Miss you

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We don't talk as we run back home. Its like a silent race. I hold my wounded hand as we run, trying to prevent it from moving. Its improving and I'm grateful for that.

While I recover from our kiss, I begin to question my sudden outburst. I can't believe I asked him to do that. I could've made him wear a tutu or perhaps sing a romance song in front of everyone. That would've been more reasonable.

But a kiss was much better.

When we reach our place, we find Mikey and Donnie hugging each other. I raise my eyebrows and share a glance with Raph. My two young brothers are embracing each other in a way I've never seen them do before.

Raph clears his throat loudly, causing the both of them to shriek and separate. I glare at Raph and he shrugs.

"Raph! Leo! Uh w-what are you guys doing here?" Donnie asks. His cheeks are flushed and Mikey keeps his head down.

"Um we live here smartass," Raph replies.

I nudge his arm and give him a warning look. "Watch it. Be nice."

Raph grunts and walks towards the punching bag. As he begins to punch the poor dummie, Mikey joins him, leaving me with Donnie.

"Are you okay Don?" I ask him.

"Yeah," he says. "He was just sad cause he couldn't find the remote." He chuckles nervously.

A close hug just for a remote? Donnie would never comfort him, instead he would scold him. Everything is so odd right now. Raph has gone from ignoring me to kissing me. Donnie has gone from scolding Mikey to hugging him.

"Well I'm going to watch some television," he says. I bite my lip and decide to join him. Instead of watching the best show ever, we end up watching Crognard. Donnie sits on the floor with a bag of chips on his hands.

I take a seat on the couch and focus on the little characters. The show is pleasing enough so I forgive Donnie for not putting Space Heroes.

"Oh cool! Crognard!" Mikey yells and jumps on the ground next to Donnie, lifting his legs as if he were a mermaid.

Raph joins a couple moments later and sits next to me. He is awfully close, our shoulders touching. He pokes my cheek. Surprised by the small gesture, I turn to him and he smiles.

"Okay?" He asks.

"Okay," I nod. He puts his hand on my cheek and my breathing becomes deep. For a moment I think he is going to kiss me but instead he brings it down to my lap.

He grabs my healthy hand and I let him lock his fingers with mine. I peer at him with wide eyes. He's holding my hand?

He doesn't say anything. He just smirks and stares at the television. I look down at our hands and a small smile forms on my lips. One of his fingers traces circular patterns on the top of my hand. I find myself forgetting every worried feelings I had and I lay my head on top of his shoulder.

One thing I've noticed about Raph is that he stiffens underneath my touch. It amuses me that even though he tenses up, he doesn't reject my touches.

We watch about five episodes until night time falls. Donnie gets up and Raph and I let go of our hands. I lift my head up and turn to Mikey who stretches.

"Night patrol," Donnie mumbles.

"Do we have to go?" Mikey asks.

"Yes Mikey. We need to make sure no humans are threatened remember?" Donnie explains.

"Since when do we protect humans?" Raph says.

"Since we learned ninjutsu and basically train to fight against evil," I reply. "Lets go."

"Woah sorry Leo but you have to stay," Donnie says.

"What?" I practically shriek. Donnie points at my hand and I sigh. Right.

"But it doesn't hurt anymore," I say.

"You have to get fully healed," he explains. "If you go and hurt it then you'll have to stay here longer."

I groan and Raph laughs. "Poor Fearless can't come along. You'll be missing all the fun."

"Come on guys," Donnie says. Since when did he become boss?

Donnie exits our home with Mikey following behind. I expect Raph to follow them too but instead he stays and makes me stand up. He grabs my hand and leans closer to me. I can hear my heart pounding against my chest. I hold my breath as his lips make contact with my cheek and I blush madly.

"We'll be back okay?" He whispers.

"Alright," I reply.

He lets go of my hand, takes a deep breath, and runs away.

"Be safe," I whisper. "I already miss you."

Woop woop! I added some Mikey and Donnie action because they are so cute!

At this moment I'd like to thank all of you who are reading and have voted and commented. It means a lot, it really does. So thank you so much. YOU DA BOMB. I LOVE YOU.

Just another more chapter away before they become a couple! I mean..psh nothing.

Anyways! Bye loves. Stay beautiful!

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