Chapter 11

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Everything feel like a dream. Up until now, Jennie still in dazed. From the text she read, the way she bawled her eyes out to Jisoo, when she kissed the older girl, and now that she was in Jisoo strong arms. It doesn't feel real at all.

Jennie snuggles into Jisoo chest and inhale the sweet scent. They had been cuddled like this since the make out session. And Jennie couldn't get enough of it. She wish time would stop just here, right here, with Kim Jisoo wrapped arms around her tightly like this.

The older girl keep kissing Jennie temper and whisper sweet things which make Jennie felt a lump on her throat again. Not that she feel sad about this but overwhelmed. She never received such a care like this before and she's wondering if she deserve any of this.

" Jen.." Jisoo called out.

" Hmm?" Jennie hummed.

" May I know what happened to you?"

" Uhh.."

" It's okay if you are not comfortable with it" Jisoo tighten her hug.

" It's not like this chu.." jennie look up.

Jennie heart break she saw Jisoo sorrowful eyes, no perhaps her heart already broken.

" one day chu.. one day I will tell you everything." She caressing jisoo's cheek.

Jisoo nods as she lean on Jennie's soft hand.

" Do you wanna go on a trip this weekend?" Jisoo suggested.

" Trip??" Jennie tilted her head.

" Yeah!! Lisa and chaeyoung usually hang out at my beach house. Do you wanna go?"

" Maybe to loosen up (?) "

" You can call your others friend too"

Jennie smile and nods.

" Okay I will tell the girls about this."

" Wait!! Seulgi will be there too?" Jennie ask.

" Probably yes(?), Why??"Jisoo ask.

" Irene unnie probably not going then" Jennie pouts.

" Why?" She frowned.

" I don't know but she always look upset when I mention about seulgi" Jennie shrugged.

" Right!!! Seul said that Irene had been avoiding her lately" Jisoo slap her thigh in realization.

" Maybe we should use this opportunity to make them confront??" Jennie suggest.

" Sound like a good idea" Jisoo grins.

" But will she convince that seulgi will not go? She's a smart ass you know"

" Don't worried honey. I have my way" Jennie wink.

" Honey??" Jisoo raise her eyebrows.

" Uhhhh" Jennie clear her throat.

" Cam you say that one more time??" Jisoo grins.

" it's just a sarcasm Jisoo" Jennie roll her eyes.

" Please...." Jisoo pouts cutely.

" Nope" Jennie cross her arms, quite enjoy the cuteness from Jisoo.

" If not I will trickle until you pass out" Jisoo threatens.

" Don't Jisoo. I warn you"

jennie move away but Jisoo is faster. She start trickling a brunette, making Jennie laugh out loud.

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