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    I rode in the ambulance with Jonah, holding his hand the whole way. 

    "Come on Jonah, Please just hold on for me. I cant loose you," I said holding his hand. 

    When we got to the hospital the paramedics quickly got Jonah into a room, and began working on him. I watched, as a nurse pulled the curtain closed

    "Lorelei right? Come with me, ill get that stitched up for you," A blonde nurse came up, gently setting her hand on my shoulder, I jumped at her touch.

    "Im fine, I just need to wait for Jonah, and make sure he's okay."

    "I promise, I will keep you updated."

    I hadn't even noticed how bad my head was bleeding until now. The shirt I was wearing was stained with blood, mine and Jonahs.

    "Okay," I followed her into a separate room, and she began cleaning and stitching the wound. 

   "Im looking for a girl, black short hair. My niece Lorelei.  I need to see her," I could hear my aunt she was outside, panicking. 

   "She's just getting a few stitches, and the she will be out in a few, you can just have a seat over there," I heard a nurse say to her. 

    Someone knocked at the door, and nurse peaked her head in, the blonde nurse who was working on me, got up and went out to talk to her.

    Please don't come in and tell me hes dead, please. I thought to myself.

    "Jonahs, going into surgery now to  remove the bullet."

    "So he's still alive?"

    "Yes, and they have a good feeling hes going to stay that way,"I smiled.

    "All done here,your family is in the waiting room, you can wait there and ill be sure to have a doctor come tell you how the surgery is going," She helped me up, and held open the door for me. 

    "Okay, thank you." 

   When I walked out to the waiting room, my aunt and uncle both jumped up, and grabbed me. 

   "I thought you were dead, when the cops came to the door and said something happened," My aunt said, she was sobbing.

   "We are so glad you are okay," My uncle said.

   "Hows Jonah?" Alice asked, her eyes for once actually filled with concern.

   "He's alive, hes in surgery now ," I answered, I felt a little light headed, so my aunt led me to a couch I sat down, and she grabbed my head resting it in her lap. She ran her fingers through my hair, until I fell asleep. 

   "Lorelei, wake up sweetie," My aunt shook me awake.

   "Jonahs out of surgery, and awake he wants to see you."

  I smiled, getting up the nurse escorted me to his room.

I opened the door, to see his grinning face staring back at me.

"Hey love, you didn't think you would get rid of me this easy did you?" He said, bringing a smile to my face. I walked over to him kissing his lips. 

"No, of course not," I was crying now, not of sad tears but happy ones.

"Plus, you cant get rid of me until I at least do this," He grabbed something off the table next to him, that was in the shape of a ring.

"Lorelei, I know we haven't known each other for that long, but we've gone through so much that I think I have an excuse when I say I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I would be nothing without you. So please do me the honor of marrying me?" My stomach felt like a million butterflies began flying around.

My eyes filled with even more tears as I grabbed his hand and said "Yes, of course."

He grabbed my hand and put on the paper ring, "I'm sorry, this isn't going to be the real ring, I just couldn't go to a store, because well I was having surgery," He laughed a bit and I did too.

  "Its perfect Jonah," I pressed my lips against his, and couldn't help but smile. Maybe I will get my happy ending after all. 



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