A Mother's Love

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|| This was suggested by @StrangerthingsandPJO so thank you for the request! Keep commenting and suggesting ideas, it helps a lot!

Also! TW: Blood, a bit of gore.
If any of that is distressing for you, I would recommend skipping to the next part. You have been warned! ||

I wake up as usual, and it takes a few minutes to summon the strength to get up. Once I do, I throw open the curtains, sunlight streaming through the huge glass window. I shield my eyes from the brightness, and face my wardrobe. I walk towards it, slower than usual. Last night I snuck out for a lot longer than usual with Huntara, which means I'm a bit of a mess right now. Only three hours of sleep. It can't be healthy...

I grip the handle of the wardrobe, feeling the cold metal between my fingers. I gently open the pearly white doors, catching my reflection in the mirror for a split second. Even with a moments glance at myself, I saw the bags, more like suitcases, under my eyes. I flick through my outfits, deciding on a white tank top and some shorts. Of course I add my favourite bandanna around my neck, and I admire my handiwork in the mirror.

After making my hair look as perfect as I can get it, I skip through the halls and down to the dining room. Usually, I'll get ready, and breakfast will already be served. But after I stare at where my plate is supposed to be, I look up at the clock that sits high upon the wall.

"An hour early?!" I shriek. I've never been early in my life, let alone when I've been deprived of sleep! An idea suddenly hits me like a slap in the face. If I still have an entire hour before I have to do anything... no one will notice if I pop out for some... fresh air!

I race down the hall, my legs increasing in speed as I near the front doors. As I reach them, I, as quietly as I possibly can, halt and carefully unlock them. With a clunk, they (seemingly reluctantly) creak open. I grin to myself as I lay my eyes upon what awaits me outside.

Walking up the stony path towards the Whispering Woods, I stop to admire the scenery. My heart skips a beat as I take in the sight! The air looks like it's physically sparkling, and the early glow of dawn casts flourishing light all around me. Right now, it's all mine. No one else is here to enjoy the sights, so why not keep it to myself?

I hurry up after I realise how much time I've wasted by just idling around and looking at the landscape. I make my way to the entrance of the whispering woods. As I do so, my fists clench at my sides, and my gaze wanders from tree to tree, the darkness caused by the leaves trapping me inside. I keep going forwards, regretting my decisions more and more as I head through the thick foliage.

Suddenly, after what seems like hours, I hear a twig snap behind me. The noise sends me into a panic and I sprint away from whatever made that sudden movement. But as I make my escape, however, my leg gets stuck in a huge net of razor sharp thorns. A stabbing feeling courses through my leg, and I can't help but scream at the pain. As I continue to struggle, the thorns scratch deeper into my skin. Tears spill from my eyes as I scream in agony. When I finally manage to pull my leg out of the tangle of thorns, which are now dosed in a layer of fresh blood, I stare at my mangled leg, swollen and dripping in crimson. The wounds are deep, and I can feel it sting as the air brushes past it. With an excruciatingly painful step, I try to move forwards back towards the cobbled path to the castle. Thankfully, I only got stuck on the outskirts of the woods, so the journey won't be as bad as it could have been.

I end up crawling the majority of the way home. I am fully aware of the fresh blood trail I'm making on the ground as I drag my leg across the path.
I knock on the door weakly, and the door immediately opens.
"H...he...help.... m....me...." I manage to utter before I lose consciousness.

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