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"Wake up you idiot." I poke Raph's cheek and try to free myself from his arms. He's holding me tight. Too tight.

"Raphiee," I whine. I put my hand on his shoulder and move it in a spider-like motion. "Here comes the roachie."

His eyes snap open and he shrieks. I am freed but pushed to the ground. He smacks his own shoulder and trembles as he sits up. "Where? Where is it?"

When he faces me, a big frown takes over and I laugh. "You're such a big baby!"

Raph gets out of bed and quickly tackles me. I yell and dodge his body but somehow he pins me down and purses his lips. His hot breath fans my face and once again, I am at loss of words.

"This," he says. "This is how it should be. Not Karai. I don't ever want to see her on top of you."

"That can be arranged," I say weakly. He leans in and right when our lips touch, the door swings open.

"Hey Raph are you okay? I thought I heard- Oh." Donnie freezes and raises his eyes at us.

I push Raph away and begin to flush. "Don, I..."

Donnie holds up his hand to silence me. Raph's breathing is so loud and his cheeks are flamed.

"You don't have to explain. Sorry for interrupting," Donnie says and closes the door before Raph can react.

I feel my pulse quickening and I cover my face. "Oh my god. Donnie just caught us kissing," I mumble.

"He'll be okay."

I look up at him, expecting to see a smug expression but its replaced by a small smile. He puts his hand on my shell and rubs gently.

"Lets continue where we left off?" He says.

I grin and lay back down as he hovers on top of me.


"A-team wins again!" I yell and high three Raph.

"Face it guys. We are unstoppable," Raph says.

"Shut up," Donnie hisses. "B-team is just as good."

"Yeah that's why you guys lose all the time huh?" Raph taunts and I smack him.

"Raphael leave them alone," Sensei demands. "A person is just as good as their teammate."

"Well obviously they're not," Raph urges on. "We're just better than them."

At this point I smack him again and shush him. Unfortunately, its not enough and Sensei has to pound him to the ground. Everyone starts laughing, even Sensei himself.

I help Raph up and he massages his head. "Damn was that necessary?"

And so the lesson began. After explaining the importance of teamwork, training is finally over. We all go to the living room and enjoy some pizza. On our way, I fall behind and catch little Spike entering Raph's room. I decide to pick him up for Raph to feed him.

"Come here little guy," I say.

I turn on the lamp and pick up the tiny turtle. I guide him out of the room, but my eyes immediately go to a stack of books on the counter. Curiosity gets the best of me and I free Spike, who wanders out into the hallway.

"Huh?" I open up one of the books and feel the pages in my fingers. The Fault In Our Stars? Isn't this a love story?

I set it aside and pick up another one. "No way," I whisper under my breath. "Romeo and Juliet?"

"Why the hell are you in my room?" An angry voice booms from behind me. I jump, dropping the book to the ground.

"Sorry. I just saw Spike and then-"

Raph takes a deep breath to control his anger. "Spike is in the kitchen safely now. You have no business being here."

"Oh come on. I've slept with you in this very room. Why the grudge now?" I ask.

"Its one thing to be here and its another to be sneaking into my stuff," he says as he makes his way to me. He picks up the book and puts his stack under his bed. When he looks at me, his cheeks are bright red.

"You read Romeo and Juliet?" I ask.

"No," he defends himself.

"No way. Raphael Hamato reads romance novels," I tease and point at him.

"Shut it," he warns.

But I can't stop. This is too priceless and amusing at the same time. Knowing Raph reads this type of thing makes me excited. At least he can read.

"So what's your favorite part of the play? When they kiss and marry?" I tease further.

"No. Its when they die," he smirks, his mood slightly lightening.

I frown and pick up the books from under his bed. He eyes me carefully as I open a book. "The Fault In Our Stars?"

"I haven't really read that," he admits. "And you weren't suppose to find out about this."

"So this is your little dirty secret?" I ask.

Raph just nods after a long pause of hesitation. I sit on his bed and point to the very first word. "I don't really know how to read. I'm not fluent like Donnie," I whisper with a nervous laugh.

"Reading? Oh come one Leo. Even Mikey knows how to read," Raph laughs, but when he sees my pained expression, he stops and sits next to me.

"You serious bro?" He asks quietly. "But what about your comics?"

"I can read them but the pictures help me a lot," I whisper. Damn, I can't believe I'm telling him this.

"What about those romance novels in your room? You always rant about them," he says.

"Raph I don't really read them. I watch them on tv or ask Donnie what they are about okay?" I am too embarrassed now and I hide my face in my hands.

"Oh. So this is your dirty little secret?"

"Yeah," I reply and close the book. "I just don't understand most of the flippin words."

Here comes the teasing about the fearless leader being unable to read.

"Hey well I can help you," Raph says. I gaze at him, my lips parting.

"Really?" I say cautiously.

"Of course Leo. You know I'd do anything for you right?" He says and lifts my chin. He forces me to look at him and plants a soft kiss on my forehead.

I relax and lean into him. He grabs the book from my hands and opens it. "Here. How about I read this for you and you ask me about any part you don't understand, okay?"

"Thank you Raph," I say as I intertwine our fingers together.

"Late in the winter of my seventeenth year..." he begins to read.


Idk guys..would it make sense to make Leo unable to read? I just thought the idea would be cute to have Raph help him. *-*

I was suppose to update yesterday but my internet was shut down. Ahh!

BTW thank you so much to everyone who is reading, voting, or commenting. I love you :')

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