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~~~ 1 years later ~~~

Jisoo sit alone tonight, same as the night before, and the week before. Black clouds sprawl across the sky, billowing in from the west. Their brassy glare drains color from houses and trees and burnished cars in driveways, leaving neighborhoods tinted bronze in the faltering light. The air grows heavy and the humidity presses down, suffocating. The scent of rain is dark and heady. A stillness falls over the street, and in the silence comes a low crackle of thunder, rolling across rooftops to the pattering of tiny raindrops. For a moment, everything stops. Even the wind holds its breath.

Jisoo standing at her balcony, looking at a letter in her hand. She enjoy the cold breeze that ran against her skin.

" Winter will come again soon..."

" But where are you this time???" Jisoo sighs.

" What are you doing???" Lisa ask, coming  from behind.

" Just get a fresh air" Jisoo shrugged.

" Jisoo my dear, it's freaking cold here. Get inside before you get sick."

" I'm okay. Don't worry."

" Everyone is waiting. Come inside soon okay??" Lisa said, she look over to see something in Jisoo hand.

" You still read that???" Lisa raise her eyebrows.

Jisoo look at her letter and give Lisa a small smile.

" Yeah she told me to read to when I miss her"

" Unnie..." Lisa rub her forehead.

" Just let me be Lisa. I miss her so much."

" Jisoo you... " Lisa words was cut off when a door open from the inside.

" CHUUUUUU...." Jennie squealing and run to hug Jisoo right away.

" Am I dreaming????" Jisoo pull back slightly and hold Jennie's face.

" You are not. I am right here in front of you." Jennie kiss Jisoo on her cheek.

Jisoo lip curls into a smile.

" Weren't you say, you need to rehabilitate a couple more months??"

" I lied, I want to surprise you" Jennie grins.

" You naughty " Jisoo pinch Jennie's nose.

" Happy Anniversary Chu... I love you" Jennie has her arms wrap around jisoo's neck and pull an older girl close.

" Happy Anniversary baby. I love you more" Jisoo rub her nose against a brunette, making Jennie giggles.

" Just so you know I'm still here" Lisa make a sad face and shook her head.

" I miss my chipmunk. When will she get here" Lisa mumble as she leave a couple alone.

Both Jisoo and Jennie laugh at Lisa's childish behavior and turn back to look at each other.

" You still read that???" Jennie ask, as she noticed Jisoo still holding her letter in her hand.

" Uhh!! Whenever I miss you."

" That's a sad letter chu.."

" Yet it's calm my heart when I think about you."

" Because it remind of the day I almost lose you to god forever " Jisoo tighten her hug, pulling Jennie more closer.

~~~ flashback ~~~~

Jisoo woke up by a beeping sound inside the room. She slowly open up her eyes and was greet by a white ceiling. She look around not knowing where she is right now, she start to panicked when she didn't see Jennie with her.

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