

"You two seem like you're having fun." A voice calls out from the doorway as I land one square in the middle of Mum's face. Catra is leaning on the doorframe, staring intently at our little duel.
"Wanna join us?" Mum smiles, out of breath due to all the running around we've done. Catra looks tempted at the offer.
"Ah, go on then, I'll have another try..."

After what seems like forever, Catra is finally in the snow. Although she's shaking like a leaf, a huge smile is plastered upon her face. All of a sudden, I feel a freezing sensation on my back. I turn around to see Catra grinning smugly to herself.
"You against me and your Mum. Winner gets ten quid off the loser(s). Deal?" She offers me her hand. I look behind me at Mum, who now looks as determined as ever. I smirk at Catra who looks amused with herself.
"I'm in."
"Let's do it then, kid."
We shake on it.

"RIGHT ON MY FOREHEAD?!" I squeal as Catra lunges from behind her barrier to attack. I hear maniacal laughter coming from their side of the war zone. Mum laughs too, but probably because Catra's laughing. The laughing turns to screaming as I land one right on Mum's head. I instantly regret my decision.
"Oh, you're gonna pay for that!" Catra screeched at me, running over to me. Although she might not realise it at this moment, I already planned in the instance of a close range attack. I begin to pick up a huge snowball, which is roughly the size of myself, and with one big rush of energy, I throw it onto Catra and Mum as they begin approaching. What happens next is s blue of snow and screaming, as well as giggles (from me). Catra looks angry. And Mum looks disappointed.

"You owe me ten quid!" I exclaim proudly. I know I'm showing her up, which is why I continue to do so.
"Ugh, fine, but your Mum's giving you half of it; she lost too."
"HEY!" She shouts from behind Catra. "I wasn't apart of the agreement! That's not fair!!!"
"Don't be sore loser, Babe."
"You can talk..." I mutter, a smirk spreading across my face. Catra's eyes look physically red, and I begin to wonder if I've taken it too far this time. But she breaks into a laugh, and it's too contagious to not join in. We lie in the snow, giggling until we can't breathe, until finally, Mum begins to speak.
"What about we build a snowman? You know, like the one from that mini Christmas special that's on every year?" She looks confused as if she's trying to remember something. "The one with the choir singing and the flying thing-"
"We know what you mean, Babe." She smiles warmly at her. I try my hardest to not gag.
"Alright, a snowman it is!"

"That's the body-"
"No, that's the head-"
"GUYS!!!" I yell, causing some snow to fall from the roof. "It literally doesn't matter! We just need to make one bigger than the other. Alright, Mum, you work on the head. Catra, you work on the body."
Catra stares up, suspicion shining in her eyes. "And what about you, huh?"
I flash her a sly grin. "I'll be inside drinking hot chocolate." Before she can argue, I'm already sprinting back inside.

The warm castle shocks me, as I've been in the cold for at least an hour and a half now. I make my way up the winding staircase towards the kitchen, greeting Glimmer and Bow as I walk past them.
"Where's Adora and Catra?" Glimmer had asked.
"Oh, outside, building a snowman." I smiled.
"That's nice... unusual for Catra though... oh well!!!"
"I prefer it inside anyway, and wearing warm jumpers is the best!" Bow cheered.

After our conversation, I ended up where I am now, in the shiny, marble kitchen. I reach into the highest cupboard and take out the hot chocolate powder. I grab mine, Mum's and Catra's mugs from the counter and begin to boil the kettle. I stand alone for a minute, taking in the excitement of the past hour or so. I laugh at the thought of them skating away at the snowman.
Once the drinks are ready, I slowly walk down the stairs, the content of the mugs threatening to spill at any given moment. I don't keep my eyes off of them.

"Drinks are ready!" I exclaim happily as I watch them shivering in the cold. "It'll warm you up!"
"Yeah, thanks a lot..." Catra mutters. She looks down at the ground as she passes me. Mum seems more grateful, though, as she smiles at me and pats my head. "She loves you, babe. She just has a funny way of showing it. As I know from experience." She sighs. "Come on, let's get into some warmer clothes."
I nod, and shut the door behind me.

After a while, Catra is now in a much better mood. We're all sat by the fire, flames growing higher as the snow outside gets heavier.
"Looks cold out there." Mum muses, smiling a little at the amount of snow we'll have tomorrow.
"I bet Frosta's having the time of her life!" I laugh. No one finds it very funny, and I squish myself back into the sofa.
"This is the life, eh?" Catra sighs. "Being in the warmth, having snow outside, and most importantly..." she struggles to find the right words. "You guys are cool too..."
"Awwww!!! That's so sweet!" Mum exclaims, throwing her arms around Catra. She struggles, but to no avail.
"I'm not sweet!!!" She cries, flailing her arms as if she's drowning. I laugh at them, and take another sip of my burning drink. I sigh, looking out the window at the wonderland that unfolds before us. I look at Mum giving Catra a hug attack and smile. This truly is the life.

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