Chapter 7

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A day that everyone is eager for it to come, it's finally here. A foundation day that held on this winter season that Jisoo hate the most finally come. She was wondering what's so fun about hanging out in this freezing weather.

Jisoo grumpy put down the books and rearranging it. Her finger felt like it's going to break soon because it's so freaking cold right now.

" Stupid school. I should have never volunteered to do it since the first place." she mumble alone.

" Are you regretting now?" A voice came behind her.

Jisoo turn her head to see her used to be crush, coming carrying a whole bunch of stuff. She went to help a blonde.

" Nah. "

" and why would you mumble alone like this??" Soojoo said looking at her.

" out of habit." Jisoo sneers.

" Nayeon store looks fun tho. You should have join her" soojoo suggest.

" Sorry but I prefer here" she click her tongue.

" Good to hear that!!!" A blonde flashing a smile.

Usually Jisoo heart would melt but somehow she doesn't have any reaction at all.

" Jisoo ahhh!!"

Soojoo suddenly call.

" yes??"

" Do you happen ...." Soojoo ask hesitated.

" yeah?"

" Do you happen to have a date today?"

" Nope" Jisoo said.

" Good." Soojoo grin.


Jennie walking around doesn't know what to do. She had texted Jisoo to come and meet her at the garden today. She wanted to give the older girl something but she still haven't got a reply yet. Maybe Jisoo is busy right now and she doesn't want to appear needy.

Jennie decided to just take a sneak peek. She walk toward the book store and she saw Jisoo is talking to someone which she isn't familiar with.

" who is it???" She said to herself as she take a few step closer.

Jennie doesn't want to eavesdropping them but her curious make her do it. She stand nearby the store and listen to their conversation.

" Jisoo ahhh!!"

She heard a blonde girl called.

" yes??" Jisoo answering.

" Do you happen ...."

" yeah?"

" Do you happen to have a date today?"

" Nope" Jisoo said.

Jennie heart sunk by what Jisoo said. She quickly walk away from the scene not wanting to hear more.

She tried to blink the tears away a few time. She thought Jisoo meant what she asked her that night. The fact that it's hurt so much is that Jisoo answer without any hesitation.

" Fool you for thinking she like you too..." Jennie laugh it off.


" Good" soojoo grins.

" Just kidding. I have my date already" Jisoo wink.

" Really??" Soojoo wided her eyes.

" yeah." Jisoo look at her.

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