Chapter 10

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" So you and Jennie are a thing now?" Nayeon ask.

" Yeah" Jisoo smile.

" that's fast" seulgi smirk.

" That's not fast Seul Bear" Lisa said pointing pepero stick to her friends.

" You wouldn't believe me if tell yo...."

Chaeyoung quickly cover Lisa's mouth. She knows that Lisa gonna throw Jennie and Jisoo privacy on the table and she sure that Jisoo gonna kill Lisa for that, which is why she prevent it from happen.

" Tell what?" Nayeon frowned.

" Noo, nothing " chaeyoung grins.

" You guys are weird "

All of them busy chattering and bickering, but Jisoo is now pouting looking at her phone. She had text Jennie this morning to have lunch together but a younger girl not respond to it yet.

" Seul!! Did you see Irene?" Jisoo ask.

" No.!!! I haven't see her around lately " seulgi sadly said.

Irene has been avoiding seulgi for awhile now and seulgi doesn't know why.

" Strange!!! Don't you think they act strange after the event?" Nayeon spoke.

Seulgi nods, follow with Jisoo.

" Irene really avoid me these days and I don't know why"

" Did you guys see Jennie this morning?" Jisoo ask.

All of them shake their head. Jisoo sighs and drop her head on the table.


Jennie's eyes closed tightly as she struggled painfully in her dream.


The crisp sound of shattering porcelain broke the silence of the night, making her suddenly open her eyes and wake up from her nightmare about something that had happened a few months ago.

She woke up and sit straight wiping the remain sweat on her forehead off. With a bouncing heart, Jennie glance to the table side watch and it show 5 in the morning.

Knowing that the school will start soon, so she decided to get up and have a cold shower. Jennie look at her reflection in the mirror and cringe, she somehow felt disgusting to herself. She tried to shake the bad feeling off and step a foot into a shower.

Jennie trying to scrub her skin off until it turn terrible red but she doesn't care even if it bleed because to her, she just want to rip of all the dirt that kept hunting her until now.

She know she can't go to school with this look on her face. A knock on the door , woke her up from her thought.

" come in" she said.

" Aren't you going to school today?" Jennie's mom ask.

" No, I'm not feeling well today." She spoke, sound as cold as ice. People who don't know them might think it's just a conversation between two stranger.

" Okay" Her mom shrugged.

" I have a meeting and your dad went to a business trip last night. I will come home late. Bye " and with that, the door shut, leaving her with nothing again.

Jennie scoff, why would she even bother to tell her about this? It's not like she care about her.

Jennie could pass out on the street and her parent would choose company over her anyway. It has always been like this, ever since she was born.

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