Would it be wrong?

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"Hey Donnie can I ask ya something?" I'm sitting in Donnie's lab, messing with some containers.

"Sure. Just stop playing with those for God's sake," he whines. He pours a bright green liquid into a tube.

"Technically we aren't blood related are we?" I ask.

"Well I suppose we aren't. But we were mutated together so we'll always be related somewhat," he replies with a small voice.

"Okay," I respond.

It was so wrong. Each day Raph and I got closer. Sure, brothers are meant to mature and respect each other, but kissing and holding hands isn't part of it.

Despite the wrongness, I found myself wishing more of it. I love holding hands with Raph and laying my head on his shoulder. I love his teasings and how he always takes every chance to be with me. It was all new. Raph and I have never been so close before.

"How's your hand doing?" Donnie asks.

"Much better," I reply. My bandage has been removed and it looks less swollen. Who knows? Maybe tonight I can finally join them for night patrol.

"So there are no news on Xever or Shredder?"

"Nope," Donnie says. He grabs a piece of pepperoni and drops a small amount of the bright green liquid. I watch in amazement as it grows to the size of a disk.

"Woah Don! What exactly are you working on?" I grab the giant pepperoni and take a bite.

"A machine that makes pizza giant," he replies. "See I'm going to use this liquid and insert it on a retro microwave so it can be used."

I stop chewing and raise my eyebrow. "Is this for Mikey?"

"Well yeah I guess so," he says with a smile. "He wouldn't stop bugging me about it."

I bite on the pepperoni again. "So are you and Mikey-"

"No! No its nothing like that! That's ridiculous! We're brothers!" He yelps and my mouth drops.

"Um Donnie? What are you talking about?" I question.

Donnie opens and shuts his mouth repeatedly while shaking his head. "N-Nothing Leo."

"I was just going to ask if you guys are gonna share this giant pizza machine thing," I explain. "You guys have been getting along awfully well."

"Oh shut up Leo. I can say the same about you and Raph," he fires back.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I retort. I cross my arms and look away.

Donnie laughs and points a finger at me. "Don't think I haven't noticed. You guys always hold hands everytime we watch tv."

Was it that obvious? "Not true," I whisper. But knowing Donnie, he won't buy it so we remain silent. He's probably connecting the dots of why I asked him my question in the first place.

"Would it be wrong?" I suddenly ask without thinking.

"Would what be wrong?" He takes the pepperoni away from me and bites it.

"Say that I liked Raph in a different way. Would that be wrong?" I ask quietly.

When Donnie doesn't reply, I mentally slap myself. What is wrong with me with saying stupid things?

"Not that I do," I add quickly. "Just wonderin."

Donnie gives me a warm-hearted smile and stares at his container. "Well Leo do you really want to know what I think?"

I nod. If its any of my brothers I need help from, it would be Donnie. I trust him the most for advice and I know he won't judge me.

"I think you should just follow your heart. Find out what it wants and go for it," he says proudly and lifts his container of bright green liquid. "Love doesn't have to be perfect ya know?"

I grin at my nerdy brother. He always knows the best thing to say. Not a single laugh or tease came out of him. He accepts the fact that me and Raph have a strong connection and I couldn't be any more happier.

"Thank you Don," I say and hug him. "And Mikey is going to love you more after you finish this."

His cheeks turn bright pink and I laugh. I wave him goodbye and turn my heel towards Raph's room.

Just follow your heart.

I find Raph in the kitchen with his mouth full of fish. I lean against the wall and he chews carefully as he eyes me. He swallows and licks his lips.

"What?" I say and cross my legs.

His eyes travel my body and my legs begin to wobble a bit.

"Lets go out for a bit yeah? I'm bored as hell and I can't spend another minute with Mikey. Besides I have to tell you something," he says and pulls my arm.

"Okie dokie," I say and he shoots me a glare.

"Please don't ever say that again." We laugh as he drags me out of here.

Find out what it wants and go for it.

Well...my heart wants Raph. I want Raph to be mine. Is that too much to ask for?


Okie dokie! Next chapter they may or may not become a couple. Enough of the flirtings right?

Im off to school. Stay beautiful! Love ya!

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