Cuddle Bug

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I was inspired by a wattpad friend(ish) to write a cuddley Buck, and to make a confession scene. Don't know how this will go, but I am making it long!! So welcome everybody, to my probably first 1,000+ Oneshot. (So this should technically be called a Drabble book, huh?).

  Buck lets out a long but satisfying groan from his bed as he stretches. It was his second day of having this 'oh so wonderful' cold, and was not only having a difficulty breathing and walking suck ass, (sorry Christopher,) but he was both hungry and tired. His body would not let him do anything to solve the problem. He has already tried taking a nap hours ago, and let's not get started on how long he had stared at a plate of Bobby's pasta, willing himself to eat. 

  If only someone would come and put him out of his misery.

  But he had, has, no one. Not since he and Taylor broke it off, since he started avoiding Eddie. He didn't even have his sister anymore, or her kid. And Chim was still upset with him. 

  From Buck's mental standpoint, he had nobody now, everyone and everything was stacked against him. But that was just his luck.

He decided that the next best course of action was to suffocate himself with a pillow, then to continue to think.


  When Buck finally got the little bit of energy needed to move, he went downstairs, with the plan of watching some brain killing TV shows. It was fun to solve the fictional characters problems then to face his own. Or more accurately, problems? What problems? What he did not expect was to find Eddie and Christopher in the middle of breaking into the apartment, one holding blankets and the other holding some delicious looking soup in a container. He froze as soon as he made eye contact with Eddie, and Chris, the little angel, chose to be the one who breaks the silence.

   "Surprise!! We wanted to have Friday movie night in here, since you're sick and all. Do you like it? The surprise?" Buck forced chuckle.

   "I do, kid. It might be fun." He winced when he heard himself sound so hoarse. Christopher shouldn't have to hear him like this.

    "Chris, why don't you set up the living room? You could even pick the movie." The kid nodded, and ran off.

  Awkward silence started up once again, with Buck seriously considering running away, but then Eddie grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the kitchen and onto the stool.

     "So, uh-"

     "I'm sorry." Eddie blurted out.  Buck furrows his brow.

     "Why? You didn't even-"

     "But I didn't try. To reach out to you I mean. I knew you were hurting, and wanted to be left alone, but-" Buck interrupted his apology with a hug, grateful. 

      "Guys," Christopher called out, "you're taking too long!"

They ended up watching Hotel Transelvania, all three of the movies, before Chris finally fell asleep. Neither of the men however, had the strength to move themselves, both lightly dozing in and out of consciousness. Buck, who will never admit it, was sprawled out, all over Eddie, and absolutely hated the idea of moving. With only five minutes left to the movie, he knew he either fell asleep, or assisted Eddie move Chris to the truck, so they could go home. 

  Buck mentally scoffed, and burrowed his head deeper into the other man's side. I need the sleep- was his excuse.

  But the TV was turned off and Eddie was moving, when he was supposed to be dead to the world, which made Buck nervous, seeing as he literally just 'snuggled' into his side, but Eddie didn't move away. Nope. It almost felt like he hugged Buck tighter, made sure the blanket covered them both well enough, and turned out the lamplight and the table beside him. Was that the best part? No.

  The best part was when he started playing with his hair.

  "Buck, I know you are awake," he whispered. Buck didn't respond, but he coughed, unfortunately letting the other know that yes. He was awake. "We should talk." Buck wanted to groan. Talk? Why talk when all he wanted to do was- "And then we could cuddle." Talking it is.

"Talk about what?" He says, his voice a bit muffled due to his position.

"You know I love you, right?" The darkness helped hide Eddie's face, Buck realizes. So he cannot tell whether or not Eddie is serious.

"I- um, love you too Eddie." 

  "No,not the way I do." And hope enters Buck's heart, like reindeers prancing around in the sky, helping Santa deliver presents to everybody in the world. Speaking of Santa, Christmas is just around the corner, and Buck needs to go present shopping before it's too late and prices have skyrocketed. Chris needs-

  " buck?" Eddie's whisper stops his mind from wandering further.

  That's right, Eddie said he loves, LOVEs Buck like he loved Shannon. And Buck loved him back. Even though it's not even Christmas, that is a great present.

  "nevermind." Ah, right, he didn't tell Eddie he loves him back yet.

  "I love love you too." He finally lifted his head from Eddie's side and wow. It's really dark. If he wasn't on top of Eddie, he would have no idea where he is. 

   "Really?" Buck nods his head slowly. "That's great."

  And they kissed. They kissed, and Buck liked it. He liked it alot, and hopefully Eddie liked it alot too. And to describe the feeling, let's go back to the reindeer. You think their joy is great? Well imagine Santa's. Because that's how strong the love and happiness he feels is. Each gift dropped into his heart burst open, and warm and love and comfort envelopes his heart and mind, and he can't help but hum in delight while they are still kissing, cause just, wow. This is amazing.

   "So, uh," Buckmutters, when they finally get a chance to breathe. "does this mean we're finally dating?" He feels Eddie chuckle from under him.

  "Yeah, it does. You want to be the one who tells Chris?"

   "Sure, only if you are the one who tells Bobby. And Hen. And I suppose Chim. In that order." He feels Eddie chuckle again, before he starts to yawn, which turns into a rough cough. 

   "Now can we cuddle?" He half mumbles.

   "Now we can cuddle."

The two of them wake up once again to Christopher trying to get in between them. 

  "It's unfair that you would leave me out of the hugs." He pouted. The two men scoot over and let him join, and after a while, the trio finally continue their sleep.

And thats it folks. Please leave recomendations, okay? I write better that way.

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