Chapter 15

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Jisoo woke up by Jennie stirring on their bed. She yawn and check the time. It's show 10:19.

Jisoo got up and went to the restroom. She got in a shower, brushed her teeth and got dressed. Jisoo decided to wear a grey halter top with spaghetti straps, some black high waisted jeans and a white long cardigan.

Jisoo check herself on the mirror and saw Jennie still sleeping soundly. She chuckle and decide to wake Jennie up. She has plan something today.

"Hey!! wake up sleepyhead" Jisoo whisper, trying to shaking her awake. Jennie turns around, opens her eyes and looks at Jisoo.

"What?" She says in her cute groggy morning voice while rubbing her eyes.

"We are going to get meet with someone" Jisoo say.

"Really? Who is it?" Jennie says looking at the older girl.

"You have to wait and see" Jisoo say smiling.

"Ohh, I like surprises" Jennie smirks.

Jisoo giggle and take the comforter off her.

"Yes, now get up so we can have some breakfast"

Jennie stands up with a bed sheet wrapped around her waist. She walks to the bathroom and closes the door.

Jisoo let out her breathe.

" Why she has to swing her butt like this as she walk.." Jisoo say, almost lost control of herself.


After they finish their breakfast, Jisoo is driving Jennie to somewhere to meet someone she want to introduce to.

" Jisoo where are we going??" Jennie ask, as she checking her phone.

" Weren't you said you like surprise??" Jisoo replied, eyes still glue on the road.

" At least give me a clue" Jennie roll her eyes.

" You will see when you get there " Jisoo say, smiling.

" You are so full of secret" Jennie mumble.

Jisoo face drop a little bit but she smile again.

" Really? Did I ??"

" I think I tell you everything tho.."

Jennie seems to realize what she said.

" Ji.."

" I'm sorry if I make you feel like I'm keeping a secret to you but soon you will find out about this one and there will be no more secret between us." Jisoo smile as she looking at Jennie.

Jennie breathe hitched after she heard what Jisoo said.

" Yeah.."

" Good girl" Jisoo complimented.

" Why you keep saying good words to me huh?" Jennie ask, crossing her arms.

" I can't compliment my own girlfriend hoh?" Jisoo ask, take a quick glance to jennie and back to the road.

" That's strange" Jennie mumble again but this time Jisoo pretend she doesn't hear it.

They finally arrive at the destination. Jisoo quickly went to open the car door for Jennie and a younger girl frown as she step a foot outside.

" Really Jisoo? Lunch after our late breakfast?"

" Yeah. I'm hungry again." Jisoo grins.

" You have a big appetite"

" Yeah when I'm with you" jisoo causally say.

" Yah" Jennie whine.

" wae???"

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