Wedding Bells

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"Wake up!" I hear a voice from outside the darkness of my closed eyes. Reluctantly, I free them, and am instantly blinded by the morning sunlight. I recoil.
"Wake up!" The voice repeats, and as I slowly get my bearings, the blurry figure of Mum appears above me. "It's today!!!"
"Ughhhh." I groan. "Five more minutesssss..."
"We don't have five minutes! It's Bow and Glimmers wedding today!"
I jump out of my bed the quickest I ever have, and sprint over to my wardrobe. I put on my binder, as the clothes I've chosen are tighter than I'd like, and slip on my white and gold tuxedo. Mum ruffles my hair, and I shout at her for messing it up, which she replies with, "It was already a mess!".

I run as fast as my legs will allow down the stairs and into the main hall, where Catra is waiting for us. Mum had followed me the whole way down, shouting for me to slow down, as I kept picking up speed. She slams open the doors, extremely out of breath, and scowls at me. "I said wait."
"I got excited!"
She just rolls her eyes and stands next to Catra, who is going over the guest list.
"So if Iris doesn't come, we'll have room for one more guest... I can't believe Scorpia didn't say anything in advance! If she knew Iris didn't wanna come, she shouldn't have asked for an extra invite!!!" Catra hisses and begins pacing back and forth, bringing everybody's stress levels higher. Even I'm starting to feel the pressure.
"Babe, I'm sure we can arrange something..."
"Who else can come?! We've invited almost the whole of Etheria!"
We stand in an extremely tense silence, everyone clueless of our next move.

"What about," I begin, hopefully inspiring them. "I invite Double Trouble?"
"DOUBLE TROUBLE???!!!" They cry in unison. I don't expect that much of a negative reaction.
"I just thought-"
"Well maybe just stop to think rationally for a second, if you can!" Catra snaps, clearly hurt, and possibly unearthing deep and dark memories which were buried long ago. I immediately regret saying anything, and I cower into the corner, sitting down and letting a dark pit in my stomach begin to engulf me again. Catra sighs deeply and walks over to me.
"Kid, it's a long story. I'll tell you tomorrow, promise."
"Okay." I whimper.

After calming down, I make my way, with Mum and Catra either side of me, to the gardens where the ceremony will be taking place. Castaspella (or Casta for short) is bossing the entire staff as if her life depended on everything being perfect.
"Casta! Scorpia's cancelled for Iris, and we don't have anyone else to fill her space."
Casta's eyes have huge bags under them. She looks exhausted.
"Just get a random person I don't know! I'm extremely busy right now!
Anyway, I don't think it's going to matter too much. NOT THERE YOU IDIOT, WHY WOULD YOU THINK THE CAKE GOES THERE?!" She runs off, cursing at the poor staff member as she goes. Catra sighs and throws the list on the ground. "So much for 'I'll always be able to help'."

As the guests start arriving, I decide to head over to Glimmer. She's got to be ready now, right?
"Hey! Just checking in on you!" I gasp as I lay my eyes upon her. Her silver heels reflect in the clear sunlight, and her stunning white skirt reaches the very tips of her toes. She's still going with the gold lined cape, but the material is more silky and comfortable. Her hair is brushed to one side, sparkles emitting from the smooth locks. And to top it all off, an absolutely gorgeous golden crown adorns her head, bringing together the entire outfit. I might not have had much exposure to good fashion (no offence to my parents) but I can tell when it's done right. She smiles as she takes in my astounded expression.
"I know, it's lovely, right?" Her voice is soft, yet wavering slightly. I also notice her hands, although occupied with the ring box, shaking a little bit. I make my way over to her, bring extra careful to not bump into anything important.
"Don't be scared, Aunt! I know you both love each other with all your heart, so what's there to be scared of?"
She gives a small smile. "I don't know, kid. I don't know..." she waves her hand dismissively and, as a final touch, puts in her gleaming earrings, the ones that match her Mum's memorial. I smile and give her a confident thumbs up. She smiles and pulls me into a hug. "Thank you, so, so much..." she trails off, tears of joy forming in her eyes.
"Don't cry, you'll ruin the makeup!"
She giggles, and wipes her eyes gently with a tissue.

Casta bursts into the room and gasps. "Oh Glimmer, darling, you look just like your mother..." she makes her way over to us and puts her hand on Glimmer's cheek. "You know, she'd be so proud of you, so chin up, and be proud of yourself. And most importantly," she adds mockingly. "Make sure he treats you right! Not that he doesn't already." Glimmer laughs, and makes her way to the door, handing me the intricately carved ring box. She nods, and I nod back. With Casta on her arm, and her head held high, she makes her way to the isle.

I peek out from behind the door and watch with deep interest as she majestically makes her way down the isle, a look of pure astonishment and love passing through Bow's face. I can't help but smile; they're a very cute couple, and seeing them happy makes me happy.

I sit, bored out of my mind for about half an hour it feels like, until I hear my queue, and I race out the door, ring box in hand. Mum and Catra wave at me from the front row, and I smile extremely wide as the faces of all the people I recognise come into focus. My eyes suddenly dart over to the couple. Love adorns both faces, their delicate hands intertwined.

"Thanks kid." Bow whispers to me as I present the box to them. I give him a thumbs up and make my way back to my seat. Catra ruffles my hair. "Sorry for earlier, I'm super proud of you." I smile and rest my head upon her shoulder.

"And do you, Bow, take Queen Glimmer to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
A brief silence fills the air. The audience perch on the edges of their seats, anticipation killing them.
"I do."
The crowd smile, and as they begin to kiss, everybody erupts. Tears are shed, and hands ache from clapping as the newlyweds make their way down the isle, Bow carrying Glimmer and laughter filling the air.

We then head over to the main hall where the party will truly begin! The tables are set neatly, as usual, and the napkins even have our names on them. Mermista and Seahawk sit next to us, Seahawk singing as Mermista looks down in embarrassment. "Ughhhhhhh why did I even marry you???" She sighs. I don't blame her. He can be a handful at times. Though he can be a very kind and supportive soul.

Before I get a chance to follow the smell of freshly baked cake, a figure stands at the front of the stage, microphone held in their hands. Upon further inspection, I realise that it is in fact Mum, which means she is about to give her speech. She nervously scans the crowd, and upon noticing my supportive thumbs up, she breathes in deep and clears her throat.
"Hey, everyone!" She gives a little nervous giggle. "I hope you, er, are enjoying the wedding! I'd just like to make a quick speech. If you don't mind..." I feel sorry for her, she's been practicing day in and day out for this. She just wants to make sure they have the best day ever.

"When I first met these two, they tried to kill me. Granted, I fought back." A small laugh emanates from the audience, which seems to make Mum more confident. "But then they realised how amazing I am and begged me to stay with them." I look over at Glimmer who rolls her eyes. "But, my point is, they've always stuck by my side, even when I was their sworn enemy... and I hope they live the rest of their lives in peace and happiness. They deserve all the best. Let's give it up for the married couple!!!"

The audience erupts and Mum gestures to Bow and Glimmer. They blush, but seem to enjoy the attention. "Thanks Adora." Glimmer smiles at Mum, her eyes filling with joyous tears. Bow teaches over and hugs Glimmer, and everyone awwwwwes at them. Not me though, I find it kinda gross...

The cake is now completely gone, as I ate about 3/4 of it-
But now the guests are beginning to leave, and the sun starts to set on this amazing day. As the last person exits, we all sigh with relief.
"Today went better than I expected!" Mum cheers, bringing out some expensive looking alcohol.
"Adora, no. I've seen you drunk before, and trust me, if you burn this place down-"
Oh relaaaaaax Catra," Mum begins. "I'm already kinda drunk anyway-" she giggles, and Catra spends the next few minutes chasing Mum around the castle.

I stare out the window; the sun stares back at me. A golden blanket neatly covers the landscape. A perfect end, and a perfect beginning.

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