Chapter 16

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" Jen.. "

" WHY YOU FUCKING DO THAT???" Jennie shout in tears.

" Jennie please listen to me..." Jisoo begs as her tears starts to roll down.

Jennie shook her head as she take a step back when Jisoo try to get closer.

" You know about these all along??" Jennie voice crack.

" You know about this all along but you pretend like nothing happened???"

Jisoo slightly nods as she bite her lip, trying to stop her tears.

" Since when??"

" When I went to see you in this lab room."

~~~ Flash back ~~~

Jennie finish her art class and walking around, trying to find Jisoo but she got dragged into the lab room.

" what the fuck do you think you are doing??" Jennie whisper in anger.

" Wae??? Are you scared??" Hanbin sneered.

" Didn't I warn you jennie? Did you fall for her for real? Did you forget our deal?" He grabbed Jennie's arm.

Jennie trying to get away from hanbin gripped but only to get held tighten.

" How many times do I need to tell you that I don't have any feeling for that girl???" Jennie said through her gritted teeth.

" Really? Then why didn't you tell her the truth that you use her already?"

" I went to your house to warn you already. Do you want me to tell her that??" He threatened.

" Don't you fucking dare hanbin. If she ever get hurt in any kind of way, then I should be the one who do that" Jennie pull away from hanbin grips.

" that's my girl" Hanbin raise his eyebrows.

" Now get lost." Jennie point to his chest.

" This is your last chance Jennie."

He tap her shoulder and walk passed her. Just as he step a foot outside, he saw Jisoo at the corner of the building walking away. He smirk to himself

" Perhaps Jennie doesn't need to tell that loser about the game " He laugh evilly.

~~~ End of Flash back ~~~

Jennie laugh.

" Are you crazy??"

" Yeah!! I think I'm crazy too" Jisoo smile as her eyes welling up with tears again.

" I used you Jisoo. I fucking lied to you. How can you still love someone like me??? How could you not resenting me???" Jennie whisper with her tremble voice.

" You are right!!! I know you lied to me. I'm mad, I want to resenting you for that. I want to curse at you for using me for whatever reason you have with That hanbin.."

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