Chapter 4

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" So, Jisoo!!! You are going?" Seulgi ask with a smirk.

Jisoo nods trying to avoid eye contact with her best friend.

" what's make you change your mind?" Nayeon chipped in.

" Maybe have fun once in awhile?" She shrugged.

" Not because of a certain person?" Lisa wiggle her eyebrows.

Jisoo roll her eyes knowing that lisa is talking about Jennie.

" but unnie you better not cause a scene again. And don't drink too much alcohol " chaeyoung remind.

" right!!! The last time Jisoo almost broke Hanbin tooth" Lisa add.

" because he was being an asshole." Jisoo cringe.

" I mean I always wondering about that, you usually don't meddling in someone's else business unless people are in a completely danger but why would you hit Hanbin so hard that day? " nayeon voice out.

" yeah, what did he do?" Seulgi who also curious, asked.

Jisoo sighs. " actually I don't know"

" I think I was too drunk. I only remember I heard him threatening someone and I hate it which is why I punch him."

" but guess what's so funny? I don't even know I punched him until he came to school the next day with his bruises face, grabbing my collar. I had zero clue about what I was doing that night."

" Pretty bold of you Kim. We all know people don't mess with Hanbin." Seulgi slump her back on the chair while crossing her arms.

" So do you remember that person?" Chaeyoung ask.

" who?" Jisoo ask back.

" a person you protect"

" I don't know. I don't remember " Jisoo click her tongue.

Jisoo come back home feeling exhausted. She drop her bag on the ground and throw her body on her softy bed. She felt so comfy and relax and was about to fall sleep but she suddenly open her eyes. Now that she think about this, she wondering what was that person doing right now and is Hanbin still mess up with that person or not.

Jisoo shook her head and get up. She look at herself in the mirror.

" pull yourself together Kim Jisoo. " she slap her face lightly.


" Unnie should I wear this?"

Jennie show her 15 outfit to irene. The older girl yawn while take a few glance away from magazine and give a thumb up, not really pay attention to.

Jennie drop her clothes and throw it to Irene.

" what's with the behavior Kim?" Irene narrow her eyes.

" you should ask yourself. " Jennie huff and cross her arms.

" Kim JenJen, you know that whatever you wear, you gonna nail it so please stop. My eyeballs are really about to fall out." Irene spoke.

" stop being so dramatic. All you do is reading that magazine not looking at my outfit."

" you never care about what to wear before. Why bother now?"

" well... I want to look nice today. " Jennie trying to avoid eye contact and went to choose her outfit.

" Not because of Jisoo?" Irene tease.

" Why would I? She not even coming" jennie trying to play dumb.

" she come tho. She tell seulgi this morning."

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