Chapter 1

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Anti's pov

I saw chase standing over Seáns hospital bed, Seán has been in a coma for about a week now. "Jack, Jack! This is Chase.....You need to wake up." I giggled slightly and I saw him freeze up, he slowly turned around to face me, fear sketched on his face. "I can wake him up....for a price." He started shaking a little, "W what's the c catch Anti?" I smiled wickedly at him. "You become one of my puppets."

He thought about it for a couple minutes, I started feeling really dizzy and passed out. I soon started hearing a steady beeping, I tried to open my eyes but there was a blinding light. I slowly opened my eyes and heard a gasp next to me. "Oh thank god you're awake."

I heard a heavy German accented voice say. "What happened?" I paused as soon as I voice isn't glitchy like it usually is, I looked around and saw that I was in Henrik's little hospital clinic that he has set up in the basement.

"Seá've been in a coma..." I looked at him... why did he call me Seán? I saw a mirror hanging on the wall and looked over at it, I inspected myself and noticed that my eyes were blue now, and my hair was a brown color instead of the electric green it usually is.

I also had no neck scar, that's when I realized....I'm in Seán's body. I internally smiled to myself, suddenly Henrik's door busts open and Chase ran in. "Doc!! Anti's trying to manipulate me into thinking that he's Seán!!"

Chase looked at me and sighed in relief, "He He finally woke up..." Pretty soon I saw myself rush into the room "Chase wait!" He shouted, Chase hid behind Henrik, pretty soon all the others were in here as well, Seán saw me and growled.

"Y̸̛̦͂O̵̡̽́Ǘ̷̘͇.̸̗̗̐͑ ̵͈́͘W̴̜̅H̸͔̐̇Ả̷̛̱T̷̼͊̐ ̸̡̬̒̚Ḑ̶͙̊Ị̷̛̖͝D̶̯̾ ̴̧͓̈Y̵͙̠͊O̸̹͉̓Û̶̹̂ ̷̲̻̚D̵̜̯̐O̴̡͍͆!̸̣͆!̶͎͊!̶̟͈͊" He went to rush at me but Jackie pushed him up against the wall and growled at him, "You aren't going to touch him Anti!!" He tried to get Jackie off of him which resulted in him being pushed to the floor and held there, Jackie suddenly looked at me....

"What do you want to do to this little bastard Seán?" He tried talking but got slapped across the face, I suddenly thought of an idea that would get rid of him for at least a couple days...."Send him to the void..." Seán's eyes widened as Marvin started up the spell to send him, he tried to get out of Jackie's grasp but failed. "WAIT!-" And just like that....he was gone. 

Seán's pov

I woke up on the floor I looked around and saw Chase looking at me fearfully.... "Chase?" I paused.....why did my voice sound glitchy?! I felt something wet on my neck and touched it, realizing it was blood.....oh my no! This can't be happening!!! Why am I in Anti's body?! "Chase, I know this looks bad but it's me Seán...." He ran out of the room, I quickly got up and ran after him.

He went into Henrik's office I ran through the doorway, "Chase wait!" Pretty soon the others came in as well, hopefully I can convince them, I was looking around when I saw myself sitting up in a hospital bed.

Anger coursed through my body as I knew he had something to do with this, I growled at Anti "Y̸̛̦͂O̵̡̽́Ǘ̷̘͇.̸̗̗̐͑ ̵͈́͘W̴̜̅H̸͔̐̇Ả̷̛̱T̷̼͊̐ ̸̡̬̒̚Ḑ̶͙̊Ị̷̛̖͝D̶̯̾ ̴̧͓̈Y̵͙̠͊O̸̹͉̓Û̶̹̂ ̷̲̻̚D̵̜̯̐O̴̡͍͆!̸̣͆!̶͎͊!̶̟͈͊" I don't know where this sudden rage came from, I felt myself glitching out as I ran at him, the glitching was painful, but I was pushed up against a wall thanks to Jackie.

It was like my rage was controlling me, as I tried to push Jackie off of me, it didn't work as I was thrown to the ground and held there. Jackie asked Anti what he wanted done with me, "Send him to the void..." My eyes widened with terror as I saw Marvin readying a spell I started struggling to get out of Jackie's grasp not knowing how to use Anti's powers yet.

I saw Marvin pointing his wand at me as the tip glowed white "WAIT-" I closed my eyes as a white flash filled my vision, I opened my eyes but didn't see anything. It was pitch black I couldn't tell if I was floating in the air or sitting on the ground, I started crying for a while before I decided to try and learn how to use Anti's powers now.

Anti's pov

Henrik said I should get some rest so I closed my eyes and went to sleep

- Dream -

I was out in the middle of the woods for some reason when suddenly the sky starts to darken and the wind picked up. I started feeling my chest tightening, was I dying? I heard this creepy laugh that sounded too much like mine, that tightening grew ten times and I looked around for the source. Suddenly two toxic green eyes appeared in the distance, they started getting closer and closer.

I saw myself slowly come out of the shadows, He smirked at me and I got this chilling feeling through my body that I would usually love, but not so much right now though. "H̸e̶l̸l̵o̵ ̷j̷a̸c̴k̴" I froze as I realized that this isn't Seán messing with my dream, this is bad....I backed away from myself. I forced myself to wake up before anything else happened.

- End of dream -

Pretty soon I found myself walking around the house not sure of what to do, when I was called into the kitchen. I walked in and there was a huge meal on the table. "Uhh, Whats this for?" "Dude, seriously?! You finally woke up from your coma, we're celebrating!"

Chase had said. "Yeah not only that, but the glitch bitch should be gone for a few days!" Jackie added and everyone nodded, oh if only they knew who they were talking to. I sat down and we ate as I started brainstorming ideas of how to hurt them....       

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