Chapter 13

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After a winter break, everyone get back on a normal stressing day. Unlike Irene and seulgi that became an official couple like Jisoo and Jennie, chaeyoung had question herself what did she do to make lisa feel so distant toward her like this. Even when they come back from the trip, lisa refused to sit next to her. It would be a lie if she said that it didn't hurt but she believes that lisa probably have a reason for that and she looking for a chance to ask for it.

However every time she tried to get into a topic, lisa always mention that she's busy with stuff. They always have a Friday night policy which they always have to sleep over, but these days lisa always tell that she couldn't make it.

" What's wrong with lisa these days?" Joy ask.

" What do you mean?" Nayeon ask back.

" I mean, she usually clingy to chaeyoung, but now I noticed that she's avoiding the blonde "

" I noticed it too" Jisoo suddenly join a conversation.

" Do you know anything?" She ask Nayeon.

" I have no idea" Nayeon shook her head.

" Maybe she's going through puberty???" Yeri shrugged.

" Where's chaeyoung and Jennie tho?" Irene ask.

" I saw chaeyoung in the library and Jennie I don't know" seulgi reply.

" Jisoo?" Irene look at Jisoo.

" Huh??"

" I don't know too, she doesn't respond to my text"

" She must be busy preparing for final. You know this is our last year .." Jisoo smile.

" Way to tell yourself after getting ignored by your girlfriend" Yeri said.

Joy nudge Yeri on the rib to shut up, making a younger girl whine.

Meanwhile Jisoo just smile, she texts Jennie this morning but seems like a younger girl is busy. She doesn't want to bother with so much call and text which is why she wait for her.

" by the way I haven't seen hanbin around lately" Joy suddenly say.

" Now that's you say it. Maybe he doesn't bother Jennie anymore because he knows Jisoo will beats him up" Yeri said.

Jisoo ears perked up once she heard a name.

" What's hanbin to Jennie??" Jisoo ask, looking serious.

Yeri and Joy looking at each other, forgetting about Jisoo present. They look over Irene asking for help.

" Is there anything I couldn't know???" Jisoo ask again.

" It's not like that. It's just that Jennie doesn't like it" Irene spoke.

" and why is that??? I am her girlfriend but seems like I know nothing about her" Jisoo getting furious.

" Jisoo, You know she likes you. Can't you wait for her??" Irene sound pissed.

Jisoo scoff and getting up from her seat.

" jisoo ahhh" seulgi trying to grab her friend hand but Jisoo shake it off.

" Irene , would you cut her of slack?? She's very edgy right now."

" and you think my friend isn't?"

" Jennie has been ignoring her. What do you expect? Of course she would feel insecure"

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