Chapter 18

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" How's she doctor??" Jisoo ask.

" She is fine for now but please don't let her do things that exhausted herself more. She has very low tolerance. Let her rest and have this medicine once she wake up." Doctor park said.

" Thank you" Jisoo bow.

She walk to the door to see a doctor off.

" Who is she Jisoo ???" He ask.

Jisoo rub her hand, she doesn't know how to tell an older man.

" Is she a girl who had you went missing?" He smile.

Jisoo widen her eyes " How could you know??"

" Chaeyoung tell me. She was so worried about you"

" I'm sorry for caused trouble. But this is not her fault. I hope you don't misunderstand her like this. It's my own choice to ran away like this"

" Alright!! As long as you are not hurt. Then it's okay.  Remember call me anytime if thing get hard, okay?" He pat Jisoo shoulder.

" Thank you uncle"

" I will get going now" he wave.

Jisoo close the door and went to the kitchen to make a porridge for Jennie. She had been at Jennie's house so many time, so she familiar with that now. But oddly she never get to meet Jennie parents at all. When she ask a younger girl, Jennie would simply said they went on business trip abroad or a meeting at company.

" How could they leave their only daughter in this big house without anyone looking after her like this?" Jisoo mumble alone.

" That's mean.." Jisoo bite her lip.

Once a porridge is ready, she place it on a tray and went to Jennie room. When she open the door and enter the room, Jennie already awake and on her sitting position.

" Why are you up already?? You should rest more" Jisoo put a tray on the table went to sit on bed beside Jennie.

" How's your feel??" Jisoo lifted her hand to feel Jennie's forehead but a brunette back away.

Jisoo slowly retains her hand back and look down.

" Why are you still here?" Jennie ask in her raspy voice.

" because you still sick"

" I'm okay now. You can go"

" I'm not going anywhere until you finish this" Jisoo went to get a bowl of porridge.

" Ahhh" Jisoo scoop up.

" I'm not hungry" Jennie say tiring.

" Will you be stubborn like this huh??"

" Jisoo please" Jennie begs.

" Jennie please.."

" Please stop hurting yourself. If you ever feel bad about what happened, then at least be happy and healthy " Jisoo pleaded.

" Eat this. Have medicine. And I will leave you alone" Jisoo said.

Jennie remain silent and do as Jisoo say. Not long after, she finish her porridge and have a medicine. Jisoo put her back into a sleeping position, And pull a chair to sit beside her.

" Weren't you say that you will go?" Jennie ask, her face look so tired and pale.

" After you sleep"

" Ji.."

" please.." Jisoo say with her shaking breathe.

Jennie look away, not wanting to see Jisoo sorrowful eyes.

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