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        Jonah's house was beautiful on the inside. It felt like a home should feel. He went to the fridge, grabbing a cooler on the way. He started packing it with beers. 

        "So your Alice's cousin?" He asked me.

        "Yes, I am. And you're her boyfriend?" 

        "Oh hell no. Sorry that was mean she's a beautiful girl just not my type. I like more down to earth girls. Like you." I blushed instantly. 

        "You don't know me," I said.

        "Well id like to get to know you." He smiled, boy that smile made my heart melt.

        "We better go get this beer down to Liam, or else he will come looking," Jonah said packing the last beer in, and getting up. 

        When we got down to the lake, Jen and Alice were laying on towels tanning, and Ty was jumping off the rope swing. 

        "We brought beer!" Jonah yelled. Liam came running, instantly grabbing one and chugging it. 

        "Here you go girls," Liam handed one to each of the girls. 

        "Here you go," Jonah handed me one, but I didn't accept. 

        "I don't drink. Not anymore," I said.

        "Well then I'm not going to drink either," He said. 

        "You don't have to do that. Have fun don't let me keep you from that."

        "As long as you are here, I'm having fun. Now come on lets swim," He ripped of his shirt, and grabbed my hand pulling me into the water after him. 

        I could see his chest, and abs which like the rest of his body were perfect. 

        I swam in the  water next to him, he was smiling at me.

        "What is it?" I asked.

        "You just have beautiful eyes, that's all." 

        "Well thank you," I was blushing again. 


          "Hey, We're going inside, it's getting dark," Liam yelled from the trees. 

        I didn't realize, me and Jonah had been swimming for so long, my hands were wrinkly  when I got out and I was shivering. My clothes where soaking wet. 

        "I don't have any pants for you, but I do have a Flannel you can wear if you want it," Jonah asked me when we got back inside, everyone was siting on the deck outside. 

        "Sure," I said. He brought me into his room, which was tiny, it had a twin bed, one dresser, and a tiny closet. 

        "Here you go, it's gonna be big but its cozzy, You can change in here, I'm gonna change in the bathroom across the hall there," I nodded my head okay.

        I changed into the flannel, which went past my shorts. but when I looked into the hall I noticed Jonah hadn't shut the door all the way, I could see his reflection in the mirror. I looked away, blushing.

        I tried to turn my attention away, I saw a picture of a baby and a woman who looked to be his mom. 

        "That's my mom," he sat down on the bed and I sat down next to him. 

        "Alice told me your parents died that's got to be terrible," Jonah said, and I could feel all the color rush from my face. 

        "Is that why you're being so nice to me? Because you feel sorry for me?" I got up, I was angry, and crying so I ran out of the room, and out of the house.

        "Lorelei wait!" Jonah screamed and ran after me.

        I started walking down the street, and realized I had no clue where I was going. It was dark and I could not remember which way we came from. 

        I sat on the curb, and put my head in my hands, and started balling. I felt Jonah's arm come across my back, and we just sat in silence, as I cried into my hands.


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