Chapter 2

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" what's with that stupid grin a whole time??" Lisa asked as she munching on her sandwich.

" Maybe not because we left her on the ground right?" Chaeyoung said in concern.

Meanwhile Jisoo just daydreaming smiling at the small encounter with the cat eyes girl this morning.

Nayeon and seulgi coming and join them with a tray full of food. They both look at Jisoo about to ask the same thing like lisa.

" Jisoo you good?" Nayeon nudge.

" why not????" Jisoo tilted her head.

" with that stupid smile on your face, I doubt that you are okay. " seulgi spoke.

" So I couldn't even smile now???" Jisoo exclaim.

" Yes you can but since you step a foot in the class and back to the canteen now, you keep smiling, mind sharing what's on your mind Miss. Korea???" Lisa roll her eyes.

" You wouldn't understand " Jisoo giggles.

" what's with the bag???" Seulgi nod to the bag beside Jisoo.

" ahhhh a gift " Jisoo beams.

" Since when you accepting gift from stranger?" Chaeyoung frowned.

" since this morning"

Lisa and nayeon look at each other and get up to lock Jisoo arms.

" lets get her head check"

" Stop bickering " seulgi sighs.

" Btw what's you guys planned this weekend??"

" why??" Lisa asked as she sit back.

" irene host a party and invited us."

" whoaaaa Kang !!!! Since when you know the goddess Bae joohyun???" Lisa shockingly ask.

" we met at the gym " seulgi causally said.

" So you guys up to???"

" yes"

" yeah"

" sure"

" No for me" Jisoo said.

" waeeeee unnie????" Chaeyoung whine.

" I still have a tons of work to do. " Jisoo said.

" No jam " Lisa smirk.

Jisoo ignored the girl knowing that Lisa only provoke her and she wouldn't let it get on her way.

" So who's going to be there???" Chaeyoung asked.

" idk maybe her others friends, but she said she only invited her close friends"  seulgi shrugged.

" Will jennie Kim be there????" Lisa asked excitedly.

Upon hearing the said name girl, Jisoo wided her eyes afraid that she might hear it wrong. How could Lisa know about Jennie??

" Yeah mostly because they are best friend."

" Kim jennie? The girl that look like cat????" Jisoo suddenly ask.

" yeahhh...." Seulgi look at Jisoo weirdly.

" a girl who about my height and mostly wear a hoodie. With a slightly waving hair and a plump lip ? Is jennie Kim?????" Jisoo asked once again.

" Yeahhhhh"

Jisoo slumped her body on the chair and became speechless. How could she never noticed the brunette before.

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