Falling For You

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Out of every villain out there, I just had to get beaten up by the Foot Clan. Xever to be specific.

We were out for night duty and all of a sudden they attacked. It was a surprise really. We haven't been attacked in days after we met Shredder.

While fighting against our enemies, I broke my own rule and went off to fight Xever on my own. Somehow he ended up hurting me even though I had beaten him up roughly. All I remember is Raph screaming out my name as I fell into consciousness.

"What did you do to him you bastard?" He yelled.

I couldn't feel my hand. My whole arm was numb. I tried to calm Raph down but I was unresponsive.

The very last thing I remeber was Raph holding me in his arms. "I got you Leo. I won't let go. I will never let go."


~Raph's P.O.V~

Leo looks different wihout his mask.

But he still looks beautiful even without his mask.

Leo just looks perfect.

I place a finger on top of his eyelid and swipe down across his cheek. He hasn't woken up in two hours and I'm worried sick. I'm sitting on a chair, in his room, with a cream and strips of bandages in my hand. Donnie told me to re-bandage his hand once he woke up.

Leo isn't seriously injured but he did break his hand. Accoriding to Donnie, Xever put all his weight on top of him while his hand was in a bad position, causing a bone to crack. The pain must have been unbearable for him to pass out like this.

I sigh and burry my face in my hands.

"Still hasn't woken up?" Mikey asks with a mouth full of jellybeans.

"Nope," I reply.

"Is he going to be okay Raph?" Mikey asks with a small voice.

"Of course he will Mikey," I scoff. "He'll be fine." I look at my unconscious brother and sigh again. "Go play or something."

"Okay." Mikey obeys and pats my shoulder before he leaves.

A few moments of silence pass. I hold Leo's healthy hand and lay my head on top of his chest. Suddenly my head bounces up and down slowly and I realize that he is breathing.


Alarmed, I lift my head and tighten my grip on his hand. His eyes dilate and he licks his lips. His grass green skin grows pale.

"What the shell happened?" He asks.

Relief and anger washes inside me. "You're such a dumbass Leo. Never go against Xever on your own. You always tell me not go out and fight on my own and then there you go! Fighting on your own and getting hurt and-"

Leo shushes me by placing a finger on my lips. I immediately stiffen and stop talking.

"Alright alright I get it," He replies and puts down his finger. "I'm sorry."

I frown and follow his eyes. He stares at our intertwined fingers and my cheeks begin to heat up.

"You just have a broken hand," I reply.

"No shit. It hurts like hell," He says with a smug grin. "

"Hey don't cuss," I warn playfully and we both laugh. The sound is like music to my ears. Why don't I ever hear us laugh together? Oh right. Cause I'm a jerk.

"Alright get up," I instruct.

"Get up? Why?" He groans.

"I need to bandage you again. There's this cream Donnie told me to put on you or some shit," I reply with a shrug.

Leo rolls his eyes. "So much for not cussing."

I help him sit up from his bed. He whimpers and grabs his broken hand. I scoot my chair closer to him and begin to remove his old bandage. Leo looks away as I gasp at the sight of his swollen hand. Giant splotches of purple surround his hand and even part of his arm.

Trying to remain calm, I open the cream container and dab some on my finger. I place the cream lightly on top of his skin and he whimpers again. I offer him my other hand and he takes it. He squeezes it whenever he feels a slight pain and I finally bandage him up.

"Okay?" I whisper.

"Okay," he nods. "Is this suppose to cure me right away?"

"I don't know. It came from Donnie. You know how he is with his creative inventions," I remark.

"Yeah," he says. We are still holding hands and we remain still for awhile.  Communication is not needed between us as I sit next to him and he lays his head on my shoulder. Instinctively, I stiffen underneath his touch and look down at my brother.

I wrap my arm fully around him and lay my own head on top of his.

He doesn't know the meaning behind my gestures. I'm not doing this because I'm being a caring bother. I'm doing this because I'm falling for him. I'm falling for him hard and fast.

Yay! Raph's point of view! Fun fact: Raph is my favorite turtle!

So I know the picture is from April's house but lets just pretend it wasn't. This actually took place in Leo's room. Its just a visual of how they both were right now.

Sorry for the shortness of the chapter but Im doing a double update cause why the heck not?

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