Chapter 6

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" Are you in a matching store with seulgi?" Joy ask as she munching on her cucumber.

" yes"

" a very boring one" yeri add nonchalant.

Irene throw a sausage to yeri head, making a younger girl whine.

Jennie who witness all her friends childish behavior, laugh softly. She couldn't believe she had been friends them for so long, but soon her smile drop when she saw hanbin walk pass her.

" Even his present, make me wanna puke" Joy making a disgusting face.

" what were you thinking when you were dating him Jennie?" Yeri ask.

" Arranged by my parents " Jennie shrugged.

" That's the worst" Joy shake her head.

Irene didn't say anything and just looking at Jennie. A brunette really look unbother by it now. Jennie usually avoid a question about hanbin because she scared but this time is different and she was wondering why.

" Let's go back to our topic" Irene trying to change the atmosphere.

" So.. Jennie Kim, who will be your date that day?" She asked.

A blush creep on both jennie's cheeks. The older girl obviously know the answer but she just want to tease.

" Dont tell me..." Joy half scream half whisper.

" OMG, you will go on a date with Jisoo?" Yeri squealing.

" Can you guys be quiet??? Omg that's embarrassing " Jennie shush.

" Jennie Kim finally getting laid" Joy cheers

Jennie roll her eyes.

Her phone screen pop up.

" Hi!! Did you have lunch yet?" -Jichu

Jennie smile and quickly reply back.

" I'm having lunch right now with my friends"

" Owwww :( " -Jichu

" what's the matter? Why you look sad??"

" It's okay. Please enjoy" -Jichu

" emmm thank you. You too"

Jennie turn off her phone and look up only to find three pair of eyes looking at her like a hunter hungry for its prey.

" Why are you guys giving me that look?" Jennie lean back because their face are so close to her right now.

" Who's texting you?" Joy ask.

" and why are you smiling like a fool like this?" Yeri narrow her eyes.

" It's Jisoo , right?" Irene raise her eyebrows.

Jennie sighs " since when you guys caring so much about my love life?"

" ohhh it's a love life now.... Not a new friend?" Joy tease.

" it... it's..." Jennie stutter, palming herself for a slip of tongue.

" It's okay jennie. Even if we never talk to her but I can smell a good energy from that Jisoo girl." Yeri quote.

Irene slap the back of Yeri head making her full face fall on the table.

" It's Jisoo unnie. Even if we study on the same year, she's still older than you" Irene nag.

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