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"Hey Raph where are we going?"

The night wind is cold and we are no longer in the sewers. I follow behind Raph as we jump on the buildings.

"Somewhere," he replies.

"Well where is somewhere?" I notice that we are getting out of the city. The sound of cars becomes distant and the lights are no longer seen.

Raph slows down and holds my hand as we cross empty streets. The sound of nature is ringing through my ears. A few birds sing their melody as we pace through an unknown path.

"Are we almost there yet?"I whine. We last for a good fifteen minutes. I had no idea this place even existed. There is a large bridge above us and a large body of water just ahead. A few boats float by the dock.

"How do you feel about swimming?" Raph says.

"Swimming? Its cold out here you doof," I yelp.

"So? A little water never hurt you," he chuckles.

We reach the edge of the ground and he lets go of my hand. I stare dumbfoundedly as he steps into the water and extends his hand to me.

"Heck no Raphael. I am not going in there," I hiss.

He frowns. "Can you stop being so stubborn for a minute and relax? I'm just trying to spend some time with you."

I bite my lip and sigh. "Sorry Raph. Of course I'll join."

I grab his hand and step into the water. It is surprisingly warm but not warm enough. I shiver underneath the touch and use his shoulders as support. The water is deeper than I thought and for a moment I panick.

"Hey I got you. I won't let go," he whispers.

I gulp. Our face are so close and I turn away. Even after my little talk with Donnie, I still wonder if its wrong to feel this way.

"So um...what was it you wanted to tell me?" My voice comes out weak.

Raph grins. "You're never going to guess what I saw," he begins.

"What did you see?"


"An embarrasing diary? April falling off a cliff?" I guess.

Raph laughs and shakes his head. "Very amusing but no. I caught Mikey and Donnie kissing."

I cover my mouth and my eyes dilate. Mikey and Donnie?

"No way. When?" Yes they were geting close but I didn't know it was that close. Why am I even surprised? Its not like me and Raph haven't kissed before.

"Today. Just awhile ago before he was in his lab," he explains. "It all happened in Mikey's room.

So Donnie and Mikey kissed before I had my little talk with him. He must have felt relieved that he found himself in the same situation as me. That explains his strange behavior.

"Wow," is all I manage to say. I look into the distance and I purse my lips.

"Something wrong Leo?" We swim deeper into the water. I try to ignore the fear of drowning as his arms go around my waist, and my body ignites.

"Whats happening?" I whisper. "We can't continue to act like this and treat it like its normal."

His cheeks flush and I smile fondly at the sight.

"Why did you bring me here?" I ask. "What do you want?"

"You," he replies with a hoarse voice. The answer takes me by surprise and I eye him carefully. My brother just shrugs and looks down.

"Then make me yours," I murmur.

This time its Raph who looks shocked. He groans and rolls his eyes. "Is this the part where I have to be romantic and ask you out or something?"

Wow I can't believe this is actually happening.

I blush and chuckle. "Maybe."

"Leo I'm not good at this shit. I dont even know how that works. I find that whole boyfriend and girlfriend nicknames lame,"he scoffs.

I sigh in disappointment. With Raph, it will never be like my favorite novels where the couple end up being together in a romantic way.

"I just think you deserve so much better than to be labeled as my boyfriend," he adds quietly. "Because I want you to mean more than that you know?"

I smile and nod. "Its okay Raph."

"Let me just claim you as mine," he mumbles. "Just in my way." I freeze as he leans in closer to me. I close my eyes and gasp slightly as his mouth grazes my neck.

"W-what are you doin?" My hands surround neck. His mouth explores my neck, leaving a trail of kisses before he bites a sensitive area. A moan escapes my lips. Every bone in my body grows weak and Raph has to hold me tighter for me not to fall.

I mindlessly wrap my thighs around his waist. A gasp falls from his mouth and I quickly unhook them.

"Sorry," I mutter but Raph grabs them and folds them back around him. I immediately kiss him and cup his face.

He hums into the kiss while he touches my legs and goes a bit farther up. "Mmm.. mine..mine," he mumbles in between breaths. "Only mine."

The kiss gets deeper, exploring each other's mouth. My whole body is weak yet so awake, and I no longer care how deep we are in the water. I've never felt so alive like this.

"Mine," he whispers when we stop to catch our breaths and rest our foreheads together.

"Yours," I whisper happily.

And so we stay like this for a long time. And I decide, this is way better than any of my novels.

HA! How do ya like this chapter? I got this idea from a book but I swear I can't remember from which one oops!

From this point on they will continue their adventures as a couple. Sorry that it took so long but hey, it happened.

Again, thank you so much for reading, voting, and commenting. I love you all! Stay beautiful!

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